What went so, so right ?

What went so, so right ?

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Not much, because Sup Forums refuses to respectfully discuss this game.

It's either memes about Ubisoft Towers or little sensitive bitchboy Sup Forumslacks trying to raise shit about a perceived political agenda.

Nothing, because its not on pc

the T rating because it's for underages

Loved this game. Aloy was a little plain at first, but the world is so good and immersive, and gameplay so fun, I ended up growing more and more fond of Aloy.

'Tis a great game.

I was immediately turned off the second it was no longer just a MH clone.

Great game. Best waifu. Sup Forums will shit on it eternal however.

robodino designs

I really wish they had gone all in on giant monster hunting instead of focusing so heavily on story and ubisoft-tier open world

That is why we can't have nice things

that's a man, babe

I would've played it if aloy was a cute grill

Ya momma

Thankfully there are still decent people in the Netherlands that know how to make video games

I have been playing this and metal gear 5 back to back. I wish it had to some cues from that game like being able to tell your mount what to do, human partners, and being able to do more with stealth. Also the stealth and combat against humans should have let you use you bare hands and more melee weapons.

how many times did you convert Assassin's Creed™: Origins screenshots to jpg?

I captured in 1080p like the others on the right
Except a couple of Horizon shots were taken at 720p, same compression as AC:Origins

Never heard of this game before.


+second half of the main quest is interesting
+battling robots is fun (unlike battling humans)
+graphix and visual design are superb

Ever consider that you went wrong?

The new DLC has a skill tree that's focused on mounts. Stuff like looting while astride your robot, or doing a special leaping attack by jumping off your mount.

I wanna post some of 4K shots here but they're like 12+ megabytes at the least.

It was a solid game that looks great for its hardwAre. Maybe the devs played some aspects a bit too safe but whatever.

Ninteniggers tried hard to complain about it on Sup Forums and that's about it.

I don't know what else is there to say about this.

I do think the "analysts" who think think will be the new Uncharted are a bit too optimistic though.


robit fightan
>what went wrong?
everything else

Robosaurs and nothing else.

>b...b..but nintendo




>being this assblasted

Pretty much everything except fighting human npc's.

Can't wait for the treasure grove of new shit that's coming with the DLC.

>getting mad about a piece of datapoint collectible
>ignoring the fact that a white bitch is the savior of several tribes of darkies
>ignoring the fact that the one tribe ran by women is also the most backwards and poverty stricken tribe
>ignoring the closest thing to a love interest to the white protagonist is also a white man

Really tickles the cranium

>obviously upset
>n-no you're the upset one


I'm like 5 hours in and I'm surprised. I just hope the gameplay doesn't get stale too soon.

i'm sorry but sony still win, even at lowe resolution

Can you explain in what way that's serving or furthering any sort of agenda? In the future, we will only have to deal with even MORE refugee situations. This isn't a shock.

What's more is they depict the climate refugee crisis as being incredibly shitty and unpleasant for all involved. If it was an agenda, it would mention it more than once and it would talk about how the America entered a new golden age with the support of new refugees. But it doesn't. It mentions it ONCE as a piece of world building.

What I find funniest is that HZD depicts a Matriarchal culture being a total shitshow. Like they're primitive idiots without any technology or development and are seen as such by the much superior patriarchal tribes who build cities and invent machines. They worship a verbal interface for an underground facility with a female voice as a Goddess like a bunch of idiots. They treat the protagonist like garbage because she doesn't have a mother.
Does Sup Forums care? Fuck no! There's shitposting to be done about a single text document! Trust Sup Forums filth to miss the forest for the trees though

very cool

Wait for The Frozen Wilds, you WE WUZ niggers are going to cry with the new machines and the snow mechanics.
Horizon is so shat in Sup Forums and still is nice, lmao.

>Empty open-world
>Magical sense
>Tps mechanics and casual cqc
>Fucking bow
>Crafting for dummies
>Terrible animation
>Shit story
>Dialogue wheel lmao
Nothing went right.

>What I find funniest is that HZD depicts a Matriarchal culture being a total shitshow
Deep down it's an anti-feminist game
It shows true nature of women and how they are incapable of maintaining social stability

The game did a good job in preparing sequel hooks but now I'm afraid that they botch it as well as ignore the issues with the Ubisoft formula.

No one wants to collect twenty thousand pointless pots, if you need achievement to justify the collectibles you've done something wrong. Give more story quests with consequences and force the player to take sides.

Not the facial animations that's for sure.

The combat, the animations, the adrenaline when fighting two thunderjaws or rockbreakers or corruptors at the same time, Humanity's downfall, Hades. That one mission where you meet Hades and have to make a mad dash for the exit. The cauldrons.

Also after playing and paying attention to the phoned in story I can say I was invested in Aloy's character. Only reason why people brand this as an SJW game is because they've never heard of a Matriarchy before and "muh strong female" scares them. :V

Man I hate this anime filled cesspool.

>ugly sjw character that no one cares about
>retarded leftist propaganda in story and lore
>shit gameplay
>shallow as fuck world interaction
>zero replayability
>awful characters and writing

it's shit

it's a pathetic dig at "le ebil racist right wingers". the "Nigel" character here is an analog for Nigel Farage in real life British politics. it's just pathetic how it paints rightists as le mean racist supervillains.

White ethnostates are going to start popping up soon.

>zero replayability
user, what is NG+?

to be fair, NG+ was something they patched into it.

>being an eurocuck
>thinks people care about his opinion


Here's a good one.

and still gave a shitload more hours to the game, and admit it, Ultrahard in NG+ is fun

>implying anyone would want to trudge through the dull story and endless collectathon garbage in NG+

>implying i'm yuropoor

>implying everyone just plays a game once.
Makes me wonder how retarded you truly are.

maybe people on neogaf would play through HZD twice

Ponies being so thirsty for a game that they'll snap up any mediocre thing.

gorgeous world, beautifly crafted. Great ranged combat, nice OST, robot dinosaurs. 9/10. Its honestly a shame that this place is a cancerous echo chamber. I'm sure some people will avoid this game purely because of shitposting by people who have never played it being taken seriously but its their loss. It sold very well, was met with universal acclaim and a sequel is on the way. Pretty excited, I had very low expectations for the game, almost didnt pick it up because of maymays but I eventually bought a PS4 and thought "why not"

me too fellow sony marketer

5 days for The Frozen Wilds.
I'm so hyped, lmao.

>giving a shit about British people at all
>not eurocuck

nice try nigel

>t. darkie

I think its time you put away the tin foil hat. I don't believe you've even played the game, you only played the memes that is Sup Forums

5 days? damn, I'm still playing Odyssey. I'll definitely be picking it up when I'm done though

man you got BTFo

Afaik the new machines fukken use the Snow like it's fucking water so they hide and attack from below you now.
Like wtf.

.... nigga what?

>cant interpret basic 4channarian post language


the visuals
thats it

I couldn't get into it

Making a tps where you only use bows is retarded. I know other weapons exist but they're so outclassed by bows it doesn't matter. Mechanics feel wonky too

What the fucking actual fuck!?


chill my "niggas" you'll get used to this site just lurk for a few years before posting

Kid, I've been here since 2k9 and no one would ever fucking say 4channarian.
Holy fuck what an absolute retard.

>i've been here since 2009

What do you really expect from frogposters that have to change the subject because they can't into arguments

The Lack of any unique or memorable sequences throughout the game really held it back. It was basically just a graphical showcase with some boring-ass tomb raider gameplay

See? This is why nobody will take you seriously now.
Frogposter shitposting to derail a thread.
Well done, user, and now go back to Sup Forums or god forbid /r9k/

there was a strawpoll going around showing how Sup Forums is a pro Sup Forums board, didn't you see it?

I hope TFW isn't that shitty storywise tbfh, they have potential with Hades/Sylens and Hephaestus.


seriously? Thats pretty cool. Haven't seen any of the new dinobots, hope there's a decent amount, I felt there weren't enough types in the base game. Gonna go check the trailer now, happy hunting, user!

>taking strawpolls seriously

Just because 66% is pro Sup Forums doesn't mean anything. It just means Sup Forums got to the strawpoll.


prove it was tampered with by pol. it was posted like 2 times on there and they ignored it every time.

This. I'm hoping for a sequel that takes more inspiration from MH's gameplay at surface level plus a character creator instead of Aloy(she can stay as an NPC).
Really sad to hear that melee combat is atrocious in this game.

Already made FOUR votes from the same IP.
Holy shit you can't take strawpolls like they're legit.

Nothing. Only neofag refugees keep talking about it. We hadn't had a single ZeldaKiller thread in months then bam! Daily threads since last week.

you can't vote from the same ip retard

I still have to pick up this game.
Is it like a Zelda or a Skyrim

Ugly little boy needs a haircut.

>Not having proxies one click away.
Meh why do I even bother.

>proxies = voting with the same IP
what a fucking mongoloid. the face of anti/pol/ LOL

>implying everyone just plays a game once.
But that's the point, games like this are only worth playing once because they rely almost entirely on visuals and story, not gameplay, to keep your attention.

So once you've seen all the pretty vistas and know the story, there's little to come back to. Same reason games like Uncharted or the new Tomb Raider lack replay value, the gameplay is an afterthought while the story and visuals get the bulk of attention during development.

>Newspaper blurb presented without context is political
>Mario and Link being able to dress as women and also featuring gay and trans characters isn't


Yeah have fun of my fail in my speech.

Still don't understand not having her barefoot at all. Eve Ashly is a huge footfag

No, Zelda has a very interactive world with lots of systems and actual physics tied to everything and Skyrim is a very shallow RPG.

>Prove to me that this STRAWPOLL was tampered with
>It was posted like 2 times on there and they ignored it every time.
There are always 20 times more lurkers than posters. And even then... you just fucking proved it you fucking retard.

>Very interactive world where all you can do is climb cliffs, kill goblins with breakable weapons, and find your Nth Korok seed

Dank. Literally less content than Assassin's Creed.

i've seen it posted over the last few days and it's gone up by at least 1000 votes. it was never posted on Sup Forums in this time period.

ah, argument by subtraction, I love it