Start a game

>start a game
>v points out a flaw
>can't enjoy it anymore
fuck yall


I can't enjoy Fallout 4 anymore.

No game is perfect.

How could you enjoy it to begin with?

>bored, shitposting on Sup Forums
>some retard actually takes shitpost seriously and can't enjoy game anymore

We did it again Sup Forums

>frogposters need Sup Forums to tell them if a game is bad

this one baffles me. FO4 with mods is enjoyable as fuck. Sup Forums really just can't be happy

>He never played sherk 2 on the gamecube

it's more like when you meet someone and have no strong opinion for a while then your friend says something bad about them or something they do and you don't look at them the same after

2009 called. They want their Shrek meme back.

Good, frogposters deserve a bullet in their skull and nothing else


>one greentext
grow up

>it's good but you just have to install a billion mods

it's a good base game/world to use mods, yes. If you paid $60 and bought it before there were available mods you're retarded. Well worth the $20 or whatever I paid for it this summer for the survival and crafting

neck yourself user you cant just do it to me like that

That's why you should finish a game through to completion before you read anyone else's opinion on it.

>in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than the criticism designating it so

I find it hard to enjoy the mario galaxy games and sunshine now yhanks to Sup Forums

this desu senpai-tachi

>start a game
>v points a flaw
>realize they are just being autistic and it is not even close to being annoying
>proceeda to enjoy the game because i'm not a sheep

Who are you quoting?

user, Sup Forums lies about the games they play. They post about how Assassin's Creed is terrible and Call of Duty is the worse thing ever and Sony's interactive movies are cancer and all that but everyone here is playing those games anyway. They just won't admit it or they won't admit to enjoying them.

Not even then
Unlike Skyrim or something there just isn't you can do to make this game playable

Fallout 4 with mods is a shitty Stalker clone. You can't mod out the terrible worldbuilding, story, characterization, and dialogue.

Sup Forums has absolutely terrible opinions though

you cant shoot off any car mirrors in any game fucking ever.

gta5? i'd be seriously surprised if you couldn't.

>Sup Forums points out an extremely minor subjective gripe with a game
>acts like 0/10 preorder cancelled blunder of the century
>people actually take that shit seriously


this tbqh, Sup Forums will hyperbole and meme to death and if you can't tell the difference and still know your own tastes in vidya you should honestly seek a cliff.