Defend this

defend this

Other urls found in this thread:

nintendo bonus

>give the game a normal review in clear violation of the Nintendo Bonus Act
>Nintendo ruthlessly cuts off your company from any future previews interviews, demos and so on thus drastically cutting your site traffic as nintendo fans look elsewhere for news and previews

subtract the 20 point nintendo bonus and hat in time comes out on top
subtract the .5 nintendard user bonus and hat in time comes out on top again

Are you familiar with the concept of bribery, OP?

Mario is a bigger grander game with more player agency, development police, and splendid visual effects/animations.


You lose, Hatpedos

aHiT feels unfinished. it is charming though. needs more worlds.

How many comment ITT will involve "nintendo paid for it" or "nintendo gets bonus scores for being nintendo"?

All of them?

Absolutely assblasted.

a hat in time didn't have 100+ million dollars for marketing and gifts

Let see
-10 nintendo bonus
-10 mario bonus
that give us a total of 77 points and a personal one -10 for being a nu-nintendo game

Mario is better. Whodda fucking thunk it?

Le Nintendo bonus XD

Sup Forums is so fucking ass ravaged that their only way of dealing with the humiliation is to invent ridiculous, insane conspiracy theories rather than just admit Nintendo are good at making games.

You're just pissing on Hat in Time's corpse at this point. Nobody genuinely talks about it here anymore, there's no point to doing this.

>being this new


i love mario, but we all know nintendo bonus is a thing

Holy shit fuck off


Who is behind this post?

i don't give a fuck about sony and their cinematic experience "games" friendo

its common knowledge that Odyssey scored high literally just because "ITS A MARIO GAME!"


Into that trash.

This. The people with the Mario and Zelda tattoos give it a 10/10.

Mario is a better game.

AHiT isn't on PS4 yet. It's assblasted PCfags mad that their game sucks.

Maybe because Hat in Time is a mediocre platformer with shit level design, that looks hastily glued together, and people only like it because "MUH LOLI GIRL"

Defend this.

Can’t we just be happy for both the devs of AHiT for making a good game that people like and also be happy for the people that finally get to play a 3D exploration Mario game?

You’ve asked this a million times and the answer is clearly no. How about not feedin the garbage threads?


Socially unacceptable to dislike Mario


>you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain

The sad part is I haven’t even caught all of these spam flamewar threads

>literally admitting to samefagging

Probably Nintendo bonus (maybe more like AAA bonus, it feels like every AAA game gets good scores), but also the visuals and graphics of A Hat in Time aren't really good (which is obviously understandable, they had a low budget), and it affects a lot the reception.

real score=nintendo score-2

remember this always.

also userscores are what matters.

Very weak point as I am just showing what these threads are when I see them

you'd think this would've gotten annoying by now but it really hasn't

I'll give you credit, I've never seen anyone put so much effort into falling for a blatant falseflag before.

M-maybe they just saw the image and saved it cause they like it ...

I'm the one saying it's falseflagging

these are literally nonstop spammed by the butthurt pedo OP who hates that mario is not on /vg/

>defend this

"It's a Loli" isn't worth 30 extra points.

Okay, so we've established then that you don't know what falseflagging is.

"It's an Italian plumber" is?

hat in time is an unfinished and rushed product.

honestly it's over rated in that image and should be a 65ish at best

No but "It's a beloved character thats been around since video games have existed" is. Mario is literally more popular than mickey mouse.

I like hat in time, but is not that good. Graphics looks odd, Hat kid 3d model is ugly. The game is short.
Still an impressive indie game.

It's not getting extra points. It's legitimately that good. You're just an assblasted pedo.

yeah the dev is associated with the spammed falsefag threads
it is very probably falseflagging
>1. Trying to discredit a political group or movement by pretending to be a member of it online while posting ignorant or offensive comments.
in case you didn't realize that OP clearly wants ahit to be hated

Mario was the better game unless you are a pedophile

Nintenbro manchildren will eat up anything that company spews out

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>OWNING A SWITCH

...Are you insinuating that the developer of A Hat in Time wants Sup Forums to hate his own game?

is a hat in reddit the most transparently shilled game in Sup Forums history?

>Nintenbro manchildren

Pony detected.

no but the OP does
see it's literally nonstop of this

why would the dev fuck his own game up this badly?


Based Tony wins again, Nintendies btfo

Then why the fuck are you calling it shilling when you know exactly what OP is trying to do? And for that matter, why have you made the fanbase your sworn enemy anyway DESPITE full well knowing this?

because he might as well go fuck himself

in reality he's pretending to be a shill

Not going to argue. Tony Hawk deserves that 98.

Just wait til' nintendo make their own skater game, Tony.

i can't
nintendo games are overrated as fuck

If there is no Nintendo Bonus explain Skyward Sword

Did it happen again?