>First game is 8/10
>Sequel is 3/10
What's her name? not dark souls
First game is 8/10
Other urls found in this thread:
Assassins Creed
Dark Souls
both are cute
women shouldn't be allowed to have hair past their shoulders desu
What? 2 was better than the original in every way.
Far Cry.
why did she changed bros?
Other then the shitty stealth system, yeah this is right
This tbqh senpai
Far Cry 2 was actually fun tho. It's FC3 and up where everything went to shit.
Far Cry 3 was better than 2 in literally every way.
>dyke whore
But she got more attractive?
devil may cry
Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War
>inb4 bethesdrone
Team Fortress 2
..said Sup Forums
1 was tiring and plodding but 2 was a blunder. I just want to assassinate dudes, none of this da Vinci Borgia city development shit
the big parkour challenge places were pretty tight tho
>fallout 2
boi u be crazy
>he doesn't like girls with short hair
Dragon Age. 3/10 for DA2 is generous.
ear gauges = automatic 0/10
She's showing signs of marxist indoctrination in college.
>friend taking picture
>alone taking selfies
3/10 might be too high DMC2
>memes are a good portion of the game
>writing is variable
>main bad guys are unjustifiably evil
>art design ruined by modern guns (why create new unique weapons when you can just plop irl weapons in?)
>idolized gameplay inprovements are just spice of life fixes that make it easier to do things
I mean, I love the series (except 4 that shit's a tumor), NV is my favorite game of all time, but 2 is pretty shit compared to 1. However, I still like it.
Destroy All Humans. Everything past the original is inferior in every way.
I didn't see the gauges, you're correct
Is there such thing as hair that's too short?
This is beyond retarded.
The Evil Within
Hotline Miami
By the way folks. It gets worse. She lost her eye at some protest due a rubber bullet or something. That's what universities does to girls. Turn her into ugly leftards.
3D aged badly, but it's still an important milestone for first-person shooters.
HM2 was better than HM1 in so many ways.
Dark Souls
She is better in 2014.
Deus Ex
get out
Final Fantasy
Dark Souls 2, of course.
Dark Souls 3 was a mistake.
>not dark souls
You're right, Dark Souls 2 hardly qualifies for even a 3/10.
Short hair is fine, it's the stupid dyke way she styled it.
The problem is the plugs. Fucking degenerate. Short hair is hot
Women's hair should be able to hide their breasts.
Dawn of War
Close, DMC1 is actually 10/10 while DMC2 is 2/10 at best.
Who said she changed? One is a night out the other is just a random everyday picture. I'm a permavirgin and even I know that.
You're also a blind retard so there's that.
not video games
>That's what universities does to girls. Turn her into ugly leftards.
It also teaches them how to properly construct sentences. Which is something that would benefit you.
Wolfenstein New Order and New Colossus
before college/after college
small tiddies aren't vidya either
I would wife the hell out of that dyke.