its shit
Its shit
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its only twist was fucking shamylan tier and was so predictable that it made me want to stop playing right fucking then
OP I hope you enjoy living the rest of your life having abysmal taste. It was a ridiculous amount of fun.
I will not be returning to this shithole of a thread. Reply to me all you want, you're a retarded faggot.
dasfdf.gfgf...............NOT A GARGUMENT...............
Porky did many things wrong.
>muhbad taste
assmad motherfag detected
well I liked it.
>calling it a twist when the entire game makes extremely sure that you know that it's coming
Sup Forums really is this dumb
I've heard people whine about lag in emulators. Does this also happen in 3ds injection? I'd assume no because it's running the hardware
>T-they intended it to be shit
The state of the Mother 3 Defense Force
>13 replies
>11 posters
>transparent OP samefagging here and
Nice thread, good job my man
Now music
I wish they had all the tracks in Mother 3i
>tfw we'll never know what the original final boss would have been like.
Maybe it's for the best though.
Isn't it in the games files and you can see it on Youtube? I could swear I've seen a video of it.
Yeah but they never made any special dialogue for it and we don't know the full context.
There's the creepy background image, the flashback cut-scenes, and the unused music, but we don't know for sure how it all fits together.