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Video Games #3956
Video Games
Weez was CO's an shit
What is the "Africa" of video games?
Humanity builds androids to fight for them
Tfw no qt French gf
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Bloodborne 2
Are you enjoying literature Sup Forums?
Hey Virgins
This is sweden healer
19% of the Horde play Blood Elf
We're not done yet, Elex thread
Fun fact PSN has made more than Entire Nintendo this year
Normal user: This is the psx as seen in this picture
Ganking is too triggering -- Blizz coddles snowflakes
Why are Japanese composers so good at making video game music?
Game reviews
Evil character is white
Win in a game
New Mario Odyssey discussion thread because Wynaut
It is actually pretty good. Better than BF I dare say. Why is Sup Forums such a lying propaganda machine these days?
What are some games that showed great potential...
Why did the institute make super mutants?
Was this the thing that tipped normal fags to fall for the Monster Hunter World meme?
Spinoff game when?
No Warcraft IIII announcement
Games that Sup Forums would like if not for the Sup Forums invasion
If you kill him you'll be just like him
If i want to fug this does it make me a furry
Why didn't anyone tell me this was the best FF?
ITT: We predict how blizzard are going to completely fuck this up
This game would've still bombed even without the weird ass controls
The world is too open
Hard mode kills you in 2-3 hits
Overwatch lore thread
When did it die
I can't even beat one level of this, wtf
Personacuck literally draining the developers the fuck out
By the end of 2017, Switch will have sold more units and made more money than the Wii U did in 5 years
What are games where I can bully pretty girls?
This is agumon
Blizzard decided to openly suck alliance cock since mop
Everyone's been bitching about the new game but what do you guys think of the classic, Return to Castle Wolfenstein?
Yomawari Midnight Shadows
Deep sea
Xbox one x
[Laughs in Game of the Year]
3 days left bro's
Name a lazier company
Before today I'd only ever played Fallout New Vegas on the Xbox 360. I'm no bitch with these games though...
So this.... is the new face... of blizzard gaming
Filename thread
What makes jap games so special
I hate criken
This game is boring as fuck
Cod ww2 campaign ends before even getting to germany
2 > 1 > 3
Thoughts on Moira? She's Irish
What went wrong?
Daily reminder
ITT we post "that fucking enemy"
Is this game any good?
Are you going to pay for Switch's online so you can play games online?
What's does Sup Forums think of Patricia Wagon?
Should I play this ?
League of Legends World 2017
Daily reminder that Mario is Reddit tier kiddy garbage and belongs in the trash like Rick and Morty
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Finish a game
So they will add WoW Tokens for classic too? Because i'm not wasting my time and money to farm gold in vanilla
Halo 4 on the MCC is a lot of fun. Why do you guys hate it again?
If Sony don't use this for PS5 I won't buy it
What do you want from this game?
Is there a video game character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Madara Uchiha? Let alone defeat him...
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Why is this game so...weird?
Anons, I just finished Doki Doki Literature Club, and now I can't sleep
Leningrad level
Why are all of these Overwatch animated shorts so bad?
Fire Emblem Warriors has a season pass, why didn't they just make a full game?
Ok, we reached rock bottom
World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth
Oh shit Sup Forums, Zeno Sama is gonna erase every vidya ever...
How did this guy get away with bringing a rifle to Gamestop?
Is this accurate?
Can we have an unpopular opinions/confessions thread?
Smash Summit 5 Day 2
What are some Sup Forums approved gaming youtube channels?
Ha ha ha ha yeah. Ha ha ha ha yeah yeah. Ha ha ha ha yeah
Try playing with detached Joy-Con controllers
Are we finally ready to admit that it was a good game?
Why did Ann not realize that Miki was trying to sabotage her?
Grabbed By The Ghoulies
Is Sup Forums a contrarian enough board to convince me that Mega Man X7 isn't the worst Mega Man (X) game?
Is beating this game a rite of passage to becoming a TRUE Sup Forumsirgin?
How did we go from this
Is it true that only dicklets don't appreciate Miu?
Gmod thread
"open world" game doesn't let you kill children
Sae Thread
Starcraft 2 went f2p
Final level makes you utilize every item and skill you've obtained throughout the game
Will they sell well on the Nintendo Switch?
What's the Xavier: Renegade Angel of videogames?
ITT: We post the best pieces of vidya music ever created
ITT: Fuck you, I liked it
Now that the dust has settled, can Sup Forums admit that this game was overrated?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Persona 5
Can't you guys just be fucking satisfied with a character's design for once?
Steam profile thread
This is Blizzard's new hero on Heroes of the Storm, Alexstrasza, say something about her
Alright Sup Forums, since most of you said that Wolfenstein II is too short, and has so many SJW agendas in it...
That reboot's coming any day now, r-right guys?
Game has jiggle physics
Indie dev here
Which games have you bought and regretted buying immediately
You are now inserted into the last game you played to start from the beginning irl. What are your odds of survival?
Keep moving
This is Mario's daughter. Say something nice about her!
Why don't you play some TF2 tonight?
ITT: Series where the third game is the worst
Bin Laden's Emu Gaming Obsession
Is there any good, non-shitpost reasons as to why this isn't getting a Switch port?
Is action RPG a frankensteined genre that I shouldn't play...
FTKs you
What's your opinion on the Ace Attorney games after Trials and Tribulations...
Opus Magnum
Why didn't you buy my game?
What does your favorite Zelda game have that the others don't?
Brother and his friends playing CoD WW2 singleplayer while waiting for multiplayer to download
What are you rolling on classics?
Did I just waste 30 burgerbux?
How good was this Yu-Gi-Oh game?
Why were the old Nintendo Power Mario comics were so fucking good?
.hack//GU Last Recode
Why won't you guys pay more for videogames?
We all know the big things that people miss from the old days...
The great debate
Tfw bad at video games
This one, user
When exactly did this series jump the shark?
Game has an underlying political agenda
"If you play PC video games, clicking your mouse while your roommate is trying to sleep past 11:30 at night...
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Start playing a dating sim
What are some games about dogs?
ITT: We post handsome video game boys
Game of the fucking Year
Looks like fucking dogshit
What vidya girls have fake tits?
How does Sup Forums feel about regenerating health?
Will 2018 be as good for video games as 2017 was
ITT: Loss of Faith
Hopes and doubts for the sequel?
Why do japs like CoD?
These are the Steam Hardware Survery results for the month of October in 2017. Notice anything strange?
It is good? I'm in the mood for a racing game
Sup Forums plays Jackbox
The fifth game is the best game of the franchise
ITT: games better than pokemon
Seriously tho, why the hell would you kill her?
This is the best controller
Odyssesy vs Breath of the Wild
64 >galaxy 1 >galaxy 2 > odyssey > sunshine
This is your king tonight
Overwatch World Cup
Call of Duty WWII depression Thread
Why are MOBAs always have the handsomest guys?
When picking a female character actually DOES give you lower natural Strength
Which makes the most sense?
ITT: Pure
Been playing a lot of Mount and Blade lately. The update to "The Last Days" mod got me going...
What makes him a better antagonist than every other dragon in gaming?
ITT: games you've tried multiple time but just can't get into
Game has really simple puzzles
Seduce the monster and save the princess
Another year where Japanese games absolutely destroy their western counterparts
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
We aim to create an authentic CLASSIC experience, not the actual launch experience
Smash Summit 5 Day 2
Tldr: ganking is now going to be almost completely eliminated from the game
Let's settle this
Super Mario Oddity
What score will it get on metacritic?
Where were you when Grommash got Old?
Be team player
If the bombs are sticky, how do they come out?
Post booty animation
Mario Odyssey Hate Thread
Sony: Adult games for Adult gamers
What was the last pokemon game that you enjoyed playing?
How do I stop blowing complete ass at this game? I'm at Fort Joy and this faggot assassin is unhittable
Will World of Warcraft ever end?
This is the only Mario game that treats you like an adult
WOAH,hold the phone guys... you realize the vanilla servers wont have female Draenei right...
Sup Forums plays Jackbox
When is Japan going to step up with the realism?
This is reddits new game. Say something nice about it Sup Forums
Just purchased pic related for college
So what is the future of the New Super Mario bros franchise?
Webm thread boys
What the hell does she see in Mario?
Is this game, dare I say it, best game of the decade?
What did techland mean by this?
Sm4sh Sup Forumskend: One last weekend edition
Is this a good character design?
Overwatch for the Nintendo Switch
What the fuck
Steam is now selling Touhou
Now that the dust has settled
Find a flaw with paper mario i dare you you can't
ITT "Villains" who did nothing wrong
Why aren't you having adventures exploring the vast digital wasteland that is Second Life?
Bloodstained: Ritual of the night will be a bad ga-
ITT: Lines NPCs frequently say that get stuck in your head
What was the best Digimon game? Pic unrelated . Haven't played it in forever so I can't confirm
What the fuck was her problem?
Does anyone else have a horrible habit of taking constant uninteresting screenshots whenever they're playing a game...
You will never be a multi-millionaire that can fund your dream game
Was it really so bad?
Defend buying mircrotransactions, /vee/. I seriously hope no one over the age of 14 buys them
Tfw no nice black weeb best friend
This game isn't very good is it?
Why is every Final Fantasy main character Asian?
User-kun, will you join the Literature Club with me?
Game has robot with a big butt
Why are some people upset over the fact WoW:Classic is official now?
No voice acting in 2017
Will you pay for Switch's online?
*blocks your path*
How to make the NX even better
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
You didn't actually let him cure the Krogan did you?
Why do people praise this game so much?
Be honest, who jerked off to this?
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
/pc frustration/
Daily reminder Japan is back in the golden age of gaming while Western Marxist DLC filth is decaying like ash in your...
So? How was it?
What games can make me feel happy about life?
Has the "thicc" meme gone too far?
Classic World of Warcraft victorious
Apologize, Sup Forums
Classic WoW
56% of Steam users are chinese. Thoughts?
The new Overwatch hero is a gay transexual wizard
Overwatch New Character Moira
What the fuck man? Why is my CPU constantly running at 100% with this piece of shit game? I have i7 7700K...
Let's say you wanted this haircut in real life. Does it have a name...
Blonde Widowmaker
Factory level
Post your KO/death animation
What went wrong?
Has any other company won 3 console gens?
What is your favourite American game?
Complain about a broken mechanic
This is the problem with AAA games
Team Fortress 2
There is something so great about the map now, it's probably the best one they've done so far...
First 4 Figures have a new Bowser statue
ITT: Only the top tier PSX nostalgia
Mario maker deluxe/2 for the switch next year?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Mouse Thread
Is switch underpowered?
Super Mario Odyssey
2.3 GHz Intel Core i5
Who was in the wrong here?
I'm going to buy a switch here in an hour or so. If I am only going to buy one game to start with...
I hate Sony but Aloy is the only not whore and not degenerate girl in western video games
Nova here
Finally Zarya had a good skin
Titanfall 2
Another female
Xenoblade 2
I'm already sure there will be no players on the Classic servers a year after they come out...
3x3 thread
What were mmorpgs like before WoW?
This is 2B
*blocks your path*
Overwatch Moira
Remake completely ruins the original game's artstyle
Don't mind me bro, just pirating your credit card number
What's the closest thing to pic related on the PC?
Alien appears
Do you want Jill Valentine to appear in Resident Evil 8?
The fuck is up with this game?
Biggest Disspaoitnments in gaming
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Let's never move on
It's been a while, how do you all feel about Undertale...
This game is so fucking good. I don't care about the unfinished army warehouse onwards...
Rocksteady game reveal in Monday?
.hack gu last recode thread
Will you play HotS now?
Is smt even a monster catching game?!
There are girls posting on Sup Forums right now
Politics aside, is this game worth me buying over Mario odyssey?
RIP Runic
You shouldn't be playing Persona if you are not a teenager, these games are not for you, grow up
Should I get a PSVR or a Nintendo Switch?
You can press one buttom and the entire gaming industry would be stuck in the ps2 era...
I miss D&D video games, lads
Download Teemo's game again
Love Jaina's new look
Anyone else excited as fudge for the BotW DLC? Take a deep breath... Smell that? That's the smell of mystery...
Lets be honest, there's no way he's heterosexual
Its shit
What the fuck is Mario? Because he is clearly not human
Is it You-bee-soft, or Oo-bee-soft?
Let's take one of the greatest tragedies in human history
How can I verify a girl on steam is a girl, I have seen pictures of her, even timestamped...
It's good Sup Forums?
I never thought that I'd warm up to Rise until just lately, she's become a pretty powerful and cute character...
Tfw you've been combing a Kingdom for hours looking for the last 3 fucking Purple Coins
Dragon Ball FighterZ
To all digitalfags
How long until video games can simulate fluids in real time?
So how do we convince everyone this is a bad game, Sup Forums?
Quantum break is 178gig on xbox one X
I really want to love this console, but I fucking cant believe how many design oversights there are
How does this make you feel?
ITT: fake vidya covers you love
Yes hello
Where are the 3D platformers?
The industry is dying, Sup Forums
What the Hell, how did Nintendo get away with this?
The Horde is, as of right now, almost entirely blood elf. If you added every non-blood elf Horde race together...
Should i buy Dawn of War 1 or 2?
No warcraft 4
So where was Luigi?
Buy 1080ti for 4k gaming for $1000 plus all the other components you need for a PC
Did ADS ruin FPS?
Game has ''morality'' system
Who was the best voice for Sonic? Feel free to bring up the supporting characters and their best respective actors, too
ITT Immediate bad signs
Hackers can really ruin the experience for everyone. Recently...
ITT: Unironically good mobile games
Which games have you enjoyed today, Sup Forums?
This kill the thief
We need to talk about how shockingly good the battle mechanics in this game are
What are some games that people solely like because the main character is a little girl?
Why was there so much uproar about the "unrealistic" guns in Battlefield 1...
What does your fighting game main say about you?
This game is fucking awful after all the recent sales
More slutty means more powerful
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Skipped this when released
Only $40 for a YEAR of PS+
Look what I got in the mail. Wonder what it is
What faction we rolling on?
They did it... Nost won
Battle of Azeroth is shit
Are there actually people out there that actually will drop a videogame if it sexualizes lolis?
Haven't we been battling for Azeroth this whole time...
*blocks your path*
Why does blizzard hate diablo fans so much?
Recommend me a competitive game that has great emphasis on mobility and advanced techniques
So did COD "go back to its roots" with this?
It's "WoW Classic" Not legacy servers. They're probably gonna fuck it but I have hope. I'll be rolling a Human Warrior
F-f-fake! blizz said there is no point in this!
When you manage to make an even lower effort game than BotW
Any blizzcon streams?
What's HD rumble like?
Does this comic apply to video games? Especially steam
Make this image vidya related
For you, what is the best game of the decade? (2007-2017)
New Overwatch Hero: Moira
This is female perfection, or maybe if she was like 190cm tall
Why does Sup Forums love jap games so much
So, what do we think
Mario Odyssey - Screenshot Thread
What went wrong?
Can we get an InFAMOUS thread?
Mission begins in 30 seconds
Microcucks BTFO
Wii u/switch emulators
LBGTeam Rocket
So this is power...of the Xbox One X....woaaah
Itt: shitty characters who ruined their games
Is "bullet hell" the most autistic vidya genre?
Yeah dude it's totally the best halo campaign
There is a button
Which was worse?
Starcraft 2 is now F2P. Starting 14Th November
Game is too easy, should I get a refund?
The last video game character you played as has to fight dudley. How do they do?
Don't worry Ashley I'm coming for ya!
Is Emuparadise officially dead? PS2 games are gone
This happens
Which is your favorite 'Let's Play'?
How will the casual audience of the West cope with Monster Hunter...
MFW Normies know about cuphead now
You have ten seconds (10) to justify the existence of difficulty select screens
What was the superior game?
He prefers to play as a male character, given the choice
Is Nintendo the most progressive game company?
What will the name of the next Nintendo handheld be?
What are some other examples of nostalgia-pandering done right?
Post some genuinely terrifying soundtracks
All of its games are 3+ "fun" games designed for children
.hack//G.U. Last Recode Thread
Who is your favorite Zelda?
Smash Summit 5 Day 2
VR Thread
Who would win?
Defend weapon durability
This game is mediocre. Collection moons is boring. Kingdoms smaller that Galaxy planets...
Thoughts on this thing?
We had an interesting discussion last night about how a female character should be designed, so let's continue...
Soccer game thread
Paradox games
The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is going to crash into the Earth...
Sonic Music Thread
Post only the cutest video game characetrs
What kind of stages would be good for this game besides a suburban home, a campground, and some convoluted Saw room?
So now that legacy servers are confirmed, are you going to return to WoW?
The NX won't be a gaming system
Is Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup the best roguelike ever made?
100 fucking GB
A multiplat
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...