is it worth it? I won one from Taco Bell and I'm thinking of selling it. what is a good price to sell at? should I wait?
Xbox one x
Play it you dumb faggot
I'm more of a PC person. want to sell it before black Friday
>I'm more of a PC person
Then sell it.
how the fuck do people win this shit from taco bell, is this shit a ruse?
I won an xbox 360 in a competition from an energy drink. Its possible.
so it's not worth it? I had the first Xbox and I was a fan. the issue I have with Microsoft is the monthly cost of being able to play online.
I won an original 360 from a pack of cookies
I won an xbox 360 from my absentee father trying to reconnect with me in my teens
You just get lucky
My cousin won a Nintendo 64 there and someone I knew in college won a 360 from a cereal box
You're answering your own questions. If you're going to look for a price to sell it at, look at prices for one online new, then sell slightly under that (unless stock is low somehow). That's basic merchanting: acquire cheap or free, source values from other parties, asses your own with that data, and undercut them (even by $1) to sell easily for a profit.
Scalp that shit before Christmas.
still have questions then. is it worth paying 60 a year for the 12 month membership? will the games for Xbox
x be available for PC? what would you do? I have a PC but it needs fixing. idk if the Xbox will be worth keeping or selling for cash to buy a new guy and CPU. it's 500 from Best Buy. im thinking of selling for 400. comes with 2 games and 3 months online membership. but that's if I should sell.
No, it's not worth it.
possibly final question. why isn't it worth it. why I see it's worth it is the manufacturer guarantee, no real maintenance, and it will run games smoothly.
I won one too. I kinda want to sell it but I want to keep the controller. Though the other part of me is too lazy to do it and might just end up keeping it.
Are you a shill or just an airhead? Is this a bait thread? Also,
> it's 500 from Best Buy. im thinking of selling for 400. comes with 2 games and 3 months online membership.
You can do better than $400, especially considering it's brand new and comes with a bunch of extra stuff. Just assess the value of the console, the two games, 3 months XB sub, and reduce the price by a small percentage of that (say, 5%), and maybe round up. So, for example, if you were going to sell everything for $500, 5% off would bring it to $475, which you can round up to $480. Your lowest acceptable number when bartering could be $460 or something. This is just a random example (I haven't assessed the values myself).
PC gaming is superior in almost every way. Accesibility to more software at a cheaper price and endless sales/giveaways/piracy makes it very valuable in its own right, not to mention no mandatory subscriptions for most online play. The price to entry is slightly higher (and scales up for improved performance/visuals, which you can't do with a console), but the price of ownership/actual gaming is much cheaper.
Sell it you lazy ass, and buy some nice PC peripherals or something.
great answer man. okay thank you. I'll place an ad in the morning.
No, at least not the fast food ones, I won an N64 back in the day
These contests basically pay for themselves with the increase in sales they bring so they end up making more than what they put into the whole thing.
Taco Bell promotions are actually quite fair for lottery standards.
You're welcome. Just keep these concepts in mind for the future, and you can do well for yourself. Maybe sell some of the extra junk you've got laying around.
Extra tip, by the way-- when bartering for an item, 10% of asking price reduced and rounded off is often a solid, respectable asking ground. For example, $180 - 10% = $162, rounded down to $160. If you're feeling ballsy, you could ask $155 or $150. Just make sure you don't lowball anyone either. I'm saying this because I've been lowballed to shit with something I've been trying to sell. I'm talking people asking for 50%+ off. I don't even respond anymore.
>want to win shit from tacobell
>don't want to actually eat tacobell
Can I win just buying Baja blasts?
I won a nogames4 from them. Got it a few days before launch too so that was cool