
lolg fuck off back to your containment thread of autism

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remember when League characters were usually parodies of pop culture or other MMO's and such?

I remember.

Cute I guess.

I also remember when not every single character had some kind of jump or dash.

Parodies get lame after a while. I feel the direction they're going with is much more interesting. Though I don't even play the game anymore.

>I also remember when not every single character had some kind of jump or dash
blame this bitch

what direction? before the game had light parody elements and an interesting story element that really set it apart from other mobas. they even had an in-game newspaper with story shit and amusing stuff like character interviews.

But ever since the chinese overlords bought them, it's been no fun allowed. No more interesting unique characters, everything has to fit neatly into a mold.

they threw any pretense of caring about the story out the window, one of the biggest examples being characters reasons for being in the league, which was always fun.

and then there's the character changes made because having regional differences is too haaaaard, so instead they just pander to chinese tastes.

the game used to be a lighter more fun alternative to Dota and other mobas. Now it's just more of the same shit

honestly it was just power creep in general.

fuck of to vg. sage.

>Riot claims they don't want to make any new attractive female characters
>drop it for the loli audience/reddit


>new character

This is honestly the stupidest shit I've ever seen.

not an argument

every major rework might as well be a new character since Riot completely strips them of their old kits anyways. just look at fucking Galio.

..I like bubbly girls, I'm sorry.



>Karthas used to be a skeleton in a marsh
new-Karthas is the death singer who drags everyone in earshot to their untimely death
>Yorik used to be a dumpy gravedigger
new-Yorik is a harbinger of some super powerful wraith queen
>Trundle was just some asshole who stole everyone's super aids to become invincible
new-Trundle is a wise and mighty king of the frozen north that works for the evil ice queen Elsa

Evelynn was already 'sexy' though, being a remnant of the old Riot.

Wasn't it implying that he was some sort of Deity?

Only update I didn't like was Galio as they turned in him into a generic meathead super hero.

We'll see her stats, she looks great as fuck. I anticipate her either being OP mid lane at launch, or so low on general stats due to her abilities that she's shit at all roles, before she gets buffed to be best at mid.

Then she will settle as a support.

i fucking despise children

Damn, Evelynn looks like THAT now?

You take lore of this game too seriously. Riot literally said, when the game was originally launched, that lore was an afterthought. Why would you take a game solely designed for competitive play as serious?

>Only update I didn't like was Galio as they turned in him into a generic meathead super hero.
But you HAVE to like him or else, you can't criticize the shitty statue daddy no one really likes.

When was the last time there were lore related events?

Last I remember was the Bilgewater event that came with Illaoi, the Gangplank rework, and the story that turned Graves and Twisted Fate back to being friends.

The old lore was that Trundle belonged to a group of shitty trolls who had a nasty plague curse, so he sucked it all up into himself and got super AIDS, causing him to decay and regenerate constantly.

Meanwhile, we got Sonic the sword-wielding Spanish armadillo.

She looks perfectly annoying.

Was the mt targon thing after that? Because that's the last thing I remember.

I don't think they even try anymore, people don't give a damn about the story so they don't put it together with game anymore.

they literally never said this, they just said they wanted to only make sexualized female champs if it makes sense for them to be sexualized.

Because little girls are so sexy, it makes sense that they'd make Zoe pedobait.

How the fuck can Dark Willow even compete?

With very little effort.

They will literally SJW Miss Fortune to death once they get the chance so I don't think they even know what they meant with that.

Fuck off back to your series ruined by one singular loli.

Trundle's new lore is shit you faggot.
Old lore:
>get bullied all his life for being a runt
>evil wizard curses the tribe with a painful wasting disease
>they can circumvent it by stacking the entire curse on one individual
>Trundle agrees, thinking that if he becomes hero of the tribe they'll accept him
>they reject him even harder after and ostracize him from the tribe
>later finds out that not only did the spell transfer stack the curse, but also their immune systems/regeneration effect which allows Trundle to survive
>his entire tribe will die of AIDS if he doesn't give the curse back
>decides to reject the offer out of spite, living in agony just so his tribe can slowly waste away and die

New Trundle Lore:
>hurr dur muh TRUE ICE MCGUFFIN x30000000 times for each Freljord lore rework
>he's the alpha
>also the puppet of a bitch who wants to cause the apocalypse
>this plot line will never, ever be resolved as they'll just continue to set up new retarded conflicts to introduce new champs and avoid changing status quo

>new champ
>isn't a yordle boy

fuck off
i only care about yordle boys, especially my husband kled.

Star Guardians was just two months ago.

>getting trundle's old lore wrong

Sexualized = any female who could be considered attractive by a majority, at least according to some people. Even with Xayah they did their best to make sure she was covered up unlike her boyfriend, unless you wanna pay for the alt skin of course goyim.

That's hot

Doubtful since they redid her lore with artwork and she still has huge breasts.

>muh suhjuhwuh boogeyman

Tristana thicc af

this unless they are female and walk with bare minimum clothing

Her breasts are much smaller there than they are in her original art.

Original splash was retarded with the wacky anatomy and proportions. But take your pick

>What he distinctly remembered was the elders' whispered promises - that if he were to bear the weight of the entire tribe's curse onto himself, it would be the noblest sacrifice in the entire history of their race
>Most importantly of all, he saw his life without all the bullying
>But it was not to last – before long, his kin began to keep their distance from him. Seeing his open sores and diseased flesh was apparently too much for even trolls to handle, despite having been similarly afflicted mere weeks earlier

>"Thus, when the plague was extracted from their bodies, it took along with it their regenerative capabilities. Now their bodies do not even know how to sustain themselves." The summoner continued on, unrelenting. "So, I ask you, Trundle of the Ruhgosk tribe, do you want the League to restore the disease to your tribe?"

>The images flashed unbidden before his eyes - his tribe once again plagued by the debiliating disease, all equally humbled by their affliction. He imagined telling them how this sacrifice saved them all from a potentially worse fate, and his tribe finally seeing him for the savior that he was.

>A crooked smile snaked across his misshapen face. "Let them suffer. I'll keep what they so generously gave me."

kys you shit taste faggot

Wait till you hear her speak


totally an argument

LOL is the most over rated game. Not fun at all.

Not only does she look annoying as fuck
she doesn't even match the other league characters aesthetic, a colossal feat since they are already a hodge-podge mash of shit
she looks like a generic annoying pixar protagonist

I wonder why they didn't go with this as the base skin instead of making it a separate skin.

>tfw i'll probably use her just to piss people off
She seems fun to play, cant wait


Looks very Calarts-esque.

No subtlety whatsoever.