
What does it mean?

it means victory victory

Literally the cumslut pose.

"Ive just been creampied on video"

It means four cocks please.

Double vaginal penetration.

Four dicks ejaculating in her mouth.

those are some delicious boobies that i want to suck

Flat chested women aren't only more fit physically, but have also been proven to be more intelligent than disgusting cows.


It's a greeting

Source please



Isn't that the bukkake pose?

the illusions need to heal through fucking walls

Ying is pure

So real talk, I'm bored of Overwatch, waiting for pyro insanity on TF2 to calm down, what's the learning curve for Paladins?

Source so I can use this against my friends

Chestlet detected.
When will they learn?

Real easy to get into, your playing coop against bots until lv 5 or something anyways.

The pleasure of being cummed inside.

Why doesn't her porn involve all of her clones?

it's really straight forward. you play vs bots until account level 5, so don't freak out if your enemies go from zerg bots to semi-sentient pablo.hernandez03 type players all of a sudden. do the tutorial for free gibs (essence, currency to buy loadout cards with) and spend them AFTER you find a few chars you like
if you're looking to get into ranked and shit or just want to instantly "netdeck" optimal loadouts the grind for essence might make you mad


she's a big fan

Not even a waifufag, but Ying does things to my dick. Is she useful at all, and/or fun to play?

>having boobs makes you stupid
it checks out

she's kinda outclassed as a support and "healslutting" as her is boring as it's just pressing Q every ~5 seconds
her attack is fun though. quick beam of 5 damage ticks that can be pretty good if you can track, and her other abilities are cool

Is there a way to just spend a flat $50 or something to bypass all the F2P insanity so I don't have to worry about grinding for FPS funbucks?

“I’m sorry darling but I just can’t get enough black cock!”

"I want someone to grab me by the legs,spread them and ejaculate inside my rectum/vagina."


Ying is very very sexy and I want to ejaculate inside her.