Will World of Warcraft ever end?

Will World of Warcraft ever end?

Doubtful, isn't the original EverQuest still going?

No, neither this

Yeah but at least they start from the beginning with each one, this one is just going and stacking.

He's talking about GTA Online, not the series as a whole.


The truly horrible part is we deserve something new already. God damn. Is Warcraft just lost forever behind this old MMO?

this entire thing sounds like prep work for WoW2

It only ends when you decide it ends. Once you give up on it for all time, it stops existing.

Maybe in 50 years

I can't believe they're still making shit for a 2004 game. Blizzard really fell off the wagon. I loved the original starcraft, first 3 warcraft lore games, Diablo 1 and 2... But all their recent shit has been trash. The fact that they're with Activision now is sad. I can't believe people are still playing wow, or overwatch or even Diablo 3. They've changed, and not for the better.

It can end. It can end tomorrow, if you'd like. Just convert to Islam, my friend.

Yes. This is going to be the second to last expansion now. This is the last hurrah of the Horde-Alliance war, and after this, we kill N'zoth and Sargeras and we're done. We're already wrapping up Azshara, and we're going to obliterate an old god that was corrupting a troll thing just because we can.
It's safe to say that at this point, Azeroth's external conflicts will end. All that's left is internal conflicts, but that can be solved by beating up the big bad and realizing we don't have much left to fight over.

WoW's mythology is pretty clearly defined. So it's going to take a stretch to add new enemies. Unless they do more alternative timeline stuff.

That doesn't mean adventures in Azeroth will end. There are plenty of pieces of lore to continue fleshing out. With the advent of classic servers, they could do what EQ does. There are servers that start a new expansion every year or so. Then they reset. They could easily do that to keep people playing WoW basically forever.

We could theorize that Blizzard could spend time fleshing out WC1/2/3 with other games that revisit those times. Then there's ancient history in the setting like the Troll Wars and the War of the Ancients. Anything before the current storyline.

Ending new content in WoW will free up a lot of people to do other projects, which will be great for Blizzard, because they can keep WoW going with a minimal investment.

>You finally played Warcraft enough to witness its characters age

nu-jaina so hot

wow what a kino braphog

I am glad they updated her character model. She looked so jankey before.

I think its Ironic how Jaina is one of the best female characters in video games but never gets recognition from SJW.

>Jaina Marbles

>best females

That's not Windrunner, though.

they dont know who she is
they dont actually play games

>Jaina is one of the best female
That's not Sylvanas tho

Who would have the best braps if u had to choose between Jaina and Sylvanas


>milf jaina

World of warcraft is still too nerdy to be of interest for those people

I was curious how modern wow players thought of the cinematic today, so I just watched like 12 youtuber reaction videos.

Only 1 fucking person recognized Saurfang, and it was an alliancefag.

What a fucking disappointment.

After so many years, is this the biggest game ever?

>so I just watched like 12 youtuber reaction videos.

Thanks for contributing to cancer

Mate who the fuck cares, no one is going to stop it, adblock already does everything relevant you can to stem the tide.

So what's thrall up to? Will he join the alliance to stop this nonsensensical atagonism?

OH FUCK, I thought Saurfang was dead... holy shit I knew I recognized him

How many years has warcraft adavanced? Like, from W3 to vanilla to TBC, etc. How many years does each expansion advance?

no, it closed down 8 years ago.

Saurfang the Younger was killed in Wrath, a bigger tragedy than Varian dying.

Saurfang the Elder, Gatekeeper of Orgrimmar, is still alive.

It's not played because it's a game, it's played because it's an interactive version of facebook.

>Battle for Azeroth's trailer is CGI
Damn shame, them managing to get people hyped for the next expansion with nothing but in game, typically early and not finished assets was masterful/

They had 2 trailers, they did the ingame one and then later said they usually do cinematics later but they did this one ahead of time.

>if only blizzdrones didn't buy mop there would be no goyim wall

Yeah for some reason I thought old saurfang was killed off in mop or something, cant believe the old fucker is still going strong.

Isn't Anduin a priest? Or is he a paladin now?

I swear to God, the way the guy presenting the WoW panel spoke about the intro cinematic, his tone while saying "please, i really hope you all enjoy the work of the wow team...", i was expecting him to say "the last intro cinematic" at some moment. He sounded somber.

I dont doubt this expansion is the last one.

He's still a priest, Saurfang sent him flying like the little bitch he is. He then flailed autistically against a troll warrior and jobs to him because who the fuck plays as a troll warrior.

I think he isnt a palading, although he has the same role as one.

Thanks. Too lazy and or tired to get invested in wow again.

priest who uses his father's sword.


If anything, getting back to the root of the story is the best way to 'end' something that's been going on for so long.

thats the hottest ingame model ive ever seen in WOW. MOMMY!!!

>Kul Tiras
>Entire expac about horde v alliance
Well I guess I was resubbing for the vanilla server anyway so the next wow expansion looking good is just a bonus.

>Entire expac about horde v alliance

We still have the prophecy, it's going to switch to the old gods part way through

>AND the old gods
Not bad desu

What world do you fucking live in moron? SJW woman play the shit out of WoW. Biggest differentiation between your typical left wing player and typical right wing players that I have noticed is that the right wing players are way more likely to be in an actual hardcore progression guild whilst the left wing players is way more likely to be a standard casual player.

Not even joking on that one. Every heroic/Mythic guild I have ever joined have never given a fuck as to what you say, racist, sexist whatever (even the women too which ironically tend to be even worse than the dudes), but when I played casually to chill say during MoP and WoD, I was told to consistently watch my tone for the slightest shit. Bad thing is, the latter are way more prevalent.

they said azshara was gonna be the big bad, so no

A little over ten years have passed lore-wise at this point, unless they do a timeskip after sargeras gets locked up

Here's the real question, will Jaina ever get her revenge?

Also why the fuck did she listen to the faggot blue dragon and green jesus? Everyone she loved just died and all she does is sit and wait? Where were those two faggots when garrosh nuked Theramore?

>Biggest differentiation between your typical left wing player and typical right wing players that I have noticed is that the right wing players are way more likely to be in an actual hardcore progression guild whilst the left wing players is way more likely to be a standard casual player.

this is the biggest armchair psychologist crap, holy shit
the reason why you can say anything in progression is because you're stuck with the same people for longer, not political affiliation - it means you're more used to each other rather than if some rando idiot starts screaming slurs and you tell them to fuck off

3 raids per expansion. We've got Hakkar, Azshara and probably papa N'zoth. Or, N'zoth is a mythic only bonus, and the final raid is every faction leader killing each other.

Yeah, this. Most normies who think "lol I'm such a nerd! xD" I know have at least tried wow. It's like a gateway drug to gaming.

And then you have Henry Cavill and other celebrities admitting to playing it.

>3 raids per expansion.

Legion had four, though (technically 5 but one small one)

Azshara and N'zoth are best buds. They go hand in hand. It'll be like how Garrosh was the big bad of MoP and yet Y'sharraj still had a role to play.

he's not wrong

>in a top ten progression guild and everyone voted Trump

>Anduin actually manning up and becoming a Paladin instead of a shitty priestboy

fuck yes

you must admit, the technology gaps Blizzard manages to breach every, 2-3 xpacs is pretty impressive

The same systems that ran the original vanilla game have been modified for what, like 15 years or something?
And the difference in gameplay, visuals, quality is all very profound, even if some changes were for the worst
And new MMO's still lack that special something to beat it out, though some come very close

A WoW 2 may never even exist in my lifetime, would be cool af to see it made though, I think the real fear is that it would never be able to capture the hearts of players in the same way World of Warcraft (2004) managed

>leftwing players are casual, rightwing characters actually "work" towards progression

Gee, who'da thunk?

I'd definitey say it's like 3.3 raids. Odin's especially was just his dungeon encounter expanded.

>horde and alliance at constant war
>alpha Garrosh nukes infidel city on horde ground
>everyone is surprised and in shocked

I've raided mythic pretty hardcore for years and it was a very diverse group, politics-wise. Maybe that's an American thing, though.

they said the troll raid was literally the intro raid like highmaul or emerald nightmare, and azshara was the first tier raid. They haven't gone into details on the 2nd and 3rd tier raids of the expansion, the only expansion with four defined raiding tiers was wrath of the lich king because they shoehorned in the argent tournament to buy time for ICC. WoD bucked this trend with 2 raid tiers because they realized what a disaster it was and wanted to get legion out as fast as possible

this fucking game is literally holding MMO's back, fuck off already

You mean 4.3? There's Emerald Nightmare, Nighthold, Tomb of Sargeras, Antorus - and then Trial of Valor for the .3.

>And new MMO's still lack that special something to beat it out, though some come very close

They lack a story/setting people care about, that's it.

Why would it?
>uhhh will the world ever end? I mean Putin and Trump are leaders xD
There'll just be new characters dumb fuck
WoW will continue into 2500
t. someone in the know

>right-wing "works" by playing a video game


>"Garrosh, nuking cities is evil."

6 years later.

> "Let's burn Darnassus to the fucking ground"

>those hips

It makes sense, though - Jaina has become her dad and Sylvanas never gave two shits about Garrosh.

Oh right, Antorus exists. I stopped playing, so I forgot 7.3 happened.


It's not out yet, but it will have 4 in the end is kind of what I meant - so you'd need an extra big bad, though I imagine it's gonna be Jaina's mom or some shit

This is the last expansion.

Though there will be WoW2 of course.

Judging by how creatively bankrupt this xpac is and the fact they are making vanilla servers... I would guess this is the last expansion.

>so said user, 7 years ago

>still the best mmo ever made
>somehow it's holding back other mmos

We better fucking see more subraces than the 6 announced
>Broken Draenei
>Skeltal undead
>Mah'Har Orcs
>Metal Ulduar Dwarves
>High Elves
Etc etc etc

shes been hiding away with thrall making a new orc human hybrid

I think people really underestimate the staying power of even how little people are playing Warcraft. Honestly if they fucking merged a couple of servers it'd be alright, but they still have more than a majority of MMOs out there aside from Final Fantasy and maybe TESO if you count the freemium players.

7 years ago they game wasn't on life support, they still had characters and this is the second time they recycle the A vs H conflict with a retarded, nonsensical plot as to why it would happen.

Really, the trailer that was shown was extremely uninspired, this time they ran out of ideas for good.

>grown man calling a 12 year old a fag

Found the manchild

What happened to the bow string

If you think this is a game on life support I wonder what you think a completely alive game looks like
>they recycle the A vs H conflict with a retarded, nonsensical plot as to why it would happen.
it's literally the premise of the fucking game

What's so great about her?

nobody else is going to try to compete with WoW even if it's shit, too many fags with 8 year old characters aren't willing to move on

it's there, it's blurred but it's there, like the arrow

She brought it on herself by letting Theramore become a military target.

>>grown man calling a 12 year old a fag
>Found the manchild
>complaining about someone adding the -fag suffix
you have to go back

>Jaina is canonically 35-36 years old at this point

Life has been hard on the poor lass...

This honestly looks like the most half-assed expansion ever.

Why not create a new WoW with modern tech like the Unreal Engine 4?

i don't see it