>very little focus on platforming >8 boom boom fights >many kingdoms clearly rushed or look like crap
This game is a 6/10 stop dick riding it so much. BotW and Splat2 were much better. Playing darker side made me think how much better this game would have been if it were done entirely in that style with moons given for platforming feats instead of just being a shittier Banjo Kazooie
Sold my copy today after beating it with 190 stars. feels good, man.
David Reed
So like 3d world?
Christian Smith
>very little focus on platforming wait, what have I've been doing for the past 40 hours?
Aiden Sanchez
more like cringing Its mediocre collectathon game and if you weren't blind fantard you would see that
Andrew Ramirez
>boom boom fights What did he meme by this?
Lincoln Lee
>you didn’t enjoy the game as much as you think you did: here’s why.
Go fuck yourself you arrogant piece of shit. I’ll bet I’ve been playing video games longer than you and probably longer than you’ve been alive, OP. I’m glad you didn’t enjoy it as much as I did because it only widens the gap of similarity between us and the last thing I’d want in life these days is be anything like you, you miserable cunt.
Sebastian Hernandez
3d world style levels with Odyssey controls, camera, and mechanics would be GOAT. Unfortunately even most of 3d World's stars werent given for anything rewarding. I dont get why they have this stupid "check behind the corner" design for every game, must be for the casuals
those shitty broodal fights
If this isnt autism I dont know what is
Eli Flores
>3d world style levels with Odyssey controls, camera, and mechanics would be GOAT But there's a lot of challenge rooms that do just that
Sebastian Myers
>3d world style levels Fuck off.
Aiden Lopez
3d world would be the better game if the catsuit didnt trivialize everything
Robert Phillips
>this post i hope you're trolling my man, you missed out. The postgame is so much fun.
Juan Brown
>run button >the floatiest jumping in the entire series fuck off
Christopher Moore
Exactly. You don’t know what autism is. Just like you don’t know a good game when you play it.
Thomas Flores
Someone critique my run. I know a few mistakes I made. I think a double jump off that rock instead of a triple jump would be quicker, I also shouldn't have thrown the hat. After passing the waterfall, you should be able to triple jump up there without having to dive, but the fucking mist makes it hard to see where you're jumping, and the ruins being slanted could fuck up your jump. What else?
Juan Long
Of course he is. The game has moons not stars. At least until a certain point.
Jonathan Sanchez
>Average nintendie folks
Tyler Evans
Gavin Fisher
Good response there. Top flight.
Evan Price
If anything they're more like the koopalings
Blake Gray
>A run button in a Mario game
Leo Morales
>I’m glad you didn’t enjoy it as much as I did because it only widens the gap of similarity between us and the last thing I’d want in life these days is be anything like you, you miserable cunt. holy shit can you imagine someone getting this assrekt at someone online because they didn't like their fisher price toy
Dylan Watson
>Still desperate to shit on a good game.
You and joseph anderson can fuck right on off with that "6/10" bullshit. You know damn well how great this game is but can't see it because your knee's jerked so hard at the rave reviews that they blacked your eyes and knocked your fucking teeth out.
Dominic Scott
>Nintendo game isnt as good once the brownie points are taken off.
Gee - you dont say
Jayden Sullivan
I had fun with it but calling it great is retarded. Mario fags are the new Kirby fags. You will defend a game being super casual just because its nintendo
Christian Peterson
>BotW and Splat2 were much better (You)
Carson Cooper
>Playing darker side made me think how much better this game would have been if it were done entirely in that style Fucking this. The controls in Odyssey are exceptional but the player is never tested until the very end. Nearly every moon is like some little open world puzzle. Like, you found the seed, now you found the pot, now figure out how to get that seed up to the roof. Here's your moon. I don't get it. I fucking love Mario to death but this one just did not sit well with me.
Shit dude, that's really fucking good. Far beyond what I could do, let alone what the game asks of the player.
Hunter Morris
Not OP but I was very disappointed with Odyssey. Nintendo talked about it like a return to Super Mario 64 and the comparison was consistently being made by others as well. Once I started the Sand Kingdom, I had a feeling that this was no Mario 64. The maps are way too open and the few obstacles within are very half assed. Compare Sand Kingdom with Shifting Sand Land in Mario 64 and the difference is night and day. What's more is that the vast majority of the moons are all exploration based. There's no challenge in tracking down moons in a massive map, it's just patience. It's basically like tracking down the Hidden Packages in Grand Theft Auto 3, expect now it's the main objective. A couple of maps were pretty good. Wooded and Luncheon Kingdom managed to balance their openness with consistent platforming challenges but that shit is way too few considering the rest of the game's content. Bowser's Kingdom is literally a Galaxy level, which I find hilarious since Odyssey was supposed to stray away from Galaxy.
All that said, if you simply enjoy exploring then you'll love Odyssey. It's a very chilled out game in that regard. If you want tight and consistent challenges like the typical Mario game, then don't get Odyssey. It's worth playing, but there's no need to rush out and get it at full price.
Carson Ross
that was clean user i go the same route but have only gotton in the 19's. seems you can only shave off Mili seconds at that point.
Camden Gutierrez
Nostalgia goggles: the post
Mason Walker
>If you want tight and consistent challenges like the typical Mario game
Odyssey has those. Odyssey has more of those than any other 3D Mario game, except for maybe Galaxy 2 and the 3D Land/World games, which are EXCLUSIVELY those.
And I really want to know where this "Mario games are hard" bullshit came from. None of the 3D Mario games are hard, unless you're 6.
Isaac Stewart
Pretty good video user, my only criticisms would be to change up your tone a bit so you sound less direct and more explanatory, and instead of saying "want" replace it with hope or expect >I wanted tight well-designed levels turns into >I was expecting tight well-designed levels other than that, solid vid length and presentation
Elijah Martinez
Neo Nintendo
Angel Howard
Is Boom Boom in this?
Liam Rodriguez
Benjamin Walker
>3d world style levels Only if they are like the special stages like Champions road.
Logan Ortiz
>gets accused of seething >uses seething language to pretend he's not You can't even keep it out of your fingertips. It's pouring out in your typing and you post it before you think it through.
Henry Allen
exactly. this game is made for the new weak generation of gamers. the directors for Mario games were forced to dumb the series down after Sunshine.
the best parts of the blue coins were the timed ones that made you race and jump to get. most of the moons in this game are like getting a reading at a beach from a beachcomber every 3 seconds.
Bentley Johnson
>very little focus on platforming Do any of the 3d Marios actually focus on this? I mean this one has literal sections JUST for it, like Sunshine.
Charles Collins
I believe Mario 64 has those far more so than Odyssey, except for Odyssey's individual challenge rooms, of course. There's so much running around and exploring in Odyssey while Mario 64 had much smaller levels with focused objectives. Bob-omb Battlefield didn't have many obstacles aside from the Chain Chomp and the giant balls that roll down the mountain, but at least it didn't waste your time in searching high and low for moons and it's still more challenging than anything in the Fossil Kingdom. I like that Mario 64 and Sunshine had smaller levels with specific objectives, while Odyssey just has a few massive levels and hundreds of moon to pick up, most of which are just sitting there with nothing around them.
And it's hardly a meme. If you've been on Sup Forums long enough, well before 3D Land came out, then you would know that Luigi's Purple Coins and The Sand Bird Is Born are infamously difficult levels. Even without those two, Mario games in general have a decent challenge to them. Nothing absurdly difficult but certainly far more difficult than what Odyssey offered. Aside from the Dark and Darker sides of the moon, the whole game is a fucking cakewalk. Hell, even some Kirby levels are harder than most of Odyssey.
Connor Hernandez
Sunshine wasn't hard, Odyssey and 64 have better movement, and all the other 3D Mario's have better level design. What a fucking retarded post.
Ryder Wood
That's an excellent re-wording. I definitely need to get better at writing my scripts; it's an annoying weakness that I have. Could you explain what you mean by being less direct and more explanatory? I feel like I'm typically too monotone and I'm not sure if I should be heading in that direction.
Alexander Richardson
You're not wrong.
Elijah Jackson
>Dumb Down
It's a team whose mostly used to making sooper linear Mario games. I can't blame them for fucking up a true 3D Mario when this is technically their first time doing it. It's really noticeable when they start slipping into old habits, like Bowser Kingdom which is basically a 3D World level.
It's kind of sad seeing the 64 courtyard reference really, because you know that most likely most of the teams's fist experience with the game was playing it as fans themselves.
Blake Long
got around 500 stars, I was actually falling asleep after 300, but just wanted to explore did all I could. There should be 50% less stars, like seriously 4 of them within 10 steps just for going under a rock, kicking a rock, or jumping on a rock
good but not great, too many welfare moons for doing jackshit
Jason Sanchez
>most of the moons in this game are like getting a reading at a beach from a beachcomber every 3 seconds Fucking this. It's such a bore to just look around every corner for moons. It makes me feel like an idiot, like what am I even looking for or why am I wasting my time? The purple coins are especially fucking devious in this game. If you like to collect just for the sake of collecting then there you go. I don't agree with the series being dumbed down since Sunshine because Galaxy 1 and 2 had some pretty rough moments. 3D World was easier aside from looking all over for the hidden Stars so I could see the casualization starting there.
Brayden Rodriguez
I am a pro. I don't complain about SUnshine difficulty. It had a few hard parts to it though. But go online and read a thread in any forum on Sunshine and you would think that every mission was a kick in the balls.
Odyssey does not have better movement than 64 or Sunshine. Fucking trigger button+face button to do a dive? lol. mashing a button to maintain a high speed? lol. slow ass wall jumps. shitty loose analog turning movement compared to gamecube's glorious analog stick mario. transformations dumb down player inputs to two buttons and analog. spin jump is worthless.
Gavin Lopez
Calm down it's just a game
Mason Russell
>I was actually falling asleep after 300 I'm not joking when I said that the same was happening to me. I didn't sleep the day the game came out so I figured that I was just tired, but three days later and I was still having a hard time keeping myself awake while I played this game? I knew there was a problem. It really is just a pretty boring game. It's definitely worth it to unlock the Darker Side of the moon but I seriously wouldn't bother with 100% completion. Getting every moon in the game only unlocks a hard mode version of the final boss, which really isn't that much harder.
Alexander Bailey
I love the shit you can do.
Joseph Anderson
He's actually got a good point there. Odyssey might be my GOTY but it's not really focused on platforming. It's more of a collectathon. Darker Side is where the real platforming comes in.
Robert Bell
>transformations dumb down player inputs to two buttons This is such a confusing thing to me. Nintendo really hyped up the capture mechanic like it was going to be a big deal but it's not. Every enemy has poor movement options compared to Mario. I only ever captured an enemy to solve and objective and then quickly got rid of it. It's literally just a glorified power up system and that's it.
Nathan King
So the final level like all Mario games?
Just once I'd like a Mario game where they lay it on thick. Or better yet I'll just have to wait for the next DKC.
Dylan Sanchez
The controls in this game are phenomenal but very few of the levels are designed around them. It's like they made a bunch of Mario 64 levels but didn't edit them to consider for Odyssey's more creative traversal options. The Dark and Darker Side levels should've been the standard for the whole game. That, and the moon count needs to be severely cut down.
Justin Carter
It's late and I don't have access to any editing tools but your dialect comes off like you're trying to persuade your audience rather than saying your thoughts casually and more generally, might just be how I'm hearing it though
Kevin Gonzalez
Yes? I wasn't saying that wasn't the case, I'm just saying that the rest of the game isn't platforming-centric just because it has platforming.
But yeah, a game full of levels like Darker Side would be great.
Jaxson Ramirez
>I dont get why they have this stupid "check behind the corner" design for every game Because you don't understand Nintendo's point with 3D Mario, those games are made to impress people with 3D.
Thomas Morales
I feel like Mario 64 did it better, while Galaxy 1 and 2 were all platforming all the time. It wasn't always challenging but it was usually fun. At the least, it was more involved than just running through a massive empty desert or swimming through a huge beach side ocean.
Easton Lewis
>the sand bird is born is difficult
holy shit how casual can you be? the sand bird is easy as fuck. at least say the Manta ray boss if you are going to embarrass yourself by calling an easy star hard.
Kayden Flores
I'm at 600 moons now and I'm finally ready to deliver my verdict.
Its closer to perfect than any game I've played in the last few years.
After the gargantuan letdown that was BOTW, I went into this game highly skeptical and with very little hype.
After the main game ended I rated it a 9/10, but then I started getting really comfortable with controlling Mario and it became a rock hard 10.
It really is a delight to play. Every session, whether 10 minutes or 10 hours is incredibly satisfying, fulfilling and packed with value.
I'm so fucking happy that a game lived up to the hype for once in this godforsaken era.
Christopher Johnson
joseph anderson didn't like it?
Zachary Stewart
Gotcha. You're probably right. I'll try my best to come off a little more casually. Thank you again for the advice.
Jackson Green
Sunshine doesn't have any difficult parts to it its just poorly designed. And even Nintendo admits it was a mistake. And yes Sunshine does have worst movement than Odyssey since Fluid casualizes any and all platforming which is why the fluidless stages are the only good stages in the game and doesn't even have the same mechanical depth of 64
I said that those are levels that Sup Forums is well known for talking about due to their difficult spikes. The Manta Ray boss is another one too, although personally it's not one I've ever had a hard time with. I could see it being obnoxious if the Mantas keep splitting in certain ways though.
Xavier Nelson
This is how I wanted to feel, but I just didn't grab me the same way. I haven't played BotW yet but I'm sure I won't like it all that much either. I've never like open world games in general since they feel like such a waste of time. Just give me the levels and let's go already.
Colton Wright
sunshine is objectively better desu
Christopher Jenkins
After getting all the moons, you should start a new save file and try to skip as much stuff as possible with your learned skills. Just ask yourself if you really need that Bullet Bill or whatever to get by a section. The game becomes even more fun.
Kayden Sanchez
Yeah the game really picks up in the postgame. Once you get used to Mario's movement options it just feels so nice completely circumventing obstacles with some tricky jumps.
Levi Clark
I've obtained over 300 Moons and honestly I think Nintendo should have applied a less is more mentality to the moons I would say there's many Moons, around 100-125 that felt satisfying to collect but then there's so many more that just feel like filler content Plus the Broodals are shit bosses and the game makes you fight them multiple times and it never becomes fun like the other bosses the game has
Alexander Cox
I've been waiting 15 years for another 3D Mario where I can style and do flashy shit just for the fun of it. Look at my sick camera control.
Austin Sanders
Yeah. The Vanishing Road sequence with the P-Switches in Dark Side for example is a real eye-opener. It's the games way of telling you that your regular running and jumping just won't cut it anymore for these levels.
Easton Garcia
I really like Nintendo's new philosophy of giving the player a bunch of tools and if they can completely break the game with them, so be it because most people won't be thinking of stuff like that. Much better than trying to control the player and make sure they absolutely must play it the way they intend. Like even if you're not thinking of stuff like this, you might do something the developers might not have fully intended, but it's the sort of freedom games should have.
Joshua Jackson
>literally XCOM: Enemy Unknown/Within with Nintendo characters Why was it praised by Sup Forums?
Josiah Parker
1. XCOM EW kicks ass, and they should port the real things (EW and WotC) to the Switch ASAP 2. That's not Mario Rabbids
Luis Fisher
please dude. the "good stages" are the best 3D Mario will EVER BE with the TIMED red coins. use the turbo nozzle if possible.
Hover nozzle we can debate on how much it negatively impacts platforming. make your case. pretty much every main level has no bottomless pit to kill you. the aforementioned 8 timed red coin shines keep you moving fast enough that hover is fine imo.
Watch a speedrun for Sunshine vs Galaxy or any other 3D Mario if you just are that terrible at playing Mario games that you actually can write out that Sunshine has worse movement than Odyssey.
image attachment: yes, pachinko level is fairly creative and satisfying to beat since you'll most likely have hover nozzle equipped. that shit is intolerable with any other nozzle attachment though.