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Video Games #3960
Video Games
Vidya tattoos
How does a game manage to be so scary using a monster that's very well known in games and movies?
We did it bros
Breath of the Wild thread
Hat in Time thread
Really having fun and enjoying this game...
Liking what I don't like
World of Warcraft
Who is better, Cappy or FLUDD?
1997 was a fantastic year for games
Boost fags eternally blown the fuck out
Katawa Shoujo thread
I want to play a MMO.. which one is the best nowadays, WoW or FFXIV?
90$ day 0 DLC
Gamer fuel thread
Fire Emblem
This is unironically one of the best games ever made
Is the psp go still the best portable gaming device?
Post a better character design than Raidou
Who can defeat Dark Donald in MUGEN?
Oh shit nigger! Todd Howard just fucking died and in his will he demands that YOU be in charge of the next Fallout...
Made in Abyss mmo when?
Nostalgia thread
How's Wasteland 2? I enjoyed both Fallouts, Underrail, 1/1 of the new Shadowruns (returns) and even Arcanum
XBOX One X launch thread
Which games have the best atmosphere?
Wrathion is back
Sonic Forces
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
What do you really think about Undertale, Sup Forums?
Sell me on this without comparing it to live WoW. What are the merits?
Wow Vanilla
Why does nobody talk about Demons' Souls -1 and 0?
My previous master enjoyed hearing my screams the most
Really makes you think
I am absolutely seething because of how this game keeps updating itself with content that ALREADY should've been in the...
There will never be a video game as good as the show LOST
Anduin "Bratt Pit" Wrynn
Mfw smash players call casuals "friendlies"
Has any videogame protagonist ever been more badass?
You have no excuse
So in BfA, Blizzard is adding a new body type for human NPCs
Game tries to be funny
Bought Nintendo Switch on March 3
Beta and pre-release
Is it strange that I find her oddly attractive?
Are there any Kino moments like this in Sonic Forces ?
Odyssey has no musi-
ITT: When a game series started going downhill. Pic Related
Why are S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games so great?
What do you love most about Splatoon?
Telltale lays off 90 employees: 25% of its staff
Why is the Switch selling so well?
Good job you fucking retards. Now we'll never get Game of Thrones season 2
Miiverse Thread
Convince me to buy this
Thank you Microsoft for this great console
Remember Adam Sessler? This is him now, feel old yet?
Big Smoke and Ryder have just invaded the last game you played and joined up with the MC. What happens?
This is how metacritic rates the 3d marios
Shameful fap thread
What mobage are you playing, Sup Forums?
*summons blue eyes ultimate dragon first turn*
It's better than the first one
What is your favorite JRPG party?
Did it save the franchise?
It has been 10 years. What went so wrong?
Can we all agree that The Binding Blade is the best Fire Emblem game in the series
Bioshock infinite is the best fps of all time by metacritic and the reviews on steam(exceptr for half life)
Daily reminder you will be able to play old school Alterac Valley once agin in your lifetime
What was the last game that truly blew you away, Sup Forums? Can be both in a good way or a bad way
Is there any version of Hell in fiction that you think Doomguy COULDN"T defeat?
These are the 3 new faces of modern RPGs
What the fuck happened
What games let girls behave like nature intended?
Online games need to stop requiring e-mails
Post games that require a high IQ to enjoy
You still playing the GOAT of the year?
Faulty kickstand
Snake, it's Zadornov
In The Arms Of An Angel
Official MH flaw list made by long-time fans
Tfw you can't play as much vidya as you used to because you became an adult
Have you ever played a game that you expected to hate but ended up loving it?
Videogame actually lives up to its expectations
I dont get it
Sonic Forces Storytime
Xenoblade 2 characters look like shit
/cwg/ Classic Warfract General
Have you ever felt depressed after a game released and it was absolutely fucking abysmal?
What game creates this feeling?
Did you play an h-RPG Maker games recently?
Happy N7 Day
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Semi autistic guy here
Leave Gohan Blanco to me
Buying a game on day 1 at full price, with DLC sold separately
Tfw wasted 500 hours on the shit PS4 version
Why did Kancolle die?
Prey General
Find a single flaw
That kid who tip-toed or crawled thru this hallway
One hour. Predictions?
I just finished this piece of weeb shit
Can we now talk about how bad this game was?
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree on the undisputed rankings of Assassin's Creed games?
I want to fuck goombella
FightStick Thread
Watchmojo top ten video game ______
Odyssey vs BOTW
Filename thread
How do Mexicans feel about Guacamelee! 2?
Hardest raid in the history of MMO ever
Only 6 days remaining to make it to level 40 and beat this fuckface for the piece of the Anubis set
Think of your favorite game of all time
Anime game on sony
Hello, darkness my old friend
He doesn't play on the hardest difficulty
Who do I marry, Sup Forums? I'm so conflicted
The great debate
Tfw being able to re-experience vanilla wow again
Black Friday coming up soon. What do you hope to see and plan to buy? Will there be any good switch deals?
All these pc fats having trouble with piss easy nioh
Void Elves
Jesus shes thick
Oh wow i cant wait for another dlc costume that i can't upgrade
Which controller is better on PC?
No new itemization is needed on vanilla serv-
On March 24, 2015, mankind was introduced to Bloodborne
Trailers were absolutely amazing
I'm from a little italian group, and Laika 2.0 is our first game. We are really new to all of this...
That's not enough!
So people forgot about this piece of shit already? Good
Has this replaced Mass Effect Andromeda as Sup Forums's pick for worst game of 2017...
Windows 10 exclusive
What are your thoughts about this fine lady of Sacaeian heritage?
Will there be a New Super Mario Bros. Switch, or is that series done?
Sonic Forces
Today is a beautiful day
How's your game going Sup Forums?
PSA: Sonic Forces will crash after the second stage on PC ports. And guess fucking what? To fix it, you play offline
Hand of Fate 2
4 new races
Can you guys answer honestly
Games that are cozy and fun to relax to? Preferably low difficulty, atmospheric, and with a good soundtrack
How about a nice, civil Dragons Dogma thread?
You can hug the cute thunder loli
Who else is hyped for NFS Payback?
What's the most obscure game you've played/are playing Sup Forums?
Playstation Trophies can be redeemed for discounts
ITT:Video game quotes you live by
Kirby Battle Royale
This is your new healer. Say something nice about it
Do I need to play the rest of the series to understand this game?
Main antagonist destroys MC's homeland
Video game developers who had hard lives
Literally impossible
"Esports are not real sports"
It's not a Skinner box, it's just a box of skins!
Enter a dungeon that hasn't been accessed for a thousand years
Name one (1) turn-based game that is objectively fun
Nobody cares about Xenoblade in nipland
/ctt/ - Scorpio Launch Edition
Why is this allowed?
I'm developing an open world survival game inb4 hurhur genre is dead
Will any reveal ever top this?
That ending
PS4 is currently at 67.5M units worldwide, while the 3DS is comfortably sitting at 69M units. Pokemon comes out soon...
What is the best game to play while eating pizza?
Stay jelly, faggots
3DS or PS Vita?
How do we stop twitch bimbos?
Post DLC / expansions that are better than their main game
Is it worth 7.50 €?
So... how are they going to manage to fuck this up? Remember, this is nu-Blizzard we're dealing with here
Game has a high fantasy setting
Its actually fun
Don't name your kid after a fictional game character guys. It will turn her into a deadbeat
What the FUCK
So, it's a guy?
Time to get a job i guess, sigh
That guy that tries to greentext in chat
How was this forgotten so quick? Is it really such shit?
Apparently the port is garbage
According to the gaming press, these 4 games are masterpieces. Do you concur?
This is your healer for tonight
3x3 thread
Was it based?
It's fun with friends!
Maybe happening!
People wanting a Mario 64 remake
Why are jap games so popular on Sup Forums
Is it like Diablo 2? All I want is a good arpg with dark artstyle
Finally challenge the pewter gym, your first gym
Xenoblade 2
What were they thinking?
Sonic Forces 30fps Switch
You will never earn obscene amounts of money to play video games all day
What is his endgame?
What's the official Sup Forums stance on this piece of shit?
Is this the worst PC port since Arkham City?
How would you fix this game Sup Forums
Are we hype Sup Forums? this is videogames
DSP now has his own Kiwifarms board
/v hypocrisy exposed
What are some games where I can be a samurai?
What skills and tips have learned from videogames?
Cracked within hours
So tired of hearing this game is not inspired by Blade Runner...
I thought destiny child was a nigger
Sorry, this is a danger zone, no casuals allowed, you can only post here if your reaction time is under 250 ms
Official, most recent list of flaws long-time fans pointed out:
Choose your religion
Unpopular video game opinions
Queen of Sup Forums
Reasons Why Classic WoW was so great and lovable
Hourly reminder
Best game series that are still producing?
Who is the superior female protagonist of Fire Emblem?
What was his endgame?
MU Legend
Nioh reviews what??
Worst enemy variety ever in a video game
You cried right?
Subtle vidya clothing thread
Are there any video games that are acceptable to cry at?
Over a year later
RIP Need for Speed
Getting Over It
Intel joins forces with AMD to battle Nvidia
Xenoblade 2 Direct
Insert Cock
Master race strikes again
So, what's the Sup Forumserdict on Skyrim?
Will it ever be topped?
Game series ends
It's after school in 1997
Which game should I buy?
So they are gonna put more trash in league?
Thief thread
What went horribly wrong?
I love this industry because I can trick children into making their parents buy them shit they don't need so they can...
EA Buys CD Projekt Red. Does this mean Cyberpunk 2077 will be filled with micro-transactions?
To my side my noble einherjar!
Why is vanilla wow still so "mysterious"?
~8 minutes until release
Show me your MMO characters
Vidya opinions that legit make you mad
Is RE7 a hidden gem?
Why do people still shop at GameStop in 2017?
I'm about to buy this. Is this game any good?
ELEX thread
B-but Nintendo hasn't added microtransactions to their games
How the hell are you suppose to get 100?
From a 1 to 10 scale, how many of your friends hace you killed yet?
This saves the Warcraft
Who's your favorite SMT demon Sup Forums?
Which was better?
How do you deal with the fact that you're a 20-something adult male who is no longer in the target audience of the vast...
Metroid Discussion Thread
And the only winner here is Nintendo
What is your favourite pinball game Sup Forums?
The game begins at the 30 hour mark
Would you let Yuri split you open and crawl inside you?
Classic WoW
3 new Bandai Namco Switch exclusives
Miiverse is getting F'd
Be jelly faggots
Dragon Dogma could've been an epic game, but it fell short. It's a great game in any case
*blocks your path*
The main character is hardly involved in the story
It says here that you havent completed a single game this year
Now that the dust has settled, how did I feel about it?
Buy splatoon 2
Nostalgia thread
When's Global MapleStory 2?
What is the most difficult video game YOU ever played, Sup Forums?
Nioh on PC isn't available in Japan because of Sony
When did you realize all game "journalists" need to forcibly removed?
Evole wub a bab gab! WUBBLUBDUBVGUB
World of Warcraft
How are you liking the new cute Arcueid, Akiha and Ciel?
I'm not a psychopath. I'm a high-functioning psychopath
Glad you could make it, Uther
Are you enjoying your Nintendo Switch Sup Forums? What games are you currently playing on it?
Vidya Memories
Want to play the best rts
Who would win?
Classic WoW software engineer job
Post instant nostalgia goosebumps music
Utawarerumono remake coming to PS4 and PS Vita on April 26th, 2018
Was recently watching Blue Planet II and was wondering if anyone still plays this game?
Who else is hyped? release date when?
How do feel now that you know this wasn't meant to be meta?
WoW: Remind me again why you people want Classic WoW?
Sequelitis - ZELDA: A Link to the Past vs. Ocarina of Time
Have you ever played anything with your dick, Sup Forums?
Playing in my room handheld
Colored hair
Multiplayer game
How many nostalgiatards will be in for a shock when they go back to wow classic and realize it was literal garbage?
Its 4AM. What are you doing awake?
Are the rumors true?
WoW:Classic - Stolen Valor Edition
As A FUCKING LEAF i expected 79.99
Fuck this console war garbage. Let's all unite and discuss games on all platforms
Mario Odyssey Photo Mode Thread
>b-but pubg will be the biggest game ever!!!1!!11
Vanilla WoW servers got announced only a few days ago and we already have many cases of stolen valor happening
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Switch Life Time
Is there a PSX game that nobody on Sup Forums dislikes?
LITERALLY the best game ever made
Remember this board is for Japanese games
Win game
Its out
Assassin's Creed Origins
Don't be fooled by her childish appearance—Zoe is an ancient being, a cosmic messenger of Targon
What the fuck were the thinking?
How do we stop twitch bimbos?
Who’s the cutest Pokémon NPC and why is it Hex Maniac?
Xenoblade 2
Mmm yes ugly girls are my fetish
Reminder the Japan literally made a game just to train Westerners who were too dumb to understand or appreciate JRPG's...
Sledgehammer games insists CoDWW2 was meticulously researched so everything could be as historically authentic and...
ITT post good video game character design that brainlets can't comprehend
ITT: Meme weapons
His backstory is literally just that Shadow hurt his feelings and made him cry. That's it
Whats the point of creating male character as PC when you are a female?
Friendly reminder that we will NEVER get the Silent Hills sequel that we deserved
What the FUCK went wrong?
Keiji inafune
Frozen Wilds is out
What went wrong?
What happened to making friends in vidya since the 2000's? Why is it so hard now?
Not a single cuphead thread on Sup Forums
Games where i can play as Nazis
Rise a cute
Select your kid
Is Sup Forums the equivalent of the undernet?
Post characters who's removal would enhance the game they are from. Feel free to argue
Does nice animation in a trailer increase the likelihood of you picking up a game?
Hmmmm? What could this be?
Who is the Sam Hyde of vidya?
What went so fucking right?
Call of duty ww2 is a good ga-
.hack thread
Buyer's remorse thread
Is there a single character out there more powerful than Takane Shijou?
Post-Game Content
No "Retry mission" option
Alright, I recognize I'm by no means a programmer, and this is wishful thinking...
What do you think of the splatoon franchise?
Is AC O worth buying?
Whats up poorfags ? ;) you allright? hehe ;))
Why is she so perfect?
The best youtuber
Achievement unlocked
3x3 Thread
Recommend vidya
Is this the preferred FE game
Yakuza Ishin - Time To Give Up On Localization?
Will Crash always be a poor man's Sonic?
Sonic dies
*blocks your path*
Alright it's midnight
World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth
Connecting to server
Favorite SMO Kingdom
What are the top 3 Mario games?
Your average COD, GTA, Assassin’s Creed player
Very little focus on platforming
What are you rolling Sup Forums?
This is Flonne, Lady Archangel and best girl in the series. Say something nice about her
Nu Sup Forums will never understand the importance of this fight
You play the prologue as the final boss of the game
What's the last video game that you fully enjoyed?
Is there an MtG video game out there that features the best format, commander?
Tracer's ass
Are there actually people out there that actually will drop a videogame if it sexualizes lolis?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Tomorrow new skins gonna save Battlerite
Why does China not make games except bad knockoffs of American games?
This game seems to be unanimously considered a masterpiece everywhere except here, why is that?
Bullshit in vidya
Push to talk
Plays a fantasy game
What happens when you run out of content?
I need a comfy grind game that I can semi do in a multitask way, i.e. play another game while playing this grind game
Why do we allow women to play competitive games?
Under Night Thread
This triggers the nu-male
Will we get a Mania 2...
>So I heard you're a weeb *Farts Loudly*
Cute Cozy Games
What the fuck is this bullshit?
You're a frickin' WHITE GIRL
So, after you take me back to my place, how about we do some...overtime?
XboxX Thread - Extra CPU, GPU power "will have no impact at all!" Edition
Has Sup Forums ever had vidya get in the way of your love life?
You get knocked out in a dungeon and this guy's face is the first thing you see when you wake up
Was it autism?
This game is the best skateboarding game ever made and will never be topped. Plus it's the most realistic skating game...
Thoughts on Skyrim?
Games where Protagonist is the final boss
Have you ever bought a game because it had cute girls in it?
Is this the final expansion?
I saw it coming
Classic WoW
Why did this game fail?
Okay, wahooniggers convinced me to by the Switch. I skipped the Wii U...
Hey anons, check this out. Fresh leaks
Just face it, Paper Mario was the epitome of video games. There will never be a better video game than Paper Mario
What's the appeal of gatcha games?
Are there any games that feel like ITAOTS?
It's that time again, Sup Forums
Tanks controls and fixed camera angles are good
Play Warframe
So.... is this the end of Sony?
I Sakamoto still the George Lucas of video games?
*hooks your support*
M-Rated Game
What are some good game cube games
Nioh PC thread: Not having mouse control is the sign of a lazy porting team edition
D-Do you have any idea, any idea who I am?
Xbox One X Thread
Only a few hours until day 1 pirate
Download a shtiload of games
Better link
When will video games look as good as the first Toy Story movie?
Don't mind me, just being the most obnoxious Tales protagonist ever
Fuck you, I like this series
Try and do PC gaming
How's that gaming channel Sup Forums?
What is the appeal of this game?
Was it a good game?
What is the best non-magnum RE4 handgun...
Is this worth buying these days? What are the best games? Is the Persona 4 version the best version to play?
New Trailer for the Senran Kagura Burst Remake featuring that dumb babu
Why aren't you playing a video game right now Sup Forums?
Now that the dust has settled, is this worth a buy?
Reach lvl 120
How do you feel about Dragon Ball FighterZ having only 2 confirmed female fighters so far?
What is it about this game that makes turbo autists shill it so hard?
Official laugh at Sonic Forces thread
So why aren't you playing the best MMO out there right now?
Post a screen shot of what you are playing RIGHT NOW!
Why the hell is it called Link to the PAST?
How did the N64 even compete?
What are some similar games?
Choose your character's name
ITT: post the worst map/ mission from the last game you played
Forget the gameplay and story. Has there ever been a less aesthetically coherent game?
Opus Magnum Thread
Tfw being able to re-experience vanilla wow for the first time again
Which Persona 5 girl is best?
What are some games where I can go on a journey with someone who loves me?
What games let me play as old men past their prime?
We buying Star Wars: Battlefront 2 now?
Explain to me the lore of world of warcraft and all its expansions in 20 words or less
Drakengard Thread
Mario Lore
So I just beat Soma, very good game. I'm looking for another game with a great story...
Is PC gaming on a TV the comfiest ever?
Who are some vidya characters that had really memorable deaths that stuck with you?
Should people be required to input their SIN when playing online video games so that players are accountable for their...
How do I get into the trash filled archway, Sup Forums?
It’s up
Which one Sup Forums?
COMFY Super Mario Odyssey Thread
What are some games I can play that have deep, meaningful messages. Ones that make me stop and say "hmmm..."
*ruins your 100%*
ITT: Games that stopped you from killing yourself
Finally hack wiiU
WHat the fuck
Castlevania: Simon's Destiny
Which one Sup Forums?
So Sup Forums, are lootboxes a form of gambling, and if they are, should it be regulated?
I consider myself to be a pretty chill and rational guy, but whenever I see someone defend FF XIII in any way, shape...
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Is one objectively better than the other?
Member dark souls 1???????????
I am sorely disappointed by the fact that this game has virtually no interior areas, aside from houses...
Why do white gamers do this Sup Forums?
Have you ever been deceived by a game promotional material?
Do you still hate this, Sup Forums?
Mario gets Peach
Deep Down confirmed at PSX
Someone sits this down in front of you and says "Enjoy!"
What is the appeal of this series?
I'm really confused as to why people pretend this is a good game with an interesting story
*ruins melee*
Is it worth it?
Name a comfier combo
"dude turn on the mic"
Whats the coziest game ever made
Looks like crap
Blue Omen Operation
Is this still true?
Best Vidya OST of 2017
Get that dirty hand away from me
I love my Switch!
When was the last time you were immersed in a video game?
Balance druid joins your party
Why couldn't you rise up Sup Forums?
Meanwhile on Sup Forumsalos 1
Gentlemen, I present to you the holy trinity of Zelda games
I mean, I get what they were going for with this character...
Why are all the girls that are into Danganronpa kinda...........weird?
What are some games where I can get destroyed by a cute girl?
What did you play today?
Dokkan Battle thread
Just saw a trailer for this game. What did I think about it Sup Forums?
You hear it you lose
Sonic Forces
Pick one of these franchises to play forever
Watch Dogs is free
Do you like racing games?
*pffffffhhhhhhhhhhhh* *schmmmm schmmmmmm* *ppfgh*
This is one of the best sci-fi shooters I've ever played...
Battlestation thread
Are lives an outdated mechanic?
That kid who mained Yoshi
You have 20 minutes to bait me into playing pic related instead of LA Noir or Lone Survivor with pics of hotness
What was the last physical console game you bought?
Realistically speaking
Where does 2D Metroid go from here?
Super Mario Galaxy > Odyssey
P4 Cast > P5 Cast
What's next for From?
Operator balance in Rainbow six siege
What's a good game to play while hammered?
"One copy of Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon, please!"
The Boss gave birth to two sons; Naked Snake and Ocelot
Check updates
Just installed this, anything that I should before diving in?
It's 2017 and PC still isn't the standard for gaming because of brain dead poor console peasants
Using your knowledge and skills, how will you save the princess, Sup Forums?
Are smartphone games ruining a future generation of "gamers" Sup Forums?
Mash X to win and occasionally heal and win 100% of the time
Blizzard Built A 'Strike Team' To Put An End To Overwatch Jerks
There is literally NOTHING on this board I hate more than Sunshinefags. I can smell them from behind my monitor...
Peak performance
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...