Have you ever felt depressed after a game released and it was absolutely fucking abysmal?

Have you ever felt depressed after a game released and it was absolutely fucking abysmal?

Halo 4. I have no one to blame but myself.

no. closest i ever came was halo 5 but generally i feel nothing

Diablo 3

343 btfo

OP here, I should've mentioned that my game is the MCC.

Holy fuck 343 what have you done?

no, you have to have mental autism to be depressed by a game sucking

Does watching tf2 die counts?

that dungeon keeper mobile game

Not depressed, but I was very disappointed with Arkham Knight.

I backed Armikrog.

bioshock infinite, cause i knew the immersive sim genre was dead and never coming back

but then it did prey is goty2017

also can i have more distorted pics of jay, that one made me lol

Halo 4
it was just a cod reskin with an abyssmal campaign that made no sense

i'm sorry mate

>Uhhhh you're supposed to read the books to understand what the fuck is going on

Skyrim. I was really excited for it. I don't usual preorder games but this time it was an exception. Turns out that Skyrim is a watered down, showboat, buggy version of Oblivion. I never been this disappointed in a games release before.

Overall Skyrim is more of chore to play than it is to enjoy.

Too bad Prey sold kind of badly. I'd like to see other companies take a crack at the formula, or really any kind of semi-open fps with enemies that aren't fucking dumb as rocks with shit AI, and accuracy so shit that a toddler could beat the game on the hardest difficulty with minimal trouble (looking at you, Far Cry, though it's not really the same genre)

You are like a little baby
Watch this



i play games to take the edge off my depression hbu

>Bioshock infinite was suppose to have a dynamic story
>Instead it was a convoluted story with a lame progressive politics forced into it which wouldn't effect that overall plot of the story if it wasn't implemented.

I almost didn't buy it because I knew it was going to be shit, but I did because I'm an absolute Halo autist and wanted to at least give it a chance.

I played the campaign through and never touched it again, I don't even want to think about it. 343's "Halo" isn't Halo it's just some kind of impostor holding the Halo name.

Yeah, it is called building tolerance. I stayed away from vidya for a couple of months and then I got a sudden urge for it. I found myself playing games I didn't like before, like Warhammer 40k Dawn of War.

Dragon Age 2, because I knew old Bioware was dead and gone

>super duper rayciss city
>no worse than normal 20s america
>not one utterance of nigger
I absolutely HATED Bioshlock Infinite and the story was just one part that i hated

Dark Souls 3


Fallout 4
Fuck you Todd

I was hoping for Anime Fantasy MGSV
Instead I got Dragon Age Inquisition

Destiny, I assume 2 is just as bad.


What was Halo 1-3 score?

>sick visuals
>ear-gasmic sound

is this shopped?

oh god just kill me now

Depressed, no. Closest I got to that was MMX5, though.

tales of vesperia but not because the game was bad but because it ended too early and marked the decline of the series afterwards

Not in a while, but it's happened

I’ve been waiting... so long


To be where I'm going

You're wrong. Its worse.

From IGN
Halo3: 9.5
Halo2: 9.8
Halo1: 8.2
MCC: 9



Anybody have that image of EA raping Dead Space 3 while the happy merchant watches?

Because that just about nails it.

MGSV. It was so bad that it turned me off games completely. Haven't been able to get any enjoyment from a game since I played MGSV.

nuts and bolts

Spore made me grow up

I preordered Mass Effect 3's deluxe edition.

it wasn't right after it released, but i picked up fable 3 from the bargain bin for windows with no knowledge of how the series was after really enjoying fable the lost chapters as a teenager (i dind't know anything about the stuff surrounding that game, but i found it enjoyable enough at the time)

3 was so fucking abysmal i gave up. one of the first times i've quit a game like that.

>tfw purchased Fallout 4 at the launch week at full price

thanks for the reminder that i did the same. that and fable are probably on equal footing now.

FF13 stopped me playing games for a couple years

>I got suckered into the Fallout 4 hype like a fucking idiot
Why I thought it could live up to New Vegas is far beyond me. It's genuinely the only game I regret buying.

Yeah buy prey also wasn't that hard. As soon as you get the shotgun, and assuming you're not retarded, you can just turn yourself into discount DOOM guy and murder all the aliens.

I blame Todd's E3 presentation. It was great. Fuck you, Todd.

>BioShock Infinite wins a GOTY award from the VGAs
>The footage for the game as it won GOTY was from alpha versions of the game that died on the cutting room floor
It was so fucking fitting.

Just think about how fondly the series would be remembered if it ended at 2

not 2???

This, I'm still mad.

I don't think so. Only after a movie, like The Force Awakens.

jay what's wrong with your face? you look like CGI grand moff tarkin

Im still mad
They literally rewrote the game 6 months before release

Bioshock Infinite was the pinnacle of everything wrong with AAA games at the time it came out.
If it would be released nowadays it'd most likely have an open world with irrelevant generic side missions, a myriad of pointless collectibles, tacked on multiplayer and lootboxes and the Vox Populi would shout some variation of the Black Lives Matter slogan.


>choices that effect the world around you
>city will can turn to shit due to certain choices
>Songbird would've been an ongoing boss throughout the whole game
>When he appears, either hide in buildings or chip away health till he leaves
>looked to have a bizarre cast of characters
>A lot more open, Columbia being a huge hub
>Sky rails to be span across maps and not just in small areas
>horror elements

All fucking scrapped just months before release because Hack Levine wanted to tell his shitty story.

Maybe the original Fable?
I fell hard for Molyneux lies.
Still had fun with it though, so not really depressed.

Why what is so bad on MGS5? I like it. Only annoying part is the credits which roll every fucking mission.

Gothic 3 and then MGSV.

Thats already what the Vox was though
>chinp out and destroy the entire city

MGS V was legitimately the last Video Game I bought.

I was really depressed when I realized how shitty FFXV was turning out.

Never bought it.

X Rebirth. It was such a shitty, neutered, consolized experience compared to the autism simulator that were the previous games.

Very repetetive and little to no story. It would be a good game if it wasnt an mgs game.


Spiderman 2 PC because my dumb 10 year old self saw footage from the console versions and didn't know the pc version was a completely different game.

Dragon Age 2
Mass Effect 3
Uncharted 4( I really loved 3's multiplayer, and playing 4's physically hurt my chest)

Same, and I played it for 200 hours despite being disappointed.

worth the money, disappointing game but it still had its merits. Exploring the world was still a good time.

it was ok as a generic sci-fi fps, but holy shit nothing about it was halo

i got metroid prime vibes the entire time and even the weapons felt out of place with floating metal parts everywhere.

Halo 4 and 5 and will probably do the same for halo whatever the fuck when it comes out if 343 cant get something right.

D3 was fun as fuck what are you on about

Weebtomata. Was expecting a DMC clone,boy was i wrong. Never uninstalled faster in my life

D3 has one flaw to me-no fucking updates. The game is so stale lategame,its painful. But i do agree,its super fun

Spore was the breaking point for me from slight skepticism to full blown negativity toward the industry

>muh dmc cuuuhraaazyy

The fact that the entire game is basically a really good framework for an amazing game. It's like they set up all the mechanics and gameplay so perfect, and then ran out of money to create things to do in the game story-wise.

mgs v
fuck kojima
fuck konami

I see your point. My dad and i played the shit out of it. Then i started to fall out of it. Then we satrted playing hardcore and we played even longer. He still plays a little and i dont.

Which one was it that had the trailer where master chief was wearing a desert hood with his full armor on? That stupid detail for some reason made me think the series was beyond hope.

Halo 5

first teaser for halo 5


You passed the Control-F test. Game was so bad Will just gave up afterwards.


Borderlands 2 Midnight release

pretty much all the Pokemon games after red+blue

It is litterally hurting me what 343 is doing to halo. That storyline was my favorite thing in gaming until 343 took over. Armor looks like shit. Customization is shit. Can't see friends or other players characters in menus. Stories are turning to shit. Copying CoD and breaking the game.
Its like watching a friend get tortured.


crystal and emerald are great games.
Halo 6 will save Halo, this time for sure.

I fucking hope so, and i hope 343 goes down with halo if it doesnt.

>mfw I got the season pass too expecting it to be a good game

It wasn't even any better then the fucking marine campaign from AVP2010.