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>no dick
Jesus Christ
Most overrated artist there is. Even fucking Shadman is better. At least he has more variety than this bitch. Literally every picture she has drawn is some uncanny valley pin-up shit with characters looking like they bathed in oil.
This is the only correct opinion.
I am so sick of looking at her shit.
Her anatomy is actually fucking terrible. She just gets away with normies thinking she is amazing because she is really good at rendering in photoshop and using filter / lighting effects to make it look flashy.
Why is she so perfect lads?
must have been some wedding
You know she got those thick, beefy curtains that you just want to suck and nibble on.
This is it, I'm going to order a Nintendo™ Switch™ Mario™ Odyssey™ bundle now.
They banned foreigners from getting married on that beach because of it.
Sakimichan rips where?
Good goyim. Do as your princess desires.
Alright! Im back from having a glorious fap
Daisy has the biggest dick.
thanks doc
>patreon watermark
>draw fanart the same way over and over
>get $25k+ a month from normies
Would Sup Forums do it?
You guys may hate it, but she's rich and you're not.
Made for impregnation.
Goyim is the plural of goy you retard
>generic white woman
This is how you know a franchise has gone to the niggers.
t. Goy pro
Calm down there's no need to be so hostile
Lol, drama queens, who cares faggot, that shit's hot af.
Which artist do you recommend for a more cultured and intelligent fap. Someone japanese?
Isn't she already a chink?
Same shit.
>mfw shitskins and sjw scum complain she's too aryan perfect
I feel like people who draw shit like this don't understand how clothes work.
I've no dog in this fight, but I don't think you know what the uncanny valley is.
It's a fucking cartoon. It's not meant to represent 1:1 reality.
she's the only artist I know who's art has gotten worse over time
>not sigurd or clt alt del
Yeah but I'll masturbate anyway.
Christ I want her to cuckold me.
You know it's assholes like you that are the reason that waifus aren't real
What if they intended for her dress to be like some kind of tight rubbery suit?
Is it wrong that I wanted Bowser to marry Peach this time? I think this is the first time he got all festive and dressed up for it. Even if this isn't the first time, wouldn't Peach marring Bowser just solve the conflict between the two kingdoms?
Mine is real in my heart! You monster!
>even shadman is better
I get the hate for an artist making a lot of money for drawing anime girls, but come on.
Found the aspie.
Was this the first sweetie poster?
Tell me about Bane
Why does he wear the mask?
I see nothing wrong with royalty marrying royalty.
Is there an edit of this where Peach looks happy?
Legoman has gotten much worse.
It still wouldn't do that. My cock is not complaining however.
>Even fucking Shadman is better
You're hitting below the belt there, man.
Minorities love white blue eyed women however.
Problem with Lego is that he never fucking finishes anything. Even his so called completed works still have boxes for fingers.
I already have a switch but literally got Mario Kart 8 DX for Peach's motorcycle suit.
Stop posting this image. Bowser is scaly, not hairy ffs
I love this fucker but takes fucking forever to put stuff out.
There isn't really any conflict bowser just feels the need to stir up shit.
I wanna fuck Peach!
Peach is for Koopa cock
>/ic/ deawfags complaining about sakimi when patroen first got big
>dat fliw of never-ending salt
mfw im looking up with a girl with legs/an ass like this and i can't get hard because she's flat as a fucking board. i envy DFC fags
>I feel like people who bitch about art like this don't understand how fetishes work.
Yes, and they still bitch about it after they fap.
I want a cute user to play Peach for me.
>Getting choked by a reptile
>i can't get hard because she's flat
Don't even associate with me you tasteless, mongrel of a peasant.
Just fap to it and don't think to hard about it.
He's just an edgelord, who needs to draw more loli doggie fucking.
Ah yes, a boob fetish. How obscure.
So do Russians, Chinese, and Canadians. Ban them all.
But how do I fap if I don't think hard?
It's just a saying, aspie.
Tho poor choice of words in a series where Donky Kong exists.
This, nipples and cameltoe outlines in clothing is vanilla but top tier fetish in the sea of edgy /d/ degeneracy.
i thought i knew the meaning of flat before i met this girl... but... she has shown me the truth in the matter. she wears a SUPER padded bra, and it's literally a tiny bump under her shirt.. when her bra is off, it's LITERALLY just her nipples
Don't think hard. Be hard. For your health.
Same man, met a girl with thick thighs/ass but she had like A cups so i just couldn't do it. D+ cups or bust
Post it please. I'd love to see it.
Terrible anatomy, can not fap.
That's what drawing does to you, still can't draw, and all I see are mistakes in 90% of porn art.
t. Never gonna make it.