I know that there's a bunch of strategy games where you can be Nazis so i'm wondering about other genres.
The only FPS that I can think of is Red Orchestra.
I know that there's a bunch of strategy games where you can be Nazis so i'm wondering about other genres.
The only FPS that I can think of is Red Orchestra.
Why would you want to play as mass murderers?
Because they have cool uniforms and I ideologically align with them.
Red Orchestra 2.
Fuck off.
Your taste and waifu is shit
I can't tell if these are ironic or not.
Fuck off to Israel if you love kikes so much fag.
Not him, but that doesn't necessarily mean you'd want a full on fourth reich.
Although apparently some do.
Not your safespace, neonigger.
>it's another Sup Forums thread
Do you niggers literally have a discord you organize crossboard raids on or something?
I actually want to talk about video games where I can play as Nazis.
But then again this is Sup Forums so we can never talk about video games.
Are you triggered by his free speech beta faggot? You right wingers sure whine a lot, do you need a safe space to jerk off to Adolf the jew?
>m-muh pole
>w-why peple talk about meanie nazi game >:(
do it again Bomber Harris
Do it again bomber harris
Do it again, General Sherman.
Oops, wrong boos
do it again Bomber Harris
>soyboi this mad because op wants a nazi game
COCO IS _____
It sure has been nice seeing the momentum shifting in Sup Forums's favor ever since Wolfenstein turned out to be complete over the top propaganda and NeoFag died. We already annexed Sup Forums and now Sup Forums is the only board of importance that has yet to be fully annexed.
Of course we'll leave Sup Forums alone because we don't want to shit where we eat.
>playing as german soldiers is the same as playing as a nazi
Reminder all Jews have the mark of Cain. This is why you cant flat out kill them. Dont make Hitlers noob mistake.
The time is our, /fuhrer/. What should be do about /bant/? It is growing communistic filth.
What kind of low quality bait is this? You'd do better with a box, and a stick with string to pull.
Read Dies Irae
Hitler was simply trying to transport Jews out of Germany. Sure some died in his labor camps due to starvation and typhus, but that couldn't be helped.
Nazis are really gay.
Why Nazis though? They suck if compared to the glorious German Empire.
good friends with Chico and Pico
Is funny really, school and unis always invite Jews to these WW2 lecture periods, and you get nothing but the same sob stories that Schindlers List or the Boy with the Pajamas can tell better. My uni actually did something nice for a change and invited a women, and her grandpa was a nazi. God the discussion was so interesting, since her grandpa worked on communications for food supply and did 0 killing. But nah, perspective is taboo 2017.
dies irae is so fucking shit.
>tfw you recognize a copypasta but you're powerless to stop others from falling for it
Nazis uniforms still look cooler.
Sometimes it's just fun to play as the bad guy, especially when the bad guys look so damn cool.
do it again Bomber Harris
Mein Neger
t. brainlet who wasn't read the Iliad and the Odyssey, all of Nietzsche's works, Plato's Republic and other Dialogues, the Torah, the King James Bible, the Quran, Aurelius' Meditations, the Divine Comedy, The Prince, Don Quixote, all of Shakespeare's plays, Paradise Lost, the entire works of Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy, all of Faulkner, Moby-Dick, Heart of Darkness, In Search of Lost Time, Anna Karenina, Ulysses, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, all of Whitman's poems, Les Miserables, all of Kafka, or The Picture of Dorian Gray, Fate/stay night, and Toaru Majutsu no Index
>bad guy
hahahahahaha faggot
History is white washed. Black people where the original Nazis!
>wasn't read
nice job shitposter-kun
Because Sup Forumstards can only enact their retarded fantasy playing video games. They will get rocked by antifa if they tried starting shit outside.
Hearts of Iron III.
Medieval 2 as the Holy Roman Empire.