R.I.P Rockstar 1998 - 2018
R.I.P Rockstar 1998 - 2018
Well duh.
dont like it dont buy it
stop acting so entitled fucking loser faggot
Never cared about multiplayer
>the absolute state of western games
Has the West made 5 good games since 2010?
The people who complain about loot boxes aren't the ones buying them.
The roles should be swapped
this doesn't work though because the guy on the right would be eating the shit. also,
>just accept to have less content. Just because cosmetics used to be free doesn't allow you to want them to stay that way.
Multiplayer is the only reason I ever considered getting this game on sale. I don't think I'd ever touch the single player, just like I did with GTAV
if you're not buying them why are you complaining?
I don't really understand how they are going to implement something like this in a western game. GTA Online's setting allows for them to add an unlimited amount of clothing, weapons. and vehicles until the end of time. What the hell are they going to do for RDR Online?
Japan literally invented gacha shit you weeb retard
Buffalo Bucks
Pay $19.99 and get 1/10th of the money needed to purchase the hot new horse with flaming wings!
>boot up video game in 2017
>constantly reminded every few minutes to buy more shit
Gee user I don't know.
Good, consolefags deserve to get fucked over.
Looking in this thread at them already rushing to the defense of Take Two confirms this.
I hope loot boxes make their way into TLOU 2 too and you have to buy 10 in order to get the real ending.
That's a good question, maybe expand the player hideout and add more useless crap to collect?
you don't have to buy them
Nothing new. GTA5 had the shit. And its only for tge online mode. Who fucking cares.
There's none of this shit in both AC Origins and Shadow of War
Fuck off
Also RDR2 probably will be shit nevertheless because they gave up on their talent after releasing GTAV. They made so much actually good games from 2002 to 2008 for example, and now they're just releasing shit for GTA Online because every faggot like you probably buys that shit
But I don't want advertisements in my game.
How can you honestly defend microtransactions my god.
>you dont have to kill yourself
>you dont have to install adblockers
>you dont have to buy reddit gold
in game advertisements and lootboxes are two different things
People dont do this. Why do these retards think this is a valid argument? The ones consuming the crates dont hate it
Treasury Bonds/Gold Bars.
Player housing/custom horses/something.
Where have you been?
GTAV sells like a fucking Japanese gacha game with online microtransactions
No shit. Did you forget how jew rockstar went with GTAV? Don't take it as me defending it, because I'm not. But it was obvious.
Either way they are trying to make you spend more money after your initial purchase for content that should be free.
Nobody is going to care enough about new horse breeds to dump real money on them.
Some kind of customization gang hideout system with a huge grind behind it might pull some people in, but it won't be nearly to the same degree as the flashy cloths/weapons/cars in GTAO
>content that should be free
The "just dont buy it" excuse never works, NEVER. It only ends up getting worse
So you would actually rather pay money for in game items?
In Shadows of War they literally lock the end game unless you either buy stuff or play like a maniac.
Well I don't buy games from Bethesda and EA and they still make and publish only shit games
Don't see the problem here
I told you idiots not to support Rockstar but nooo, Rockstar would never become EA.
nobody is forcing me to pay for in game items?
>In Shadows of War they literally lock the end game unless you either buy stuff or play like a maniac.
They don't, but good for you reading some dumb journos and fags that can only complain without any actual facts because they don't even play games, like that one dumb bitch who couldn't finish the tutorial of Cuphead
>but it won't be nearly to the same degree as the flashy cloths/weapons/cars in GTAO
Yep, I just don't see how it could be the same kind of success that GTAV/GTAO is.
He's too pure for this world
Yea, this shit is why I don't play GTAO anymore.
You're right, better to remain complacent and let them continue their shitty business practices. It doesn't affect you after all. I love advertisements!
The game was repetitive trash anyway
>but you dont HAVE to eat the shit!
Yeah well it's still on a plate in front of me and it's making the entire house smell like shit even if i dont eat it
You're talking to a gamer user, gamers have the foresight of a 12 year old, don't waste your time.
if I don't enjoy the game without buying microtransactions then it's a bad game
if I enjoy the game without buying microtransactions then it's a good game
I don't see the problem here.
>Implying that RDR Online would not be a reskin of GTA Online to begin with
They make like 50% of their money from faggot children buying shark cards
Holy shit, it's like I traveled back in time to 2007/2008 when both Rakion and GunZ introduced their premium shit and people SWORE up and down that it'd never affect gameplay.
Same shit different day, gamers never learn, they're like literal sheep.
aren't you a gamer?
This, nobody ever cared about MP in rockstar titles to begin with, nobody should care.
I'm sure it won't affect gameplay but it still sours me that they'll charge people full price for a game, more if pre order bonuses and a season pass is involved, and then still lock content behind microtransactions. It's just pure greed at this point.
It's single player microtransactions we're talking about here.
video g*ames in 2018
>$70 digital deluxe edition if you want all content
>$30 season pass
>exclusive preorder bonus
>exclusive console content
>in game microtransaction shop
>can purchase in game currency with real money
>always online only
>tripple DRM
>no modding
and my favorite part
>shit still sells like hot cakes and makes mad dosh despite basically assraping the consumer
>being poor
No, I just play games.
Gamers define who they are by the games they play, and as such defend every shitty thing about a game they like.
They're another form of real-life NPC.
Imagine you bought a ticket for a movie you were really looking forward to but halfway through the movie some guy kept tapping you on the shoulder asking you to buy his "Movie Experience Glasses" The movie is really good and you'd just like to watch it in peace but this asshole keeps distracting you.
Would you buy the glasses user?
>people somehow can defend this
Imagine caring about this
>Gamers define who they are by the games they play, and as such defend every shitty thing about a game they like.
When did that become the definition of a gamer?
I thought it was just someone who plays and enjoys video games?
I care.
I fucking hate MP, but that's all Rockstar fucking develops for anymore.
GTAV has been like full fuckin' price since it came out - it should easily be $29.99 retail by now.
There hasn't been a single fucking expansion like GTAIV's Lost and the Damned and Ballad of Gay Tony.
Because they focus ONLY on the fucking multiplayer. Every fucking faggot only plays the multiplayer. That's where the money is, so fuck everyone who wants a good singleplayer campaign, right?
GTA 3 had Vice City and San Andreas which were full-fledged games.
GTA 4 had LatD and BoGT which weren't full-fledged games, yes, but decent expansions.
What. WHAT the FUCK does GTA 5 have? I don't fucking know because I refuse to play multiplayer. FUCK.
>if you disagree with me you literally eat shit
t. yes, I mad.
learn what words mean.
Rockstar employees need to eat, you know. Having the most successful best selling games isn't enough you see.
>I thought it was just someone who plays and enjoys video games?
You thought wrong, gamers turned the word into what it is today.
If you're someone who likes games but doesn't go all out defending them online against valid criticism, you're just someone who likes games.
If you're someone like , , , , or , you're a gamer.
I like games, but when a game employs a practice that I think is idiotic, I don't defend it or pretend it doesn't matter, because I'm not a manchild who needs my hobby to be perfect because it's all I have in life.
And just so we're clear, normalfags can be gamers too, and many of them are.
If you're defined by what you consume, you're a real-life NPC.
How is a giant red sign on boot up to buy lootboxes not an advertisement? Stop being a retard.
It's normal, it's a console game.
>The people who defend this are in this very thread right now.
Truly the state of the modern video gamer
>complete lack of vision
Games are expensive to make you stupid go- I mean guy, now pay up.
Imagine the best game of the 00's being ruined by modern-day "features"
Imagine a promising sequel to that game being 45% singleplayer and 110% of it being the focus of multiplayer.
Want to play another well-executed, gold-standard DLC like Undead Nightmare? Fuck you, because it's going to end up being some multiplayer-only shitfest. The only travesty here will be is if everyone's Shark Cards won't be compatible with RDR2's multiplayer oh god fucking forbid.
"gamer" is just a label, it's neither negative or positive.
it's so odd seeing people unable to comprehend this though. It's like they have to categorize every label they've ever been given into "righteous" and "wicked" without anything neutral.
Literally black and white thinking.
But I'm glad you've found a way to feel superior to the people that do that same things as you
and use "gamer" as a negative label to enforce that false sense of superiority.
Wish I could strangle every gen z flouride mongoloid that uses mommies creddit card to buy lootboxes and feed the jew
So GTAV:O basically?
GTA 5 has microtransactions out the ass though.
I hope you get cancer
You are beyond retarded with this "You dun haf too" bullshit. Stop defending your hundreds of dollars wasted on pay-2-win weapons and dumb-looking cosmetic items that should be unlocked through ACTUAL PLAY-TIME instead of using daddy's credit card to get it immediately.
Christ gaming has become nothing but greedy developers and spoiled kids like you who keep buying their shit. So in short, FUCK YOU
Sup Forums will still defend it because it's Rockstar.
>microtransactions are ok when it's Rockstar
>cinematic experiences are ok when it's Rockstar
>empty open world games are ok when it's Rockstar
>shafting PC players is ok when it's Rockstar
>sacrificing gameplay for tech that will be obsolete in two years is ok when it's Rockstar
This won't change anything.
A modern AAA game has microtransactions? Holy shit, stop the fucking presses.
how does little Jimmy buying lootboxes affect you?
Honestly, I don't mind season passes too much if the content is relatively separate from the main game or at least sizeable enough to make the extra cost worth it. Also, if it's not cut content, but that goes without saying.
GTA III came out in 2001
GTA Vice City 2002
GTA San Andreas 2004
GTA IV 2008
GTA V 2013
it's now been 4 years since GTA V
So we should at least have an inkling of the next GTA by now right?
Nope, as long as there is money to be made Rockstar will keep V's lifeless corpse on life support.
I hate it, let it die and move on.
Fuck off pc fag, micro transactions suck dick but whining like a bitch is worse
I feel bad that this image and post took human effort to create. Kill yourself
Who /lootcrew/ here?
>spending a small amount of money to improve gaming experience because money ain't no thang
>enjoying the thrill of opening a lootbox to see what's inside
>subsidizing game development for poorfags
>not feeling entitled to extra content and encouraging developers to continue to improve games after their release
good goy
A perfect example is Uncharted 4 multiplayer. They claim you can unlock all weapons through play-time but it's really just a grind-fest unless you go right ahead and buy them. I've put countless hours into that game and still haven't unlocked the weapon I want because I have to use "tokens" unlocked through gameplay or pay real cash for a loot box to FUCKING UNLOCK 1 GOD DAMN WEAPON OR PERK. And most the time it is a fucking cosmetic item.
Another perfect example since we are talking Rockstar is GTA Online. All you have to do is look at IV's multiplayer compared to V to see how bad micro-transactions fuck shit up for everyone but the little shits who buy them
It doesn't matter if you don't have to pay for the microtransactions, what matters is that R* made everything in GTA Online overpriced so you either had to grind for days to get a car that can actually win races or pay $20 for enough in game money. They'll just do the same thing in this game and will gimp the SP once again just to keep people playing the MP.
>but whining like a bitch is worse
Consolefags in a nutshell.
You guys act like fucking crackheads.
Enjoy RDRO, and enjoy having no singleplayer updates.
It's optional though, right.
>japan invented gambling
Amerifats everyone.
yeah why do you think skyrim hasn't had a sequel in 7 years but they're still releasing the game every chance they get and putting tons of money into elder scrolls online instead of elder scrolls vi. companies have no incentive to create new content when they can just sit back and watch the cash roll in on shit they've already done.
>bigger, more complex, more detailed games that have single and multiplayer take longer to produce than some shitty PS2 game that I can play on my phone