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Video Games #3962
Video Games
Was banning Chibi really the right thing to do for the speedrunning community?
How much time do you spend browsing Sup Forums daily?
Both MGSV and MGS:PW are good MGS games
The state of CDPR
Should I buy one? I’m still gaming on a 360 and people are saying this is a pretty great console
Fucking Sup Forums. You think you're so cool but you can not even name ONE video game
Replay game you thought was bad
How do they manage to stay in business when all of their games are terrible?
This is a Pokemon design in the year of our Lord two thousand and seventeen
Ask guy to turn his mic on
Umihara Kawase 4 Switch exclusive
What are your opinions on boobs in video games?
Xbox One X
Etrian Odyssey V
WoW is fucking saved
Is it our time?
Watch_dogs is currently free on uplay rn
What the fuck is japans problem?
It's time to admit this is the best FE Sup Forums
Where can I fund for Sonic Adventure Mania? I don't care if it's on Kickstarter or Patreon...
Video games and siblings
Which makes the most sense?
Will Classic WoW bring back socialization in an MMO?
New Rome II DLC announced
How many hours a day do you play videogames, user?
Apparently Pewdiepie is a classicfag. Unsubscribed
Is Horde the SJW faction? Let's take a look at the facts
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Don't mind me, just posting the first Dragonball game you ever played
Wow:bfa will bring the WAR back to WARcraft
Can Sup Forums define gameplay?
Elder scrolls 6 wish list
Fuck you I liked it
Can you recommend some games to play while drinking beer?
Obsidian teasing a new game announcement. What could it be?
What is it people like about Big Boss so much? Ironically he feels like nothing but a clone of Solid Snake
Rank the games of these guys
Have you heard of the high elves?
Jeff Kaplan says that "Reyes and Morrison loved each other"
Oh my god Rich Evans and Aidsmoby fucking suck at Mario
So how much suffering is Ragna going to have in BBCTAG? other than being low-tier
Sup Forums retardation aside, is this actually any fun?
Can we all finally agree this is the best 3D sonic game now?
Hi, Sup Forums, Sup Forums here. I haven't played vidya in years...
Melee's skill ceiling is gonna be the death of it in 3-5 years
Good evening, everybody!
Twilight Princess on the Switch, NO FUCKING WAY I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS DAY!!!
To be further updated on all things gaming reviews, news and discussions...
You're sent into the world of the last game you've played, how fucked are you?
Finally be responsible adult
How would you make Smash 5?
Mario Odyssey DLC on its way
Blizzard's CEO says there's "nothing wrong" with Overwatch lootboxes
The BIGGEST game since Minecraft
God this game is fucking awful. Remember how sonybros said that its a GOTY type of a game? Hell naw...
Mom walks in
How do I run a good guild Sup Forums
They've removed Doubt from LA Noire
What would a crash in the video game industry entail?
I just had a dream where I had to hack a little girl up with a gardening saw on a stick because she was allegedly some...
We live in an age where world war 2 shooters are popular again
Its up
Nintendo won
Hulu on Switch in America
So.. Is this any good?
Watchu playing today anons?
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Whats your favorite original DS model? I never owned the 2004 model but it looks comfy
Your new healer has arrived. Remember to be nice to her as she will be keeping you alive
Why are there no good power rangers games Sup Forums?
Could Persona 6 work if the protagonist was female?
Post video game series were the first game is still the best one so far
I'm tired of all the hate
Only thing this game is missing is Ninja Gaiden weapon combos...
Look at this dude ohhooho
What phone games do you play?
Predict Nintendo's 2018
Just ordered this mouse. What say you, Sup Forums?
Why do third-parties hate Nintendo? They even lost Monster Hunter this gen
Castlevania or Metroid
Build $1,500 computer
Buy a 2017 CPU
Who going back to consoles after PC DRM fiasco?
Blizzard:So Alexstrasza, how would you like your HOTS model to look?
Tracer's ass
What are your recent buys?
Switch November
I hate platformers. They're shit and boring
I can't be the only person who's unbelievably hyped despite hating EA, right?
Ah, Sceptre!
Why do people say GG?
Is Switch the most overhyped console of all time?
I miss this franchise
Start game
Has a famous vidya dev visited your country?
Lootbox is gameplay
Super Mario Odyssey keeps going down in Metacritic's list of highest rated games
All GOTY contenders this year are extremely overrated. Don't believe the hype. That being said...
Give me one other game that's worth buying a WII U for
I haven't purchased an AC game since Brotherhood and I haven't played one since Black Flag...
My power supply replacement is coming today...
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Tfw you'll live to see the death of pokemon by game freaks hands
What is the audience for these games? How can you play this shit without having a constant laughing fit?
We need another MMOFPS
This is Aoko's game. Why didn't you play it yet?
Fucking based
Whoever designed this part should be fired on the spot
Had they not pulled the bullshit of making you download 14GB and instead actually just shelled out for a 32GB cartridge...
24 hours until the minigame collection NOBODY voted for!
Did everyone just forget about this game?
Can we get a dot hack thread going? What volume are you all playing? I just got too 2 and recruited best girl...
Joel or Vinny?
What game you played this year?
L.A. Noire
What's the best graphics card to buy for around £400 / 550 American Fun Vouchers $?
So this is the power of video game journalism, huh? Not bad
Someday I will own this board
What are some real MANLY games?
Hat in Time
ITT: God tier character designs
Diablo III
Opus Magnum
Friendly reminder, that thanks to Aloy, Monster Hunter will now become mainstream in the West. APOLOGIZE
A new (((trend)))
Find a single flaw
I am lightning, the rain transformed
Monster Hunter
Oh boy! I can't wait play some Zeldzzzzzzzzzzz
What do you think of Skyward sword?
I just bought Skyrim again for my new main account on steam
You will never defend EA's P2W this hard
Post best girls of their respective games
When's persona 6 coming out?
New MMORPG from the creators of PUBG
This is a modern day Pokemon
Now that the series is dead and threads about the series are becoming more scarce, what's next for Sup Forums?
How do you go from a Based MC like THIS
WoW Classic releases
What games are really overrated?
But muh Nintendo Bonus!
What the fuck happened to monolith soft?
Is Nintendo popular in Latin America as it is in the U.S?
RIP Forces
Once again, you've been relentlessly btfo'd Sup Forums
Multiplayer FPS
World of Warcraft
Let's force motion controls and our joycons on skilled players and speedrunners in order to achieve the best movement
When did you realize ps4 pro is shitty and just a half step, does nothing new console?
City > Asylum > Origins = Knight
How do they do it? it's like they purposely try and make 3D Sonic as bad as possible
Remember when games had levels? God, I miss that
Is the Switch on its way to become one of the best video game consoles to ever grace this world?
Now that the dust has settled, how do you feel about Amiibo?
Hippodrones absolutely BTFO
I bought this six months ago. When the fuck is it going to start getting games?
I'm new at Danganronpa universe
The GREATEST handheld is SONY, nintendo BTFO
Board games excell in terms of gameplay mechanics (turn based most of the time, extreme limitations...
Games that were a mistake
I got the xbonex a week early thanks to microsoft sending me a free one
Why did this series get so popular? What did they do correctly that nobody else can seem to capture again?
Who would win
Resident evil 6
Why did it flop?
This is Anna Henrietta, duchess of Toussaint
Cause party to wipe
Is he dare I say it /our guy/?
Owners: 3,726 ± 1,821
Was Gaming Journalism a mistake?
Why do people play this?
Why do non-whites suck white dick so much?
Which MOBA do you play? No point in lying. I know you play at least one every now and then
What went wrong?
Vermintide Discussion
Game Dev
They are gonna fuck us over with the prices aren’t they
Anons, you do clean your keyboards, right?
Wolfenstein 2 Flops Hard
Post one game
Well, Sup Forums, which one do you prefer? Aryan goddess or Irish wench? Choose wisely
Why is this still the best Danganronpa game?
Xbox one X and PS4 have 22~24 fps despite being just released
Will I like this one if I liked The New Order?
Tfw haven't played anything after getting a Platinum on Bloodborne for weeks
Another one in the green
Does this game have an agenda?
I regret every purchase I've made this week
Why buy Forces when you have Generations?
Why in fuck do we all put hundreds and hundreds of hours into Elder Scrolls games when in reality there is nothing...
ITT: Games from a perfect timeline
Battlerite F2P is live
Sup Forums says it's good
Are there any better controllers for pc than pic related?
Why it lost to League of Legends in the end?
Nintendo Switch is breaking the 3rd Party curse
Just bought this
What a trash game
Meanwhile, at the ta/v/ern
The Breton Controversy
Grezzo hiring for Unreal Engine Zelda or Secret of Mana remake
Starcraft 2 goes free to play
Is he right?
Recommend me some good vanilla love romance VN's
Legend of Zelda
ITT: Post only the best flash games
This is the main protagonist of an upcoming japanese game
So it seems COD WW2 it's pretty damn good
Your favorite series is abandoned by developers, because shitty spin-off is more popular
What have video games taught you?
Muh views
USUM Disappointment Thread
ITT: your current gaming wallpaper of choice
It's out, bitches. update it
How do we win back our audience who are going to Dota 2 and Smite for "more challenging play"
Is this the most creative lava level in video games?
ITT: Series where the second game is the best
Cyberpunk 2077
'V-LOG #3'
Nier: First [Ass]embly
Do you play with your toys in public, Sup Forums?
This was easily the best romance I've ever seen in a videogame by miles and miles...
Why is the lighting so good in stalker ?
How do you play the Switch - as a portable, home console or hybrid?
Normies found Yoko Taro
Find a flaw
Nintendo blew their load by releasing Zelda and Mario in the first year...
Steam Avatar Thread
What was your first time playing Skyrim like?
Ah, the great outdoors!
In light of the recent twitch bans and drama regarding titty streamers
4 a.m
That kid who wavedashed to school
Game gets a PG-13 remake
WoW Classic
The best Super Mario video game coming through
Horizon Zero Dawn is pretty disgusting display of nuWestern Culture at work. It's hard to stomach...
Obsidian teasing new game announcement on Twitter
Was I...of...assistance...?
Is there a way to cheese through White Palace
I loved it, Mr.Hitler. Super good
What videogames do Italians play?
When will finally get realistic hitboxes, Sup Forums? The hitboxes in Overwatch/Battlefield are fucking terrible
AC:Origins is an unoptimised CPU killer shit
Zelda BotW really isn't that good
When will e-sports die out?
With the ending to Odyssey, how long till we get Super Princess Peach 2?
Why do the worst Zelda games have the best Zelda?
What are some depressing games, Sup Forums?
Have you ever accidentally made a game harder for yourself on because you didn't realize a key mechanic of a game?
Vidya autism
How does a male game developer end up like this?
Until today, I have always thought that PC is a good gaming device
This sucks
Why would anyone use nvidia ansel to create Nioh screnshots?
A Hat in Time
Was it held back by the 3DS?
"roleplaying" game
Which FE girl has the worst fanbase?
How do I pirate games?
Ending credits
Variety: 'Metal Gear Solid' Film Being Written by Jurassic World Screenwriter
Which MOBA is the most comfy?
When the FUCK is Sony going to let us change our PSN names?
Title screen changes after beating the game
Are you addicted?
Gg ez mid
Play games to escape life
So /vr/ loves CRT for obvious reasons, but how does Sup Forums feel about them, be it TV or monitor...
Trails in the Sky
How would you change this expansion? Does constantly raising the level cap invalidate the previous content...
Why is it so difficult for game developers to create iconic character designs these days?
Tell me the last game you played and what you thought of it before I have to deal with you
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Japan Time
The "new" alexstrasza looks like a tranny that just went to visit some halloween carnival party for obese and ugly...
From an official Bethesda FAQ
Resident evil
Buy a Switch
It's called a "spiked shell" you morons. Who ever calls it a "blue shell" is wrong and dumb
Post games would "make sense" to bring to the Nintendo Switch
Do they sell statues like this??????
Do you think fighting games over sexualize female characters?
"One copy of Demon's Souls Remastered please."
Can someone recommend me some good headphones for games. i am sick of all these uncomfortable gaming headsets
This is Flonne, Love Maniac and best girl in the Disgaea series. Say something nice about her
The last episode I watched was Goof Troop
How do we fix the MMORPG genre?
Games you wish weren't dead
You have been given full permission to use the Bionicles brand and $100,000,000 to make a Bionicles game with...
Did Odyssey take over BotW for your GOTY? I think BotW still holds mine but I'm not quite sure yet
Are you one of the cool kids
This game controls like ass. The swimming is fucking atrocious. What were they thinking?
Look up video game song on YouTube
What went so RIGHT, /v?
Have you ever accidentally broke a system or a game?
Buff hybrids
Genuinely thinking of getting a switch on black friday or a week before christmas. Is it worth it?
Looks like ass
When did you realize the future is Xbox
Washrooms in video games
AC Origins is still uncrackable for
You will pay sixty United States dollars for something already in the game files and you can access at this very moment
Shit on the story all you want, the Phantom Pain still has the best open world of all time
Holy crap
Which game to play first? Picked these up today. Fuck
What games have good physics?
Redpill me on this game
Recently got kicked out of home because I got caught
Strongest character is a women
I sure am glad I wasted all those hours playing video games!
Where do you see Mario going after Odyssey, Sup Forums?
What's the most disappointing game and why is it Halo 5?
I'm not gonna ask you to name a better soundtrack
Which was better, n64 or gamecube?
Tell me Amuro, if the Federation is so great why are there no good Gundam games
What games can I play to help pass my urge of furious and sloppy masturbation urges?
Just why
Etrian Odyssey V
What's the best RP server in WoW right now...
ITT: the absolute worst characters in vidya history
What emotion is this suppose to convey?
Oh welcome home, big bro!
Anybody else stoked for this game guys...
Battlerite is free, now you don't have an excuse to not try it out
Work Overnights at a Hotel
Meet a cool person in a game
*rubs hands*
What's the video game equivalent of Kafka's Metamorphosis?
Chess Loss
Game tries to be super serious and dramatic
Spiderman PS4
Why can't American make good game?
Which is correct, Sup Forums?
Which game breaks the fourth wall the best?
Anybody else playing the project session kickstarter prototype?
Konami employee here
What the fuck was mecha sonic's endgame? He was clearly just supposed to kill Sonic...
*blocks ur path
Enemies can cast hypnosis on you
Story of Seasons/Harvest Moon
Why did PlayStation become so popular?
So now that its confirmed that Teldrassil gets burned down before the Alliance invades Lordaeron...
There are people who will still defend this piece of shit in 2017
Spending hours upon hours to learn a single character
.hack//GU Last Recode
Admit it, Sup Forums. If you were ever partnered with 2B, you would act like this loser
I’m digging Blue Omen Operation but if these two are going to be the only party members on the game there better not...
Sonic Forces thread
How can I prove to my friends this game is shit...
The developer that saved single player games
Anyone else enjoying their $300 Picross machine?
There will NEVER be another game like this again
Getting married
So this game drifted on my radar,Is it like Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion?
Tfw you realize you arent actually good at video games
Pillars of Eternity thread
I will post this everyday until E3
Sup Forums recommends game
Who here ready for Tales X FE?
Thoughts on Skyrim?
Why did eggman flood an ocean with oil?
So... when are we getting Raditz for FighterZ?
It's a checking bathroom stalls in a horror game episode
Wesker is still alive, and Not a Hero in Resident Evil 7 will prove it
If a video game based on this concept was made, how would it pan out?
Play for 5 minutes
How exactly did the chaos emeralds get from sonic 1 to sonic 2? They're on South Island in Sonic 1...
Double ranked points weekend
What 1st Party Nintendo game is the most Lewd?
What is the Sonic Boom of videogames?
When did you realize he was just bad at video games?
Why are girls so into The Sims?
I cried real bitch tears when it went down yesterday
Battlestation thread
Am I missing something with FE: Fates?
What games have you liked this year?
Which era(s) of gaming was your childhood?
Game lets you play as a little girl
That kid general
Game 1:
Why is she so perfect, Sup Forums?
It is not Sonic that sucks, it's Sonic Team, they don't know how to make a game
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Why does a literal warmonger criminal who loves tossing child soldiers and nukes around have to be this cute?
Finish amazing game
What does Sup Forums think of metal jesus rocks?
Are Amiibo a physical form of lootcrates?
Post your vidya related shames
What_kind of games are there that let me level up the size of my penis in order to defeat female demonesses?
Almost three weeks
Never played a taro game.should I try her game?
Does he redeem himself in Forces at all?
The bad ending is canon
He hasn’t bought a switch yet
Obsidian isa bout to announce a new game
Got Metal Gear Survive, AMA
Well, that was disappointing
What Online Games Do Japs Play?
Why is this allowed?
Look at this nep
Overwatch Competitive
What vidya would you play with Jesus?
Would Sup Forums like Life is Strange more if it was "Life is Thicc" instead?
Want to play game
Warcraft fans/loremasters and WoWfags of Sup Forums...
So Sup Forums what original xbox games are you playing on your xbox one
Prove me wrong
Did you pick up your Xbox One X today, user?
What is the angriest you've ever gotten at a game and what caused it?
B-but we were bros!
What went wrong?
One day, this country will
Is this the worst gun of all time?
Who viewpoint this is?
How do I become a successful Twitch streamer like Lirik?
Based on the lore...
The best marios confirmed
Listen to Mario. He's a doctor
Hello everyone! 11/8 is いいおっぱいの日* in Japan! Please celebrate with me by posting your favorite vidya...
Overwatch Pro Player Dies
Tfw can't into dorf fort
Tfw still using a 60hz monitor
Why are there no good video game movies besides this one?
Why do so many engineers do the thing where they make a nest of closely clustered buildings...
Quick question Sup Forums
How can people like this exist?
Are streamers killing game sales? Why buy a game when I can just watch someone play it...
How did an indie game like Five Nights at Freddy's become so successful?
They did it
Xenoblade 2
Why did none of you motherfuckers reply to my thread
Most anticipated release of 2018?
What games let the main character become fitter/fatter?
What is the hardest boss in the entire Soulsborne franchise?
Opus magnum
Games that surprised you despite wanting to hate it
Stop saving women in games bigots
What everyone doesn't realize is how many features you lose going to Classic
Should video game budgets should be lowered so that there will be no more need for microtransactions and other grey...
Nintendo doesn't care about polit-
Monster hunter
What went wrong?
This is by far the most hyped Monster Hunter ever, right?
Have you ever stolen a game from a store?
Convince me not to buy this shit AGAIN
Just a bunch of locked re-skins. Who even wants to be half of these races? Couldn't they have implemented Ogre...
This generation will grow up without knowing videogames used to be great
Dunkey liked it
What is the future of video games?
This game better than terraria yet?
Are Fate Night series worth playing in your opinion?
What went so right Bros?
Webm thread
Hey Sup Forums so this guy is willing to sell me this steam machine for $200...
Best hero coming through
Racing games
ITT: Forgotten gems
What are some good games besides For Honor in which you can play as vikings?
Press [JOY_19] to not die
Cool ambiguously evil character teams up with you to defeat the greater evil
You can't get the true ending unless you are connected to the internet
Classic Sonic is from a different dimension
Why does Fallout 4 claim Jet is pre-war when Myron created it?
Now that the dust has settled.... What's the Sup Forumserdict?
Thoughts on this game? I just finished my 3rd playthrough on Professional a few nights ago
How the fuck were you supposed to know
ITT: Games Sup Forums doesnt talk about anymore
Update game
Would you for $40?
Which game is better? Breath of the Wild or Super Mario Odyssesy?
Sup Forums nightmare fuel thread
What would be the first thing you do if your favourite vidya character were real?
What games have you literally jacked off to user?
10 years now
What are some video games with a side character a million times better than the main character?
Been looking at Boom Knuckles for the past three years because of the series
What is the absolute best video game you've played in the recent 5 years? What blew your mind the most?
Le based Japan they make good games and aren't jews like western devs!!!!
Did you know that SWTOR is merging most of the servers today (=> 2 US & 3 EU)? No, or don't care?
Now hang on just a minute!
It's a "boss that one shots you" episode
CoD WW2 Historical Accuracy
Do you play with japanese or english voices?
Climb tower
Is jumping to pc gaming worth it? I'm pretty comfortable as a consolepleb
I bought it
Come home boys
Who's your favorite fightan girl Sup Forums? Do you support her game?
Just read through the comments section. It's kinda laughable how wrong people were prior to the launch of the Switch...
Not playing warframe
Turn based combat
Do they even make video games?
Stardew Valley or Story of Seasons? your eyes
What games does Sony have for 2018?
Honestly, why is having official vanilla servers a bad thing...
Doki Doki Literature Club
When will we get another zombie themed game as good as Dying Light? It did cheesy 80's action movie perfectly...
Previous Thread
So, which step are you on, Sup Forums?
Starting up Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen
Have you enjoyed 2B and 9S's game?
Left or right?
Just bought this
Why do so many people want a game based on Batman Beyond?
Why are video game communities so toxic and hostile? The only half decent vidya community is the Nintendo fanbase
*knock knock*
"she was almost a Jill sandwich"
Let's talk about wow classic servers!
Tell me, Optimus Prime, if the Autobots are so heroic then why are there no good Transformers games?
ITT good games with incomprehensible story
"Saves your franchise."
What exactly is the point of giving a combat android a body like this?
Still no good multiplayer dodgeball game
Protag is younger than you
Who's your vidya trapfu?
Is Danganronpa finally dead?
Thoughts on this gamepad?
I want to marry and impregnate noire, start a family with her and supply her and our kids for the rest of my life!
Is Morrowind unequivocally the greatest fantasy game of all time...
Whats the deal with Quake? is it really as hard to get into as people make it seem?
Europa Universalis 4
Most likeable fanbase - fnaf
Need an RPG
Persona thread, however
Franchises held hostage by shit developers
No extra content (100% is needed to complete the game
Cyberpunk 2077 news
We are back at square one
Can we get a quality Amy thread?
What the fuck is this from? I've been searching everywhere. Some sort of RPG Maker game? Is it just a video?
He still plays his vidya in a sitting position, gradually crushing his vertebrae and getting posterior pelvic tilt
I want my translations as accurate as possible
Dark souls hd remake
What's in store for 2018?
Post cute robot vidya girls
Based Ubisoft
The final boss' first phase theme is more hype than its final phase theme
Sony my allegiance is to the consumer. To democracy!
Dragonball Fighterz Thread
Modded Oblivion is objectively the best Elder Scrolls experience
Dragon Ball FighterZ
*Ruins the souls series*
This was half a decade ago
What the fuck did I just play?
How unhealthy would it be for a person to play video games every single day for an entire month?
"Trowza Snake?"
How's that gaming YouTube channel coming along, /vee/?
What was she so intent on giving Link when he was ten years old?
Let's have a Blue Omen thread. The demo just came out a few days ago:
PCfags: "we need 4k graphics in vidya!"
What a fucking cunt
What the hell is taking so long, Nintendo?
Vietnam level
I don't understand this "season" shit on the new Hitman game, why can't they just make another Blood Money
This triggers the Sup Forums fag
"Thanks for the spaghetti dinner user, how about we go back to your place and play some switch?"
Everyone says Witcher 3 is the best game ever
Red Dead Redemption 2 Will Have Microtransactions
Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master
Name a better combo
Are you looking forward to SMTV? What do you expect from it?
It's up and Sonic is shit again
The state of AAA gaming
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...