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>yfw the unreal tournament kid got buff while you were here shitposting
>he can kick your ass now

No fucking way this is him.

It is him, he himself posted a youtube video with pics.



It is him, faggot. What were you doing when he is achieving his evolutionary potential ?

pc master race

>he actually bettered himself
>anons sit here and shitpost as pudgie wudgies
I'm impressed to say the least. Wish him luck in life.

Having millions see him do that is a good motivator for improving himself

What's the video about? I don't speak döner kebab


>dropping UT

Does he have an instagram?
Does he do camshows for cash?

Obviously Quake

unreal torunament haben wir leider nicht gekrieSTILL DU HURENSOHN ICH WILL UNREAL TOURNAMENT SPIELEN

>cant control his anger
>now spends hours each day lifting weights because he still has anger issues

What a waste of time. Learn to control your anger so you can focus on the more important things in life like training your brain.


People still think that he wasn't acting?

this is what happens when you drop your childish hobby guys. Stop wanking to hentai and get fit

>kid makes funny video
>has anger issues

Get the fuck out of here pencil neck faggot. Shit was just a video.

In before a horde of mad /fit/tards taking the b8

Acting or not, funelling that anger and energy towards lifting was great either way.

>signed, fat IT fag with community college background

Cry more. Leaders come from a sport background, have well maintained/influential social circles, and fantastic grades. You have none of those.

>This is what beta cucks actually believe

Have fun achieving literally nothing in life you low test faggot

Excuse me?

two things: he doesn't fap to hentai, he makes games instead of playing them

I can do both, I watch anime while doing cardio

Fuck me, I'm 23 and haven't had a girlfriend in like 3 years. This shit inspired me, I'm gonna get a gym membership now.

>unfit, lack of self control, best he can hope for is middle management at age 40
>fit, the stable rock of his organization, is an executive

Why is Sup Forums so intimidated by superior males?

100% agree an I'm actually a fit fag myself (anxious, tantrums). Bodybuilders never invented anything of worth. That's just a fact.

>only doies cardio
Are you a 50 year old woman?

at least I'm not a vampire

Sup Forums, you said not playing sports and not learned to work with a team would make you successful. Surely you are successful now, right? Right?

Source on both of these claims?


Yeah all those Henry Kissingers were playing contact sports before getting into politics.

>at least I'm not immortal, powerful, rich and good looking

You think I only do cardio because I said that I do cardio?

Oh god this brings back memories.
Even though he was acting, had a whole youtube channel with all kinds of videos, and even said it was just some skit parents and news outlets worldwide kept referring to the video as proof that video games turn children into raging, violent monsters.
Good times.

He made the video as a joke, you fucking idiot.

Henry Kissinger's boss was. While slinging cock.

damn he worked on himself

Holy shit, he went full retard.

>was funny dude with potential
>now rap music
>can't into German
>"I'm a real gangster, and I'm proud of it"
>wastes all his time lifting
>god complex due to rapid gains
>now so full of himself he is proud of driving a shitty old Skoda

Steroids and being friends with wiggers, not even once.

Der Nanomaschinen, Sohn

Ironically he raps about how he fucked up his life, went to jail when he was younger, etc

>upset because someone is proud of himself

Don't you have a floor to stare at? Don't want to intimidate your boss.

>when you turn rage into fucking /fit/ness
i know and have seen this move already
good for him, but you shouldn't lift just because you have an angry temper

>you shouldn't lift
Everyone should follow your lead instead and do nothing.

Don't strawman me. I implied it's ridiculous to be proud of driving a shitty Skoda from the 90s, lifting all day and being "a real gangster".

Fitfag here
Im nowhere as huge as him. Hopefully the lad didnt take steroids and shit. Should not die the way zyzz died.
Still. Gaining muscles was the best decision in my life.
The only thing i miss in my skeleton times was the larger dick because of no muscles/fat behind my dick. Sure lost at least 1 inch (visually)

This is the worst fucking thing I have ever seen holy shit hahahahaa

that dude is a beast

i'm a /fit/izen and lifting out of rage is bad both for your gains and your mind
fuck off, fattie

>HGich.T in the sidebar

>UTkid got /fit/
>moot left Sup Forums
>chad warden went on to become a sucessful banker
>most losers you saw on those early to mid 2000s youtube videos have all moved on with their lives

Why are you still here, Sup Forums?

The guy is proud of achieving the most mundane and plebeian of things in existence, the fact that he made a low rent youtube video about it makes it all that much more hilarious.

I can't even begin to imagine how much of an underachieving faggot you yourself must be if you're "inspired" by shit like this.

>at least I'm not a cursed inhuman monster that can't even go out during the day

>disclaimer at the beginning that this shit isn't serious
>just like back then when he made his original videos
>implying "der echte gangster" wasn't always about rap music
>implying lifting is wasted time
>still implying this isn't irony

>Why are you still here, Sup Forums?

To shill my games, duh.

That proves it, raging at your computer is a good workout.

Chad Warden wipes his ass with $600. It's no surprise that someone that ABAP is now working with even more money.

>I know this guy's personality because I saw a video of him making a satire video
Yeah you sure know people

I have nowhere else to go

I actually fear it isn't irony, yes. I mean, ironically writing a whole rap song, buying a shitty car and taking steroids would be even more autistic than doing it unironically anyway.

Reading the comments, he is still a little attention whore who behaves offensively and like a retard for the sake of irony and "humor".

That's nothing routinely working out can improve. Or perhaps he is just desperately trying to relive his glory days.

It is comedy just not good one.

Ok that's it, I'm out. I am done with this board, this site and the memes that have been getting worse and worse. 8 years of my life wasted on this shithole, no more.

>inb4 see you tomorrow
I'm blacklisting this shit

2m (6'6 for muricans) of pound muscle

meanwhile Sup Forums is a bunch of manlet skinny fat faggots

fuck you its genetic, nothing I can do about it except using steroids and growth hormones

speak for yourself nigger.

the heck is that gremlin in the bottom right

See you tomorrow.

cmon only faggot fap to anime

>can't squat properly
fucking pleb

>implying you go out ever

lol jealous neckbeard detected

>tfw been here like 11 years ago
>tfw nearly 30

I am bald now, but manager of my own school in Japan and on track to retire at 50. Life is okay bros. I found happiness.

>tfw still no waifu though

he's pretty ugly. When even lifting, the 'ez mode' option for every failed faggot, doesn't work, there's nothing else you can try. I feel sorry for him

Hol the fuck up, isn't that the turk from Lord of the Weed

fuck off bernd this isnt pr0

>2m (6'6 for muricans) of pound muscle
Imagine that weight and heft on top of you


You have an entire school full of cute young girls user. I´m sure you can find a wife.

But then she will take my money anonfriend.

All women do that


Because for me this place helped me get better when i was a suicidal underaged b8 and no one else would (IRL shit was basically enabling me), and later people here helped me get in shape with the /fit/ recruitment drives (Thanks Zyzz) long long ago and i want to help others the same way.

To many Sup Forums is the shithole of the internet but this is where i found strength and support when i had none, you all are faggots but you are MY faggots.

Oh, Sup Forums specifically? I still like and hate vidya.




I fucking hate when I see the losers of the past becoming successful, while I keep being the same loser that I was 10 years ago.

It's kind of sad he got bullied for his original video. The entire thing was satire.

Um, I’m posting from work, pumpkin
Try again sweetie!

>focus on the more important things in life like training your brain.
>not being /fitlit/
As expected of a brainlet.

dayum son, I did not expect this

> lit
> reading is hurd!
As expected from a “non-brainlet”

It's not that bad. Worse that you're not even safe here anymore.

That is only because you ain't putting in work.

Start now, and i mean NOW, seriously, today society has so low standards and the requirements to be "above average" is lower then fucking EVER, You only lose the ability to improve yourself when YOU give up.

To live is to learn, to learn is to improve, to improve is to succeed.

And you got a physical disability making physical improvement hard or near impossible? Go for the mental improvements, learning disability? focus om physical. There is ALWAYS a way to become a better person. You failing get to enjoy both? Develop you social skills and become a perfect support for friends and family.

Just because the perfection you want is impossible doesn't mean you should give up on trying to obtain it, don't give up user, don't keep it in your day dreams, make it real.

Have fun user


well, I'm not that bad, but sometimes is difficult to wake up from bed and keep fighting the NEET past.

>I still like and hate vidya.
I think your [and] has to be a [to].

Excessive exercise is bad for your health.

Sometimes you do think of wasted time, but then you gotta realize how the experience of it is its own way to grown, and does not having wasted that time make you feel like the one you have now is more valuable.

All experiences are something you can use for self-improvement, and you ain't the only one who "wasted" time, i lost several years in school due bullying requiring me to be moved down despite having good grades and was a outright Hikki for about 6 years, (though 5 were cocoon mode thus arguable), at times it feels like nothing moves, but that it more reason to try to MAKE it move and eventually you realize that yes, you became better and people love you for it, But you still can't stop the flinching and fear that they are just pretending and will betray you like before and you notice people start assuming that because you have skills, money and physical attractiveness now you have never suffered before, and at that time you feel maybe a bit of a tinge that you should have stayed in your room where it was safe.