When did you realize the future is Xbox

They are becoming Titans of the industry and theres nothing any of you can do about it. PCbros are virgins and Xbros pound pussy at a crisp 60 thrusts per second.


Pic related..it's an Xbro dropping a healthy ass timed exclusive in the toilet

squeeks oAo

Nice lipgloss.
What brand do you use?

You're cute. would nail boipucci

you ugly greasy fat fuck

>posting a timestamp of your face and not your xbox console

why do americlaps do this?

for dramatic effect when you read it out loud

any jobless faggot who's too lazy to shave can chuck on a cap and look like a "chad", take away the hat and you got a huge faggot.
actually scrap that, you are a faggot.

Fuck you I'm not fat

Greasy however fuckin shit, I'm extra Italian, extra garlic sweat olive oil tears greasy ass fucker.

Nah bro I'm just sweating you read my post..this timed exclusive is HUUUGE

That's not what a Chad looks like. This guy's barely above highschool dropout tier. Chad is the football player who ends up going to business school and banging models. This is a weedsmoking loser who works a minimum wage job.

What the fuck is this thread even about?

Can you really tell I don't have a job from a picture? Damn I must have really let myself go

E3 2017

I am monitoring this thread.

hey guys ima make a thread hurr
i'm just pretending to be a retard

I wish smoking weed was all it was.. otherwise your pretty on point. Takes one to know one?

>i wish smoking weed was all it was

Switch owners having hemoroids

>animeposter telling others to kill themsevles


So are you happy OP? You posted your face for the whole world to see for 9 (You)s.

Scum that wear hats like that unironically need a quick escort to the lynchyard.

why are you wearing a hat indoors? plus its almost winter. You're sweating so much with a hat on too.
I don't think you were comfortable taking this picture.

If I took my hat off this thread would hit bump limit


>didn't change filename
got op's name lol

probably receding hairline

That man is a drug user.

worst thing about this thread

Xbox one is a joke. Worst console this gen and nobody cares about it.

Sorry we can't all be as backwards as you Muhammad.

So Xbros are full on numale faggots?

I bet you drive on the wrong side of the road to, fag.