Umihara Kawase 4 Switch exclusive


If this is for real, then yes, actually. They won, then.

What exactly is the appeal of these games? I've only played a bit of whichever one came to Vita years ago, and wasn't really impressed

>shitty bionic commando clone is a switch exclusive
nobody cares

*also on PC

I thought the dev team was kill.


Nope, just the publisher

An anime girl on the cover. Just like Shantae shit.

>mfw when is is the game that makes me buy switch.

*also on PC


Did you play the 3d one? Because it's easily the worst game in the series

>we live in an age when an extremely inche mostly dead series makes a comeback thanks to digital distribution
Feels good m8s.




might just be a port
that isnt new art sadly

It says right there that it's a new game.

I thought the guys who do this series were done with it. Still, color me surprised if they make yet another game and it turns out decent.

>Switch exclusive
Why do you tell lies?

It's also coming to Steam and PS4

I get steam since both steam owners who bought the last game want it but why PS4?
This isn't a shooter you know.

So that's why I couldn't get what the fuss was about, I played the 3DS version.

PS4 homes many JRPGs, fighting games, VNs even. Most of which are exclusive, meaning many neets, otaku and weebs own a PS4.

>why PS4?
You can't be this ignorant? Every weebshit gets put on that console. It's not like Xbox where Japan don't give 2 fucks about them.

What is this weeb shit ?

Grapplan sim

They're physics based puzzle platformers with kinda a kirby & the amazing mirror type level layout thing going on. They're fun.

I have always liked the look of these games but I have never played them.
What's the typical guide to getting into them? Where to get the games and what order to play them in?

This news is like 2 months old.

Get a SNES emulator and search for Umihara Kawase ROM.
If you want to learn how to git gud then watch some jewtube vids or look for the GameCenter CX episode.
Not sure if the sequels work the same way but the original SNES game had a sort of time limit where if you take too long to clear levels then the game just ends after a point. Personally that turns me off but I guess it increases replayable value.

Sayonara doesn't have a time limit, just a timer for stage score..