>games that were a mistake
I'll start with an easy one.
Games that were a mistake
Not a mistake, but the base for a really good sequel
pokemon sun/moon
not even a third version could salvage it
Some kind of adventure mode would be amazing in Arms. The controls are top notch.
how would it improve?
>Sold 1.2mill in 2 weeks
>games that were a mistake
it's Nintendo's fault for trying to market this as something it was not.
Might wait for all the content to be out before calling for a sequel
A fucking single player mode that has any teeths would be an obvious start
or Atlus fault for going completely off-pitch?
>or Atlus fault for going completely off-pitch?
they are partially to blame but Nintendo was still pushing it as a crossover, even after the idolshit reveal
Honestly a fantastic game.
>A fucking single player mode that has any teeths would be an obvious start
I don't know, some kind of story mode with cutscenes, or Mortal Kombat tower mode with modifiers, or a mode that is Punch Club but with Arms fights, or a beat them up mode with more variety than the 1 vs 100 mode they have.
but it was a crossover
this game makes me mad every time i think about it
everything about it is great except the gameplay. it's like if splatoon was just a shitty FPS
>everything about it is great except the gameplay.
but that's not true. It's barebones sure, but it's a lot of fun
Why should I play this when I got Gundam Versus and Virtual On?
Its only mistake was coming out around the same time as Splatoon. If it came out months before or after, it would have a fresher install base. I literally haven't even loaded it up once besides to update and check out the new characters in training mode for 5 minutes, since Splatoon came out.
textbook example that fighting games do not belong any more
>I'll start with an easy one.
I think we have different views on what a mistake is considering the sales it had.
From the catalog thumbnail I thought it was some sunibee-esque obese fleshmountain with a giant red donut anus on the left.
>actually pulling the sales = good argument
ah yes, everything is down to sales
Not like that matters, Nintendo will cut all the added content back out and then give it to you again as “free” DLC in Arms 2 just like they did with Splatoon 2.
sweet arms thread. anybody know what the new fighter might look like?
Well, it makes it not a "mistake". They earned way enough money to not make it a mistake.
I never said it has anything to do with popularity.
ARMs is a really fun game, but is lacking a lot in the content department. Arcade mode is really barebones, there's no Storymode, and there's nothing to unlock besides variant Arms. That's pretty weak for a full priced, $60 game. It's overpriced in it's current state, even if what's there is very high quality.
A sequel that adds a bit more meat to the experience to give it more value would be very welcome.
i wish nintendo would cancel arms and just give us more mario kart 8 dlc
that doesn't really make sense but on the flip, I wish nintendo would cancel xenoblade 2 and work harder on prime 4
arms devs are the same as mario kart devs
and? mariokart was a port and is finished now. arms still has content being developed for it. they aren't going to go back and update an old game for no reason when it already sold well enough as it is
new content for new players that got into mk8 with deluxe
it's not going to happen and it wouldn't make sense