Games that surprised you despite wanting to hate it.
Games that surprised you despite wanting to hate it
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are you the same guy as in the other undertale thread?
this game made me rethink a lot of things despite later recognizing its flaws and pretentiousness though
why do you go into things wanting to hate them
Seconding OP
The fanbase is cancerous, but the game itself was 2015's GOTY and a truly beautiful game; people talk about it needing to be more complete but the Pacifist and Genocide routes are plenty of content, especially for $9.99
At the risk of letting my fedora tip too far, I'm glad I got to play this before the fanbase ruined it for everyone. I would've passed hard on it otherwise
Opposite for me
I liked the demo and had high hopes for the full game
I did not expect the game to completely drop the save file gimmick and instead shove in unfunny anime jokes and tumblr "save the furries!" feelsbait
Undertale is unironically a great game. Sup Forums fucking loved it before it exploded in popularity. Probably would hate LISA or OFF too if they were more popular.
More like it was overhyped by the time I got to it 1.5 years later, and after having been letdown by over nostalgia bait games that tried to emulate NES graphics, I had low expectations.
>shove in unfunny anime jokes and tumblr "save the furries!" feelsbait
this. and i think tobyfox only did it for pandering
Fuck this opinion. I was laughing my ass off at the "Anime is real." choice. Maybe I'm a pleb, but It was hilarious how he managed to sneak in that choice while making it feel natural to the dialogue.
>tobyfox only did it for pandering
Pretty sure he did it so Andrew Hussie would let him out of the basement
It was GOTY 2015, but it could have done with some visual and pacing refinement + no anime jokes
who the fuck goes into a game wanting to hate it?
OFF had a microcosm of that, but it's blown over since.
I bet it will at least take half a decade for Undertale's to blow over and be the small silly game it was meant to be.
I didn't like undertale as much as I wanted to. I thought it was a neat game with a good story and charming characters and it was fun to play but I just couldn't get attached to it as much as I was hoping to.
How will he ever recover?
>vriska isn't the size of a house
fake image
Wanted to love it, got to the snowy village and dropped it. Too much dialogue that tries too hard to be endearing and quirky. I saw some clips from later in the game and it seems like it gets even worse. I love the music though.
I think it didn't live up the demo, I mean, it was okay, but the quirky characters while charming weren't exactly what I was expecting, also it was too short.
>blocks your path
>that moment when you turn blue and bonetrousle kicks in
still the best part of the game, though the part you posted comes very close
the pope gets me every time
wow calm down
they seemed a bit forced IMO. although i couldn't help smiling
The first time he split your MERCY was so effing perfect. One of vidya's best moments.
If you laughed while playing this or any game, you are free to leave.
Didn't mean to sound angry. It's just a commonly espoused opinion even though the anime jokes are confined to one character. I also may have been drunk during that date scene, which added to the hilarity.
It's political, you know that right
it was very important to some people that Sup Forums be seen as american-right-wing as possible for a while there, every board suddenly had an intense hatred for anything even mildly against those politics
political manipulation on a fucking video game board is so tiring, remember when too heavy a focus on graphics over gameplay was the main problem
You'll find this doesn't usually happen because people don't buy games they think they won't like
I still think it's really fucking stupid but the gameplay was fun
I unironically still have yet to go through OFF and LISA, just not sure if it's worth the trouble. I liked Undertale, but of course I don't have it up in a pedestal like the rest of the fanbase.
shit man
can't believe it's been 2 years