I bought this six months ago. When the fuck is it going to start getting games?

I bought this six months ago. When the fuck is it going to start getting games?

consoles never get good games

So you bought something and didn't do any research before.
How stupid can you be.

I bought mine last November.
Played Bloodborne 4 times, Nioh once (sold it and bought the PC version) and TLoU (which I liked). Also some Alienation and considering getting Wipeout.
Overall pretty bad, but still better than Demon's Souls machine.

the absolute state of sonygros

silly goy. ps4 only release exclusives every 2 years

I got the Pro on launch day. So far, I've played:

>The Last of Us
>Final Fantasy XV
>The Last Guardian
>Uncharted 4
>Ratchet and Clank
>Crash Bandicoot N-Sane Trilogy
>Resident Evil VII (with VR)

I've still got Gravity Rush 2, Persona 5, and Kingdom Hearts 1.5/2.5 and 2.8 on my to do list.

i got one 2 months ago. so far only have 5 games for it. i spend my time watching netflix than playing games on it. just goes to show how there really isn't anything interesting on it unless you really really like shitty weeb games.

oh yeah and some random peadophile messaged me asking me to talk to him. psn is fucked up

Horizon DLC is already out sonybrother.


They can't make games yet, they wasted their budget on the marketing and timed exclusivity deals for Call of Duty DLC

>tfw you got a PS4 Pro for cheap from a retailer pricing error with a copy of Horizon Zero Dawn and then got yourself a PSVR bundle with Eagle Flight and GT Sport for 350.

Flying like an eagle motherfuckers. Make myself sick doing donuts. Fun stuff OP. You're gotta broaden your horizons and lower your expectations. Then maybe once you got that stick out of your ass, you'll have some fun.

I got a high end PC. I still play on my PS4 a lot though.

why did you post a regular ps4 screenshot and say it was the pro?

My mistake. I'm gonna use your pic from now on if you don't mind.

Sonyfags tend to hype the everliving fuck out of their games, and you fell for the trap. If you're not a diehard fan of the exclusives, then there's a lot you miss out on if you don't just build a PC instead.


Tho im not interested in everything, the ps4 atleast has games. You could be stuck with an xbone where everything is on the pc....

>Veiled console war thread
Well done OP, well done.


If I want actual games I use PC, lmao.
Console war threads must die.
It's all vidya in the first place so who gives a fuck about which platform you use to play.

>Nioh once (sold it and bought the PC version)
what a dumb shit.