I haven't purchased an AC game since Brotherhood and I haven't played one since Black Flag...

I haven't purchased an AC game since Brotherhood and I haven't played one since Black Flag, but this is literally so good and I'd like to have a comfy ACO thread ok?

The autoscaling they use while you travel from village to village is cool. That's probably what they spent the extra year working on.

>my friend bought this
>he is still waiting for the crack because his game runs like ass


it's so minimal bullshit and relaxing, just riding around and hunting antelopes and hippos while listening to music or something is great, the free-running and climbing feels much more natural than i've ever seen before too, and of course it helps that the game is absolutely gorgeous, i'm shocked at how much i'm enjoying it

Amazing game 2bh. Wish there was more ambient music though. I really miss Jesper Kyd.

I saw an option in the menu the other day to toggle various settings of music frequency? Any idea if that works?

>probably going to buy it for PS4 because all this CPU melting shit has me scared
I played Dying Light and over 100 hours of Witcher 3 on ps4 i can handle the shittiest FPS ever.

>Buying a black power """"""""game"""""""
Why don't you just let a blackie fuck your gf while you're at it?

Not sure. Didn't even know about that setting. I'll have to look it up.

Lol you're an idiot if you think the purpose of the game is to push a black power agenda - first of all, egyptian =/= black, and second, the purpose of the game is to explore an ancient egyptian setting which has rarely, if ever, been depicted in a video game at this scale. if you expected or even wanted the protagonist to be a white guy in this setting then you're a fucking moron with no sense of immersion

Egyptian is black, if you ain't white you're black or yellow.

The purpose of the game is to make kids think its okay to be black.

Get Rogue instead

>0.05 cents has been deposited into your account

Because he (me) is already fucking my (his) girlfriend

Fuck off back to Sup Forums underage poorfag

fuck off reddit.


Unironically the best game I’ve bought in over a year after many repetitive shit games like Shadow of Bore. Only game in recent memory that I didn’t feel cheated on besides Dark Souls III

Pic related, it’s you

reminder scientifically people from the middle east are part of the caucasian race and thus are white. Also the US counts them as white.

I didn't really enjoy it. Main story was basically nothing, antagonists were weak as hell, side missions were mostly generic. Only time I really enjoyed the environments didn't feel copy-pasted was in Green Mountains

and the fucking wheat being low-res was a total immersion killer

I don't usually buy the agenda theories but it is funny that protagonist and friends could pass for sub Saharan black and just about all the bad guys so far have been white. The guy you beat to death with the piece of eden wasn't but everyone there when stabbed your son was

>that protagonist and friends could pass for sub Saharan black
no they couldn't
>just about all the bad guys so far have been white
no they haven't

>cut 2000 year old mummy
>get blood

Assassins creed origins?
More like ass crap oranges

>Same image posted every time
>"I havent bought a gane since... but this ones good!"
>Lets have a comfy thread about it
Fucking marketers need to make new material jfc

okay you probably stood in line for szechuan sauce

Marketers ITT

>0.05 cents have been deposited into your account


I didn't care for the game, but trying to claim Bayek looks like a sub-Saharan African with that nose while also trying to claim that all the villains are white (except for the only three actual sub-Saharan Africans in the game but they don't count because I said so) is just counter-factual.

There are plenty of glaring flaws with the game that don't involve your obsession with race.

I hate assassin's creed and only bought this one because the setting seemed interesting. I'm enjoying myself a lot so far. It's not a masterpiece of gaming but def a fun time waster.

ctlr f we wuz
>0 results
Fix this

mods have started banning kangzposting

This is another case of people overacting and losing their fucking mind over nothing before release.
There is literally NONE of this "WE WUZ KANGS" bullshit in Origins. Brown people are brown, white people are white and black people are rare.

For fuck sake, the very first major black character you run into (which takes about 12-15 hours by the way) turns out to be a backstabbing villain.

>there are actually "people" who are going to miss out on a genuine GOTY contender because they fell for Sup Forums memes that turned out to be completely off the mark
Fine by me.

I won't miss out, just waiting for the crack

>protagonist and friends could pass for sub Saharan black
Get your eyes checked.
In fact, most of the "friends" are white Greeks, and most of the villains are browns/blacks.

Ah yes. Black man sucking white mans dick. Just how I like it

Good stuff. Don't rob yourself of it because of Sup Forums fuckery.
It's the surprise of the year for me.

>still no crack
Shit game

If you have a recent i7 with hyperthreading you will be fine.
It does require a beefy CPU to run smoothly, but the game looks fucking gorgeous when it does.

>tfw you see dying oasis

I thank this game just for that. Also pyramids, tombs, desert, THREE COUNTRIES in one gamelibya(roman empire), alexandria(greek egypt) and actual egypt without greeks, great architecture and that it gives same feeling as AC2 did you have no idea that you play assassins's creed game.
It was a good 65h ride, last time BF did it.

Posting a posative opinion about ac should be a bannable offense

Scarab was white, yes

Might buy it when I get new GPU.

Pirate it, don't give them any money.

people that try hard to fit in should be bannable offense

What is your current one?

>thinly veiled shill thread #5 of the day

Im still waiting on the crack.

>le literally xD
shut the fuck up kid


>pirate it


I wonder (((who))) could be behind these posts.

It's the ubisoft marketing team.

550 ti

Going to get the current high end Nvidia cards

How is optimization? Will it run on minimals on a five year old PC?

That Isu outfit tho

GPU won't be the issue 2bh famm. As long as you have something relatively recent, and preferably an NVIDIA, you'll easily be able to have it looking good and just turn the AA up/down to get the desired framerate.
The big problem is going to be the CPU. When the crack is released, the sub-80 IQ plebs will realise that the CPU usage doesn't have anything to do with UPlay or DRM, but the game DOES utilize the CPU heavily to take the load off the GPU.

Will i3 count?

It's really bad. Recommended settings are meant for 30fps. To run gaym on 60 you need like i7-7series, 16gb, 1070Ti

The effect they add to his voice is neat, but the outfit breaks my immersion. Since no one comments on it or even looks at you differently.

Optimization isn't really any better/worse than most 2017 AAA open world games.
As people have said, the CPU is used heavily, but the end result is a game that looks absolutely gorgeous if you have the hardware to run it.

Also yes it will probably run at minimum settings, but not great I imagine.

it sucks, black hood or persian commander is better. isu outfit feels like designed by asus RGB team.

or you need $200 ryzen 5. it worked very well for me

>persian commander
my nigga

>To run gaym on 60 you need like i7-7series, 16gb, 1070Ti
Only at absolute max settings, which is literally no worse than most similar games in recent times.
I'm using 7700k, 16GB, 1080 on max settings and getting an easy 60 with plenty of CPU/GPU usage headroom. I'm sure you could step down in hardware a fair bit and still get 60 FPS on medium-high.

Why did you Ubisoft supporting, Assassin's Creed yearly release buying, faggots come to Sup Forums? Why didn't you stay on reddit just like you did last gen?
The fucking board is now full of AAA buying faggots, you dum dums have ruined Sup Forums. What the fuck drew in all you plebs?

Should say it's at 1440p also.
1080p 60 FPS on medium+ settings wouldn't be that difficult provided you aren't using a toaster.

Show me the rule on 4chin that allows you to post here only if you exclusively like weeb games and hate AAA shit. Go ahead ill wait.


I love Black hood and currently using it. But the voice modulation is a nice touch

let me FIT you in on a history since you are new
Sup Forums likes good AC, nu-Sup Forums parroting what Sup Forums said about three bad games hates AC for no reason



The Mummy outfit is best. Those glowing red eyes.

1600x/16gb/1070 strix 1440p
All I did is disable AA, it ran stable 55 fps in cities and stable 60 in nature. 6 core is the key to this game performance, people say it scales even better with 8.

Literally the ONLY other AC game I've ever bought was Black Flag, which I thoroughly enjoyed, and the reason I bought Origins was because they removed and replaced what I hated most about Black Flag and AC games in general; the combat.
Not hard to pick out the good games from a developer and ignore the bad ones. Completely blacklisting a developer's entire future catalogue because of past efforts is pretty juvenile and literally only causes you to miss out.

>For an uncrackable game
lmao keep waiting.

>Buying microstransactions
Anyone using Isu, Black hood or Roman outfits are the better man for actually earning those outfits

How bad are collectibles? I can't put aside a game until I 100%d it. First AC is still giving me nightmares.

desu it feels more like The Witcher 3 than an AssCreed game

That's long gone friendo, and the trophies/achievements aren't that hard too

speaking of other games, I really want to replay AC2 now
ACO has same atmosphere, every city has it's touch like in AC2

>Horses control better in Origins
Origins > Witcher ?

I heard they put in Prince of Persia?

We talking like an actual outfit from the triolgy or is it just a “Persian” themed outfit.

Hell, I’d be ok with 2008 PoP with the claw hand and scarf hat.

they clearly modeled it on tw3
even follow the road feature on mounts

How much future shit is in this? Why can't Ubisoft understand no one gives a fuck about Abstergo and they just want to rampage though various historical settings?

Just a Persian themed outfit called the the Persian Prince
see but color swapped

NEOgaf died so I'm guessing they came here

it looks like this, with different color accents

now you have a million boring sidequests

REEEE give me patch il buy the game once its the cpu issue has been fixed

I want to enjoy the game without stuttering and fps drops when walking into towns

And thankfully without the eurojank combat.

Nothing as annoying as collecting 100 shards/feathers/flags hidden around a city, like last game.

Do all the sidequests (and they're pretty fun, so far) find the treasure in all the locations, raid all the tombs, win all the horseraces, wipe out the Phylaki bounty hunters trying to kill you, do all the eagle synchronisations. Most of it is fun by itself, without the 100% completion grind.

But that's not true for everyone. The abstergo storyline is what made me look forward to ac2

>Playing AC on PC

technically more than Unity and Syndicate in terms of actual time, but there's less of a plot

Ubishills are not even try to be subtle anymore

There's some but from what I've seen so far it's not "expansion" type shit.
There's something coming early next year I believe, which adds what are essentially audio guided tours of the landmarks.

Just yesterday they released a massive Anubis boss in the desert that you can fight at max level, who drops part of a set.

Both of these are free, btw.

depends on your outlook, I liked most of them
I like when game gives actual reason for something instead of just saying go save those guys or go kill that dude just because