Can we all finally agree this is the best 3D sonic game now?

Can we all finally agree this is the best 3D sonic game now?

>no stupid gimmicks besides wisps (which are just power ups anyway)
>no retarded and edgy story, just a light hearted and funny adventure
>no shitty annoying friends, only Tails who isn’t retarded for once
>actual stage design with a good mix of speed and platforming
>most levels are non-linear and reward you for exploring
>unique bosses
>a final boss that’s actually fun and doesn’t rely on super sonic like the past 10000 times

Need I go on?

Nah. Over half the wisps are stupid.
Generations was better than it.

I agree with most of what you said but the comedy in the cutscenes is fucking terrible, the final boss lacks challenge despite not being the usual Super Sonic fight, and some of the stages are literal fillers.

But it's still a pretty good game.


360/PS3 Unleashed was better even with the Werehog.

DS version is superior

What pisses me of is the fucking holming attack and the momentum interruptus after that, im supposed to go fast god dammit

I found generations more fun, but I liked this one a lot too.
And that's it, the only two 3D Sonic games I can play without hating it.

I'll gladly take Baldy McNosehair over Beta Uprising: the character any day of the week.

>best 3D sonic game
Like saying it's the best looking turd in the toilet.

No it isn't the best Sonic game as it has the hallmarks of Kishimoto's shitty design principles.

>Sonic's has an incredibly weak double jump instead of being able to perform a short dash in the air like in generations
>The Story may not be edgy, but it's fucking absolutely garbage humor
>Final boss is mediocre, reused in Kishimoto's other games, Lost World and Forces
>A lot of the wisp are incredibly gimmicky and garbage
>The short extra acts in each planet are built on top of the man stage, with large amounts of boxes placed to create poor level design which is absolutely shit. It was bad in the Shadow DLC stages in Forces and it's bad here too.
>There is far more 2D sections in Colors than any other Boost title

Say what you want about Iizuka, but he's literally become more or less a supervisor at this point for the series. Kishimoto has a clear track record for mediocre/trash Sonic games, like Lost World and Forces.

>No chao garden

Cant do that fampai, Hell ill state that Chao gardens is better than any Sonic 3d game

Not with dumb medal collecting

Sonic Adventure 1 is the best 3D Sonic Game, there, I said it. We were all thinking it, but someone had to say it. Time to stop living in fear of the underage Game Grumps audience.

They should try to improve the gameplay, with every fucking obstacle stage it feel the same

Its the best boost game, but the best 3D Sonic is Sonic R

>no stupid gimmicks besides wisps (which are just power ups anyway)
>no retarded and edgy story, just a light hearted and funny adventure
>no shitty annoying friends, only Tails who isn’t retarded for once
>actual stage design with a good mix of speed and platforming
>most levels are non-linear and reward you for exploring
>unique bosses
>a final boss that’s actually fun and doesn’t rely on super sonic like the past 10000 times
This is literally just described Lost World

You mean the best 2D game right?
The game is like 80% 2D.

The level design isn't great here either, it's very much a prequel to sonic farces. Mostly 2D sections connected by 3D hallways and short acts

>best 3D Sonic
>Posts a 2D Mario game
What did he mean by this?

>turn it on
>no intro movie or anything, just blast off and you're in the game
>pirated it so I thought it was broken, turned it off and never turned it back on
>years later find out it's a """feature"""
Sonic Team being as amateurish as possible, sunrise sunset

here's how i would do a 3d sonic game

>10 stages total with 4 acts
>remove the hedgehog engine formula and create one from scratch adapting the physics from the classic and adventure games
>make tails and knuckles playable in a separate story
>Metal sonic playable post game
>chaos emeralds only optional
>super tails and knuckles
>lack of 2d sections in most stages
>chao garden as DLC
>Open world Hub world

here's how to do a 3D sonic game
>make it a slow paced Zelda clone
>remove everything to do with Sonic because literally everything about him is rotten, tainted and worthless
>name it Beyond Oasis 3D

And Lost World is a fun game.

no, its fucking shit

>long corridors of nothing
>shitty 2d sections take up have the game
>wisps are shit, just let me run fast

1 is inferior to 2 in evey way


its my favorite "boost" game but holy shit zones had too many acts.

also unlocking super sonic was the best shit. it removes the wisps gimmick entirely and puts springs n shit.

>Sonic Adventure 2
>Treasure hunting stages turn into a complete clusterfuck
>Shooting stages are massively slowed down. Mechs move like shit compared to Gamma
>Speed stages go full corridor and become more automated than A1 stages
>Introduced Shadow the Deviantart OC
>Introduced Rogue the furrybait
SA2 was a mistake and a complete step backwards for the series

>if this and this and this happened THEN would be good!

The plot was REALLY bad and at least 30% fo the levels were underwhelming,but is a really good game.

Are the DS games(Rush,Rush Adventures and Colors ds version) any good,im thinking seriously about buying them.

SA2 was a mistake. Rushed in under a year and one of the first practices that led to the bad decisions we have now in every Sonic game past that.
SA1 had 4 years of development too. The engine just needed more work.

>not relishing in the delicious edginess of the sonic franchise
Gotta step it up!

Cool soundtrack but levels range from meh slow and annoying with stupid gimmicks one being filler enemy rooms that just waste your time, too many bottomless pits and crap bosses
>Rush Adventure
Improves level and boss design significantly in comparison with much less bottomless pits as well but has these mixed boating segments and lots of grinding (think medals from unleashed but replace them with materials you need to sail with to progress the story) very good soundtrack as well and I honestly prefer it over rush any day and this is coming from someone who grew up with the original rush
>Colors DS
Better than Wii colors and the most easy to get into 2D boost game, bosses are decent and level design is around the same quality of RA with no filler minigame shit but it doesn't have the trick system so it's more simplified overall

>SA1 had 4 years of development too. The engine just needed more work.
They should've just used those 4 years of development to focus on Sonic exclusively.
>We'll never get a Sonic Adventure with tight physics and all levels being Beta Windy Valley tier

rush is typical dimps fanfare with a fuckload of bottomless pits everywhere
rush adventure is a lot better
both osts are godlike

Let's be honest. the only thing Colors really has going for it is the colorful visuals and the Eggman PA announcements. The gameplay itself is sort of on rails boost that feels a bit more watered down from unleashed, made a bit interesting only by the use of the wisps. if you stripped the game to just the gameplay, it would be kind of bland on it's own.

Unleashed meanwhile, had much better level design, so the gameplay itself holds up pretty well, despite whatever your opinion might be on the werehog as a concept

>Sonic exclusively
Did you say Colors, Lost World, and Generations?

Removing Tails and Knuckles from gameplay was the death of 3D Sonic, much after confining them to horrid mech and treasure levels, respectively.

Making bad games was the death of 3D Sonic. Lets get Sonic to function in a 3D environment before we get ahead of ourselves and add in other characters.

>No stupid gimmicks besides the game's entire gimmick
>First game to mark the death of narrative in Sonic games
>Ruined Tails' character forever and turns him into a spineless asshole
>Half the game is broken 2D
>Most levels are rehashed sections of Act 1 or 3 with extra floating block platforms
>Half the bosses are recolors
>Started the "running toward the boss flying backwards with no Super Sonic" trend of final bosses

it's almost 2018 and Sonic STILL doesn't work in 3D. It's time to stop, it's just not going to happen. Sega simply doesn't have the talent or skill to pull it off and with their laughably incompetent management and god awful dev teams they never will

>Lets get Sonic to function in a 3D environment before we get ahead of ourselves and add in other characters.
Wasn't this what Iizuka said himself? Something along the lines of "let us worry about making Sonic fucking work in 3D before we worry about the other characters."

>Ruined Tails' character forever and turns him into a spineless asshole
um, what? ...You sure you're not just thinking of Lost World, user?

>caring about narrative in a Sonic game
It's really at its best when the plot is just "stop Eggman" without any needlessly edgy shit in it.

I do believe I accidently confused it for Lost World on that point, yes. has a point.

There is WAAAAAAY too much 2D shit in Colors. Like... 70% of the fucking game is in 2D, minimum

Adventure 2 had Sonic gameplay fixed. And it sold very well. So what's wrong with other characters cause you're pulling the same excuse Sonic Team had since Unleashed.

>"i want sonic to be more of just a fast mario game"
No, Sonic is more entertaining when it's about needlessly serious themes. Seeing these colorful platform mascots running around dealing with things too mature for their own game is the appeal.

some guy made a damn good little sand box Sonic game with all 7 emeralds and hyper sonic transformation.
It is actually plays and controls amazingly.
Sonic team is just shitting the bed.
I mean fuck. They can't even do 2d sonic well anymore. they had to hire a large team of fans to make one for them.
Might as fucking well shut down sonic team altogether.
Something happened during the development of 06 that just fucking destroyed the entire fucking team's ability to make games.

Wisps were my only complaint. All of them were gimmicky except the block one. Still the best 3D platformer of the gen, and the only good 3D Sonic game.

But 1-3 had barely any story and they're still the best games.
Gameplay should come first in Sonic's case.

That would be Adventure 1.

>Still the best 3D platformer of the gen
>Sonic Colors

>Still the best 3D platformer of the gen

Pretty sure that user was being ironic... user

Adventure, Adventure 2 and Heroes are the good 3d Sonic games.

This is my major problem with Colors as well.

To me, it'd be better to split the franchise in two:
The colorful and cartoony 2D games like Sonic 2 and Sonic Mania.
And the (un)intentionally edgy and serious 3D games like Sonic Adventure and Sonic Forces (minus all the 2D parts, focus on making the 3D entertaining instead).

>wisp garbage
>2D segments out the ass with a momentum killing "double jump"
No. It's still Gens even with how shallow classic is.

Aren't you forgetting something?

>The colorful and cartoony 2D games like Sonic 2 and Sonic Mania.
>And the (un)intentionally edgy and serious 3D games like Sonic Adventure and Sonic Forces (minus all the 2D parts, focus on making the 3D entertaining instead).
I think that's what they tried to do with Forces, what with explaining that Mania Sonic is from a different dimension and all that shit.

I can never tell, this place is full of people who unironically like Shadow and 06.

>Something happened during the development of 06 that just fucking destroyed the entire fucking team's ability to make games
I'd argue they were going way downhill before 06, but since you brought it up: yes, something big happened during 06's development.

Yuji Naka left, and by this point he was pretty much the last person in Sonic Team who treated the Sonic brand with any kind of respect. All of the actual good developers/designers who cared about the Sonic brand (Yasuhara, Ohshima etc) left long before then.

The thing I don't understand about 3D Sonic is that people complain about it but really its still kind of just like 2D Sonic
You're still moving down a linear path its just you can move and jump in 3D but in reality it doesn't actually change things that much
Its like the difference between Street FIghter and Tekken
Its different but its really not THAT different

The most 3D Sonic has ever gotten is basically the Knuckles/Rouge stages in Adventure 1 and 2
I actually think the collectathon style suits Sonic better than any other game franchise
The ability to move fast simply matters more when you have more freedom on where you actually can move
Imagine a large open level just like Banjo Kazooie but filled with "speed puzzles" where you have to use physics to get the collectibles kind of like Tony Hawk

To add on to this post, I'd like to remind people that Yuji Naka leaving was a direct catalyst for Dimps-made Sonic games turning to complete garbage.

Dimps are just asset and code monkeys, they don't really creatively influence the handheld Sonic games all that much. Sonic Advance was awesome because it had heavy supervision from the likes of Naka and pals (and presumably Naka was also the one who taught them how to make good physics). After Naka left, all we got from Dimps was Rush Adventure (polarizing), handheld versions of console Sonic releases (boring), and fucking Sonic 4.

Don't blame Dimps for making crappy Sonic titles, blame whoever was overseeing those games

Shadow isn't a bad game. it's a shitty concept, but the gameplay is fine.

That first paragraph is by far the dumbest thing I have ever read on this board. In a single paragraph you showed me you had a complete lack of understanding of 3 entire franchises. Thats actually impressive.

>I think that's what they tried to do with Forces
I think so too, and personally I think it was a step in the right direction. The problem was that they instead of putting all they're time and wffort into making one game mode as fun and engaging as possible, they shoved the Avatar levels, Sonic levels and Classic Sonic levels all together trying to please everyone, and as a result pleasing no one.

>Shadow isn't a bad game. it's a shitty concept, but the gameplay is fine.

The fact you have to play Westopolis at least ten times to get the true ending, is garbage.

Is Kishimoto Sonic this decade's Adventure? As in garbage only liked by kids who grew up with them, but never really grew up.


it's not like westopolis is hard.

I mean im not disagreeing with you but that doesnt make the game as a whole bad just on that demerit

>no retarded and edgy story, just a light hearted and funny adventure

This killed post Unleashed Sonic to me.
Colors has to be the most boring and cringeworthy piece of storytelling I've ever slog through.

I just wanted Forces to be as good as Colors bros

Colors was pretty good

What went wrong?

Did someone say the best 3D Sonic game?

>I just wanted Forces to be as good as Colors bros
It is. You just dropped the Nintendo bonus.

Sega's marketing lied, Forces wasn't actually made by the Generations/Colors team but a mix of the Lost World crew and new hires.


>le nintendo bonus

Someone did.

Sonic Boom was pretty decent, the new looks were refreshing and there was a decent level of puzzle-platforming

this is awful bait. 0/10 apply yourself

I never understood this game.
>Be Sonic
>Can run past Mach 1
>Races around in a car
Otherwise a great title. Basically Mario Kart but with Outrun 2006 physics.

why does the flash need a flashmobile?

Because he can't fly or swim.

To pick up hot girls.

They experimented with Sonic just running along side the other cars in the first game, but due to his size and movement being so distinctly different from the other racers they decided to put him in a car.

Canonically they explained it as Sonic, being the bro he is, chose to give the others a fighting chance by basically handicapping himself.


why do you care what other people think?

>Can we all finally agree this corn-studded olive green turd is the best lump of shit oozing down the sewer now?
Sure kid, why not.

what the fuck have they even been doing all this time

Good question.


It's SEGA, so I'd say huffing glue.

>majority of wisps were shit
>a huge chunk of the game is 2D levels with those stiff as fuck modern Sonic physics not meant for platforming

Hedgehog engine is for graphics, knucklehead


The 2D level design was way better than Forces. The wisps weren't a great fit for sonic but they did allow for a lot of exploration and multiple pathways, which did end up making the game feel very sonic-like in a roundabout way.

Forces has none of that, it's just shitty 2D platforming with a character who makes low and wide-as-fuck leaps you can't correct in midair. It's very frustrating to play