Is he right?
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Women needs to stop fetishizing penis sizes, but you know that's never going to happen.
Video game journalists need to stop being retarded
I don't think normal people understand how satisfying it is to do something hyper skillful.
If you hit a very difficult headshot in an FPS, for example, it's an extremely unique feeling in your head. Imagine tumblers in a lock all clicking into place at once. It feels like planets aligning to guide your hand, which no longer feels like a physical object with mass but a featherlight extension of your thoughts.
Women don't fetishize penis sizes though, if you look at any science relating to this the penis is pretty low in interest scale. That and pleasure wise it's all about girth, length can actually hamper the sexual experience if it enables the penis to come in contact with the cervix. The females most likely to fetishize length are the, questionable decision making kind like the ones who get tattoos in the pink zone of this image.
Men fetishize penis size though, hard to dispute that unfortunately.
Hitting a chain of hard shots feels similar to an orgasm, or anyway that's the only thing that comes close
Purple zone not pink.
woman here, i prefer large dicks
thanks for telling me what i think though
You ever think about how humanity has existed for tens of thousands of years, slaughtering others,living in filth and poverty and it generally sucked, and yet here we are, complaining about games that actually want you to be good at playing them.
post timestamped feet or gtfo
What? No, fuck off, what braindead 'everybody's a winner' nonsense is this? Skill dictates literally everything we do in life, we measure our own and others worth by skill, and we respect skill in recreation, hence the entire concept of sports.
This is the kind of shit George Carlin used to yell about happening. Here it is folks, stop liking skill so much, little Timmy feels excluded because he can't press A and move forward at the same time.
leave this site you rancid whore
That's perfectly fine but we're talking about the mass populace not some anonymous human on an image board. That and it's really silly to argue against the science with anonymous anecdotal statements.
Keep in mind there are people out there who enjoy eating human feces despite it being dangerous and an activity not shared by the bulk of the populace. Different strokes for different folks.
you're a white male until proven otherwise, faggot.
Don't worry we will go back there sooner than later. Look up "mouse utopia".
>Soft men tend to be born from soft countries.
This is not something exclusive to video games, people have always found others with a high proficiency at something fascinating. There are compilation videos online of something as silly as people boxing playing cards incredibly fast, for example.
Now post videos of some high skill video game playing:
>having incel genetics
>posting on a sumerian cattle-branding registry
>lording something over someone on said website
>talking about other people having incel genetics
>get told to improve
>run online and write an article to whine instead
That was a fucking short article.
He didn't even make any real points one way or the other, just stated that how hard a game is isn't the only barometer and that games are "stories between player and dev" which I'm not sure means anything, let alone acts as a point for his argument.
I went in expecting some infuriatingly patronizing blog article by a giant quivering cunt about how being decent at games is toxic, and instead got this. Headlines the only interesting bit about it.
No I don't disagree with the article. Course how hard a game is isn't the only barometer, a really hard game of tic tac toe is still a pretty fucking boring game. Not sure anyone would disagree with the article, it's a non-statement.
No, we're just going to have a thread where people read the headline, extrapolate the entire article and then have a little whinge.
I don't think it's a fetish to need a certain amount of cock to get off as a female. I can't get off if girls are loose or have gross tits.
>I can't get off if girls are loose
this is the hardest, but I'm not sure how they can fix this.
They can't. I mean they can clamp me, but it's not the same as a legit tight pussy.
It's called kegel exercises and keeping a healthy diet, user.
Not going to read because I have limited time before the sleeping pills kick in but as someone who is very into rhythm games, I feel like the premise is flawed. In my experience, the games have been more about self-improvement than pure high-score chasing. I realize this is just because of how I approach things and that chasing high-scores is also a valid way to play. The community around rhythm games seems to be particularly good at encouraging people with different goals to just have fun.
What I'm trying to say is play games to have fun. However it is you find fun. If someone has invested a lot of time towards building skill that's something to be respected but not necessarily coveted.
There is plenty of space within the medium for games that focus more on narrative or experience instead of providing systems to interact with in a skillful way. Let people enjoy what they want.
Clickbait "journalists" need to stop writing articles.
This book was too hard to read so I didn't get past the first page but it had some funny words 2/10
Clamp isn't as good. Maybe diet though (no idea about how diet effects a pussy's tightness). Fitness plays into it probably; the best two pussies I ever had were athletes (a 33 year-old fitness model with a kid and my 25 year-old runner ex). But then again I've fucked a couple girls from my gym that had average-at-best tightness.
t. fucked almost 100 women.
it s a clear case of tits or gtfo we have here.
/fitlit/ pls
Well its common sense so yeah
Honestly that pisses me off even more, because this journalist would write about something obvious with no real points. It's like if a journalist wrote about films being more than stories.
Where's the quality control in video game journalism.
>Where's the quality control in video game journalism.
Well normally that's meant to be the editor, so I guess he was off having a wank.
Why do you sluts let girls see your penises? I'm the only person allowed to see mine.
Forgot to say an important part zzz.
Self-improvement feels really good. When breeze through a song that a few months ago would have felt impossible it feels amazing. Outside of video games, there's very little space for what feels like dramatic skill improvement. That's an important part of why I love the games I play.
I can watch someone like tatsu showboating on songs that I'd need years of practice to work my way up to coming close to clearing and be incredibly impressed and then go and play a chart that miniscule in difficulty to what I watched but is challenging and rewarding to me to play. That's amazing.
>t. fucked almost 100 women
Hi Barney Stinson
>Outside of video games, there's very little space for what feels like dramatic skill improvement.
Literally, what did he mean by this?
>not cumming every time you solo a 140 Shagaru already
By "outside of video games" he meant "outside of my house" which he's clearly never been.
I'm not gloating, I just literally lost count years ago and was talking about pussy tightness. I will never have a gf I'm interested in despite how hard I try, so clearly I have my own problems.
American game journalists needs to die already.
He's right in the sense that games are more than just gameplay and there is no skill requirement to reach before you can critique something.
But at the same time, I'm not required to take said person's views as valid or care about their unskilled opinion. Journalists would be far more digestable if they didn't market themselves as authorities or experts.
I think that sort of improvement is less dramatic, takes more investment, and happens much less often in real life.
Self improvement in areas like playing music or getting fit or learning language feels a lot more gradual and it seems harder to pinpoint milestones to me. But that could just be because I'm a NEET who doesn't get out much.
I'm sorry too, for acting glib. We truly all have our own problems.
Employers need stop fetishizing skill.
>fuckin virgins
Movie reviewers need to stop fetishizing knowledge of shots, lighting, dialogue, acting
Car reviewers need to stop fetishizing licenses, licenses are ablelist and discriminate against those who can't drive
Food critics should stop fetishizing flavour and texture, just eat that slop and don't complain you shits
>t. unskilled trash
If your dick is smaller then 7-8 inches, then you are a manlet
This "everybody gets a trophy for merely existing" mentality that americans export to the world is the most cancerous thing I have ever seen. I wish yellowstone would just blow up already.
Try a government job. In my interview they only asked questions like "tell me about a time you had to multitask, and what you did."
Very few hard skill or experience questions.
The music industry need to stop fetishizing skill!
It's insensitive and downright opressive to those that struggle with playing an intrument. No one should be allowed to give a musical performance above a certain commitee approved level of beauty.
If you want to master an intrument and find pleasure in doing so, do it in the privacy of your own home because not everyone is enjoying your expression of oppressive elitism and slavery you call "music".
Well they'd agree with you, that's why they use autotune.
>Where's the quality control in video game journalism.
These people who call themselves journalists have less gaming experience than any underage in this board and I'm not even exaggerating. There is no quality control whatsoever. They are just pulling clickbait titles to make us discuss their shitty articles and spread it around precisely like we're doing right now so they can earn clicks and buy the latest iphone to show off to their san francisco clique hipster friends.
We should just embrace SJW culture said the Sup Forumsedditor what could possibly go wrong?
Stop right there penislessscum.
Competition is healthy and good!
Begone ye estrogen perverters!
>competition is masculine and oppressive.
This is what truly lies behind this toxic move.
Very wrong example.
Users listen to music, creators create and play it.
Users play videogames, creators create it.
how about a change of pace
dick or stay
Top tier post user, saving that image.
human are more complex than rats dude. it's still an interesting experiment but it doesn't have a lot applications.
The central point seems to be:
>The act of play itself is but one method of experiencing what we call a “videogame” in modern critical discussions.
In which case no, obviously not right. If you're not playing the game then you're experiencing someone else playing the game. The gameplay is integral to the experience.
>Is difficulty the only barometer for a game's quality
This is true but I'm not able to put my trust in a thermometer that bursts at just above room temperature when it comes to determining if water is boiling. If someone can't play a game and doesn't want to put in the effort to improve on their own and isn't open to being taught by the game then their opinion derived from determining the synthesis of the game's qualities is pointless. At best they can critique individual elements but not the whole thing.
>A difficult game is not by default good and an easy game is not by default bad
Real intellect on display here. There's room for every sort of game though.
>Dean Takahashi
This motherfucker is unique. Everyone in games journalism keep laughing his example off as a lack of skill whenever they bring it up but this motherfucker displayed a fundamental lack of ability to engage in deductive reasoning for a solid 1-2 minutes and given previous incidents I think that's hardly a unique occurrence. I wouldn't trust him to critique anything that requires one to put one learned fact together with another learned fact to arrive at a conclusion.
The professional sports industry need to stop fetishizing skill!
It's insensitive and downright opressive to those that struggle with playing an ball game. No one should be allowed to give a sport performance above a certain commitee approved level of athleticism.
If you want to master an ballsport and find pleasure in doing so, do it in the privacy of your own home because not everyone is enjoying your expression of oppressive elitism and slavery you call "scoring".
>I'm so shit I get triggered by people better than me
>After all, they're just games.
No problem. I know you whores don't have opinions of your own and attach yourselves to man's ego. Can't wait till the ragheads take over so you can finally be put in your place.
Every thread there's at least one person who can't stop being obsessed.
The professional culinary industry needs to stop fetishizing skill!
I would eat a healthy proportion while prettending to enjoy it to make her feel better
You simply don't hurt an anime's feelings when she worked so hard.
I wish nerd culture was still penalized by the public... fuck this gay earth
Misleading; "fetishization" implies some sort of overexaggerated extreme that is well beyond acceptable bounds, but what he's actually complaining about is already a significantly low bar that can't be lowered much further without being removed outright. This is an unreasonable demand because the vast majority of video games over the past 15 years have been at or below this low bar, and video games which actually require any decent amount of skill have been a dwindling minority.
The author is effectively complaining that only 95% of video games on the market now cater to him, and the existence of the other 5% is both somehow problematic and the fault of a social group.
Why do you feel the need to ask stupid questions OP?
t. small dick virgie
human nature
Yep. I got laid a lot, so that's okay, but even despite all my assets, I will likely never get a GF unless I want some hambeast or burn victim. In school, I could date and fuck at around 7-7.5. Now I can fuck a 9 but my gf potential has tanked to like 5-6.
I guess I'm lucky overall, but everyone has problems. Good luck.
I'm halfway there to helping them do it at this point. In all honesty it would be quite poetic given western women have routinely sided with foreigners over their own men.
>Where's the quality control in video game journalism.
careful now, ask questions like that and you'll get labeled a woman hating neanderthal.
>Where's the quality control in video game journalism?
Right here buddy
>fetishizing skill
>It feels like planets aligning to guide your hand, which no longer feels like a physical object with mass but a featherlight extension of your thoughts.
this is beautiful.
speaking of being in the zone. is that what taking addy does to pro gamers? just puts them in the zone for extended periods of time
Adderall just amps you up, your brain is at 100% all the time rather than only at certain moments.
History proves you wrong.
>Strong men create good times
Is it that you can't believe that an "empire" could have a good time period?
i hve larg penus can i sex u
I kinda want an ankle tattoo...
>videogames need to experiences, not challenging games
Tic Tac Toe isn't hard though, know how to play and you literally cannot lose.
She got schooled
>be liberal faggot
>go study sociology humanities + gender studies
>get a job for a game company
>never played a game
>have to play game to write review about it
>completely inept to control the character
>"i cant write a review like this, videogames are hard"
>"videogames need to be easier so i can write a review about it or else I will lose my job"
Games have never been less challenging than before and blogfaggots want it even easier for the sake of their own job.
This. I feel more comfortable not talking about video games with normies.
Sports culture needs to stop fetishizing skill