>this was half a decade ago
This was half a decade ago
>Probably more than half of Sup Forums wasn't even here for the grudge match of the decade
I reinstalled the game a couple of years ago.
It's weird, I had literally everything unlocked. My account was made in 2012. I don't know if they did that to entice old players to come back at some point.
Anyway, I actually had a lot of fun playing it. It's so much better than Overwatch it's ridiculous. Such a shame Hi Rez fucked it up and got the playerbase to fuck off when they're had a golden goose on their hands. Whatever they've done now is too little too late, although if you feel the nostalgic itch I'd recommend a temporary reinstall to relive the good days
i watch it once a month, it's so amazing
The one thing that makes me truly patriotic.
>It's weird, I had literally everything unlocked.
They had a patch where they removed all progression, changed the class system into a Tribes-like loadout system, upped the number of weapons per armor type, that sort of thing.
Basically, they got a bunch of people to turn the game over into a more Tribes-like game with no hope of the grander player base ever coming back, so let those left have some fun.
>the great ps2 beta
>warframe domination
Playing with fags from here is fun.
ironically this is what brought more reddit to this place
Sad thoughts
ironically literally anything that happens brings more reddit to this place
No, that was TORtanic and the Sup ForumsGAs
I'm sad I missed out on Warbros. The amount of anger I read about that they caused for that entire community is amazing
It's easier to enjoy shit games with people.
can you give me the quick rundown on all those events?
Autism prevails
I only know about Tribes but
>Well-coordinated and heavily practiced Reddit team beaten by a rag-tag group of Sup Forumsirgins run by a furry tripfag and a BR with 140 ping
>a rag-tag group of Sup Forumsirgins run by a furry tripfag and a BR with 140 pin
Who were also scrounged together 30 minutes before the match
Just like my connection to the internet, went down right before the match so I had to drive my laptop over to a friends house and steal his wifi to play.
Literally brought a tear to my eye.
Also, what said.
It's weird. I'm more proud of that victory than anything in my country's history.
The legends only gets better the more you know
The fuck? What "victory"? Why are you claiming a victory done by 5 people and saying it's for Sup Forums as a whole? You won nothing, the ragtag player won Sup Forums. This is just so cringy.
Are you actually a shazbowl veteran? Thank you for your service.
Paladins version when?
That;s why it's so perfect.
As hard as reddit tries to have organization, structure, and planning, it just makes them more and more ghey and lame. Sup Forums on the other-hand is a chaotic ironic mess filled with passionate autists. I'd rather talk games with a passionate autist than some normie "wants to fit in" nu-male redditor who takes himself seriously.
How to spot a liberal.
>tribes is dead
The best part about this is how silent reddit is about it. They came to play our game and got so fucking schooled it wasn't even funny.
Okay, it was funny, and it was fucking hilarious.
If Sup Forums can get a bunch of random guys in less than an hour without practice to beat a carefully picked team that had hours of practice from reddit, imagine what might have happened if actual effort was put it.
But I guess you're still bitter bitch
I still have no clue what this song is about.
>reddit got so butt-blasted over losing to Sup Forums they made HiRez kill the game
We should do something for CS;GO, TF2, DOTA2, some fighting games on fightcade and other easily obtainable games.
Shit would be hilarious.
Male gyarus
It's only dead because you dont play it. Servers are still up and game is still fun.
something simillar happened in splatoon 2,
I was there for the live threads of the splatoon 2 invitational, it was fucking great.
t. battleborn and lawbreakers playerbase
Nothing because an inherent part of why Sup Forums won was because everyone on both sides was a huge moron, but reddit made a stupid plan and stuck to it and Sup Forums just did random bullshit.
Reddit lost the last map because they had come up with a retarded plan where they had no sniper on the best sniper map, where Sup Forums had a sniper but not because they had a plan but because one of the idiots on the team felt like it. If they'd had a plan it would have been a fucking stupid one.
Why do so many of you faggots not know how pluralization works in Japanese? Fucking normalfags.
Sup Forums winning is the same reason the US kicked the UK's ass in the revolutionary war
when you don't know what you're doing, your enemies can't predict you.
I'm speaking English right now.
>user quotes himself
Funny, I've never heard of either of those games. I've been playing Tribes since the beta and still do a few matches on and off.
again, that perfectly encapsulates the differences between reddit and Sup Forums.
Greatest flag heist of the history.
Sup Forums is full of bitter redditors now days that dont want to remember the biggest event ever.
Garbage, no-skill and unfun games. Their memes are also non-existent, it doesn't have the same appeal as Tribes.
>Reddit can steal our memes
>but can't steal our flags
>when you don't know what you're doing, your enemies can't predict you.
That's actually a very interesting point. Huh. Good on you.
>every time reddit tried starting another Sup Forums vs reddit in any game, they always got stomped
It really is amazing how much these redditors who play a single game all day everyday suck against people who don't even play video games
inb4 muh Battlefield from some retard that doesn't mention that leddit cheated in that match
I'm still mad
and harbleu is still a faggot, a half-decade later