Please Sup Forums I'm so tempted by the comfy.
Convince me not to buy this shit AGAIN
do it. I am
I'm going to as well. I never touched any of the DLC, hope it's worth it.
no mods
that should literally be enough to dissuade you because look deep down in your heart, if Morrowind was not moddable it wont be the treasure it is today.
Same for Oblivion, same for Skyrim.
I honestly hope you know you will not be able to mod it in any way, shape or form because you know if you dont want big fat bouncing titties you will eventually want mods like making unarmed or spellcasting viable
only bought it once and never played the dlc, I'm getting it. Appease Todd this one last time.
You should've bought it six years ago.
Buy the game
Nigga what the fuck, why would you want that shit on switch
I can't spit on you op, I bought dragon quest VIII for the 3ds
Goddamn this would be a perfect game to play for minutes at a time. Even having the PC version, having this on the go would be nice. It'd be a nice break from all the mods. Just going full vanilla and actually having a reason for it. Damn.
Me too I bought the 3ds only to play that.
Stop shilling, Todd
>by the comfy
Then you're a fucking retard. Just play it on a toaster or something
>b-but user, m-muh comfy
is not a reason to play a game
>Come into this thread expecting rare todds
>get nothing instead
I feel empty
Get the VR version instead. At least its a new way to experience it. Plus you dont seem to care about wasting money
t. totally not Todd Howard
its like 10 fps even in the commercials lmao
also sell your switch its a garbage system
Who gives a shit. At this point it doesn’t make a difference. faggots like you already bought enough copies to support Bethesda for years.
And the most funniest thing?
It's the fucking only 3ds fucking game with no fucking 3d.
I was so angry the first time I launched the game on my new 3ds xl. I bought the XL just to appreciate the 3d effect. And I wanted to rediscover DQ8 in 3d.
I sure know the feel, I am still enjoying it
Maybe somebody would dump their fucking rare Todds if they showed their Fallout 4 + Season Pass receipt.
>no mods
I will always buy Skyrim™ because I only play games Where You Can Climb That Mountain™. Bethesda also pioneers innovative new technologies like Radiant™, Metrohead™ and the highest quality engine to ever grace gaming. When I boot up a brand new Bethesda™ game, I can experience the highest level of immersion. Bethesda™ always delivers a silkysmooth experience. Skyrim™ is also very time efficient. A WRPG is the most time consuming game in your library. Shooters, RTSes, JRPGs, racers, MOBAs, etc all take significantly less time than a WRPG. Which is why Skyrim™ puts gamers first by ensuring that their gaming experience is of the highest quality while looking out for gamers by giving them the most value per hour played. At this point in time, there's really no reasons to consider an Obsidian game at all. I tried one one time, I wasted so much time that I went into retirement. It also wasted so much time that it created a wormhole and destroyed the rest of my life. Bethesda™ also pioneered how useless games are with writing. Years ago, everyone thought gameplay, writing, and attention to detail were the future. Now, Bethesda™ has removed those useless features from their games and increased efficiency. Now you can save thousands of hours a year thanks to Bethesda™ ensuring that useless features like quests are optimized for gamers. It's quite clear that OP's an Obsidian shill trying to convince you to settle on something less than The Game of the Year™. Bethesda™ is the only real way to play games. We have seen recently that they offer an incredible engine for software developers. He is probably too poor to afford Skyrim™ Special Edition and can not afford to play any Games of the Year™. Don't be a poor gamer with bad games and a huge wastes of time. Play games with Bethesda™ Radiant™: Kill the Bandits in this Camp™
But I've already played the game a lot.
Also I'm not Todd, and comfy is not a meme.
Buy Doom instead and wait for it to drop in price
comfy is a meme because its in the eye of the beholder, what is comfy to you is not comfy to others.
also without mods skyrim is not comfy. hope you got that reference to what you read a second ago
>Hey guys look at my implied lack of social skills combined with this attention grabbing look at me device that screams mug me.
Very comfy.
Dawnguard is really good with amazing new environments
Dragonborn is pretty shitty and once you start it Miraak starts taking your dragon souls because hes an asshole
Hearthfire is comfy
>he bought it the first time
You're already a lost cause
Not sure what 3rd world shithole you live in where you're constantly in fear of being jumped by niggers, but I play in bed anyways.
You absolutely should, being able to play the greatest RPG ever made anywhere you go is a pretty huge perk.
RPGs are for losers.
>take laptop and get a bedtray or something
>stream game from your pc via steam
muh comfee
no mods
graphics look like shit
waggle controls look like a crap implementation
Yes you get dragons and nice graphics, but that doesn't make it a game. It's 90% beat em up. Lame quests, lame story. Perhaps it's good enough for Americans.
And in the character creation part you can create some damn hot chicks, pardon me saying.
But I want to work with a physics engine like morrowind and skyrim has about 4 times less skills. Souring gameplay does not feel alive or even interactive it's just ticking quest after quest after quest.
>I p much just play in bed
Why are you playing an inferior unmodded port on a tablet when you can play a modded port in bed on pc or console?
>character creation part you can create some damn hot chicks, pardon me saying
>skyrim without mods
>hot chicks
Runs like shit when 3+ enemies or a dragon in a wooded area appears. No mods. Full price.
who /buyingdigital/ here?
digifags go home
You shouldn't have bought this reddit game to begin with
Never played it, don't intend to buy it. Hoping to pick up the Skyrim Atmospheres LP on Black Friday. Love me some Soule.
is remastered edition still free on pc if you buy all the vanilla dlc?
buy it faggot
Oh yeah, nothing more comfy than buying a Bethesda game on a platform where you can't mod out how fucking broken it is.
Lucky me, never bought this before cuz fuck Bethesda, I can always pirate it on my PC, but I might now buy on Switch to have it on the go, since I most always play games vanilla anyway.
Don't go back. You're just gonna end up stealth archer doing the same shit over again and muttering "oh yeah, I remember this". And then a little disappointed that you didn't put that $59 somewhere else.
However, if you REALLY need to take Skyrim with you on the go (really? .. seriously?) and sixty bucks isn't much to you, then sure why not.
>Full price for a 6 year old game
is Todd out of his fucking mind
>you're not allowed to buy what you want because Sup Forums says so
Fuck off and buy games you enjoy
The opposite of comfy
I've only ever played this at a friends house, who always spammed magic spells. What's the best way to play? sword, archer, or magic?
Thinking of selling my U for money for a switch (though I'm hesitant because smash and mods) but I'll def sell my N64 with the rumble pack and a few games, Mario 64, OOT (ver 1.2),Goldeneye 007,Dr.Mario 64, 1080° snowboarding. How much is it worth together? I'm thinking $165 for all
I've decided to get the game as well as I've been tempted for a while
Skyrim seems like a good game to play in bursts
I may actually play this on Switch. Damn what I'd do for a Fallout3/NV port though.
I damn sure enjoyed the game on release, sunk maybe 80 hours worth. But why people are still buying skyrim six years later is beyond me.
It makes sense to buy Skyrim VR or the Switch version because while it's the same game, it's a different experience from the standard PC/PS3/360 version
F1/2 and NV would be great on Switch. I never modded NV as much as TES games so I wouldn't mind the lack of them as much.
Fuck you, buy the game.
Is there a way to disable DLC on this version? I'd consider it after a price drop but I am sick of the guards never shutting the fuck up about the awful Dawnguard nonsense.
It's all cool bro. Just get it like me!
You know I'm buying my copy of Skyrim™
>playing unmodded skyrim
what the fuck is wrong with you
No. That deal has long since passed.
>implying Skyrim is an RPG
I've never played a Skyrim game before, so I'm getting it now.
>a Skyrim game
Nigga you must be retarded. Look at this baller shit
>Old man sitting up in a hospital bed
yeah totally comfy you really nailed it bro
If by best you mean most damage then stealth archer. If you mean most fun fuck you we don't know you fag
It’s easy as piss, only nintendobabbies would be retarded enough to suck at Skyrim.
if i own vanilla edition on PC, is there any good reason to upgrade to the remastered edition?
Woah gang, look out we've got an edgelord!
No, Remastered does not have nearly as many mods.
can you be a stealth archer and still have good sword ability?
Yeah, Skyrim falls under the terrible nu-RPG design philosophy of “the player should be able to do ANYTHING on one character”.
Oblivion was shit without mods. Skyrim was shit without mods. Morrowind however was a good game. Mainly cause it didn't try to be "immersive" and instead just tried to be a good crpg.
Yes, it runs much better and allows heavier modding, at the cost of less mods available over all. It's also much prettier
what about in terms of minimum requirements/resource use/efficiency. Is remaster better in any regard beyond not playing with mods?
In other words, get out the lube fucker it's HD horsecock time.
I sure do hate when developers give me full creative freedom of my character.
i dont know lol
>Thinking that'd fit in a Switch cartridge
The classics are digital only sadly.
>Skyrim fan
>Skyrim fan stupid enough to buy it with gen 7 graphics, no mods, and a Zelda outfit for sicty fucking dollars
>"by the comfy"
Yeah this adds up nicely.
Just think about all the identical draugr and falmer "dungeons" that you have to spend 30 hours in
I just have a crush on Todd
Todd please, The point of a roleplaying game is to play a role, not to be good at everything.
>paying full price for a port when the PS4 version is on sale at this moment for £18
also convince me not to buy the PS4 version pls
You’re insane if you think that shit is worth that price
>hurr I can't into games without muh mods
bethesda games just aren't good, but they do have a good modding community
Have played 360 version w/ Dawnguard 2.5 times.
How much of a difference do the remaster graphics make, and are the other DLC any good? I didn't really like Dawnguard at all, way too linear and boring, that soul gem land was cancer.
No mods, non-SE graphics, shit battery life of the console.
It has the SE graphics stop this debunked meme
why doesn't it have a light that tells you when it is fully charged like most of the portable devices in the fucking world?
I have a laptop, a PC, and a switch, and I really don't want to play my laptop in bed any more after getting the switch.