Strongest character is a women

>strongest character is a women


Other urls found in this thread:

Hmm, what did they do?

Is she a mom? Is this an action game?

>watch it be a shitty VN or Mobile

Calvard when?

Obviously, since they also objectify and sexualize the shit out of her so it balances out you retard.
It's all about the ballance.

Yes, it is okay when Japan does it.

Who is that?
I know the series I just haven't looked into 3 aside from the shit ending

Don't know why you keep making these threads
You're not funny

Rean's mom

well she does look pretty strong

What is this expression trying to convey

>loses to the dick

can't beat the dick man

This is fucking great. Is she the only one with this smug expression in game?

I want to fuck a principle

Mommy. Mommy. Mommy. Mommy. Baby wants to fuck! Get ready to fuck!

So think Falcom will add save imports to CS3 in a patch or not?

Too late already

It's okay when japan does it because they make her a good character first and not

>hurr muh vagina
>I'm going to be a smug unlikable cunt cuz muh vagina
>das rite bois yous afraid of stronk woman huh? don't forget about muh vaginaaa
>now I'm going to cry on-screen for a full 10 minutes and you're going to feel bad for me cuz muh vaginaaaaaa
>jk lol I gots pms so I'm tougher than all you bitches, cuz muh vaginaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Meanwhile, in Japan it's either

>it's magic/sci-fi, so who gives a shit

or the entire point is "what if x but cute anime girls"

Lot of feminists itt
Suck that gook cock

There is literally no character that fits all five of those traits

>a women