Oh hello scariest thing ever from my childhood
>gif's low sodium creamy peanut butter
Not clicking that, OP
but it looks adorable
I've heard people say this
But why is it there
It scared me in the same way
during the Psycho Mantis fight did
Creepiest thing in the game and they can't even hurt you
>these tripping squeaky toys are scary
>not the actual child monsters wielding knives
Game was and still is a masterpiece.
>implying these shadow babies weren't intended to be scary
>implying the unknown element they present isn't scarier than an enemy that you fully understand you can actually kill when you need to
>implying that in a horror game from 1999 with atmosphere as solid and terrifying as this, seeing a character model show up on screen, let alone that of a presumable dead fucking baby, not interact with you, fuck around for a bit, and disappear isn't unsettling in some way
Found the guy that doesn't understand/deserve Silent Hill
It may be different for you since you're probably some underageb& faggot that's been exposed to horror games that came after this first Silent Hill, but at the time of this game's release, these things were fucking scary and you're a shitter.
You small brained child.
Go fuck yourself for startling me a few times.
* breaks*
I recently played this in Japanese and I thought those little things had a different look in the original version? But they were just the same.
I wish japanese PS1 games had the option for english voices AND subtitles.
Here's what they looked in the beta and in a trailer at e3.
It looks and sounds like a penguin
Not sure if you're joking, but Silent Hill was always in English. The Japanese version is simply censored with the child enemies replaced with something else.
Oh, I misread the post. Why would you want to play the Japanese version anyway?
the child enemies are blue ghosts in the EU and the JP versions.
only in the NA version they look like this.
I have to wonder how the hell the NA version is the less "censored" of the three.
>skin colored
That's a lot less cute to me. Now it looks like a deformed baby.
The BOILER EXPLOSION memo. Only in EU and Nippon versions.