When the FUCK is Sony going to let us change our PSN names?
And why the FUCK are we stuck with these shitty as fuck avatars instead of letting us upload our own pictures to use?
When the FUCK is Sony going to let us change our PSN names?
And why the FUCK are we stuck with these shitty as fuck avatars instead of letting us upload our own pictures to use?
Just make a new account desu senpai
And lose all of my digital games and progress? Fuck no.
Changing your name is probably coming at some point. They keep adjusting the service and how your PSN name is used by services, including a 2fold "account name", as in, you have one account name that's used for everything psn related, then something that's a "game name" that's used for all non-direct-sony game multiplayer.
That happened like october last year though, so maybe there was some stalling somewhere.
You don't lose your progress though? Make your PS4 your primary PS4 for the account with all your games, then make a new account. You get the PS+ access, all the games, but on your account name.
I wonder what console lets you change your gamertag for free once a year and lets you use a custom profile picture
but muh japanese rpgs
Wait what. Really?
Fuck, now I need to come up with a new name.
Also you can use a custom profile picture. Nobody but real name friends will see it though, because they don't want shitty retard weebs with dumb faggot cropped hentai pictures and pictures of tits shitting everything up. Unless they're stupid enough to pay for them, I guess.
>When the FUCK is Sony going to let us change our PSN names?
Yeah, I don't know. There's no excuse.
>And why the FUCK are we stuck with these shitty as fuck avatars instead of letting us upload our own pictures to use?
This is more understandable. What would stop you from uploading a pic of your dick? It'd require moderation and god knows Sony can't be assed to do that.
so it's useless like the xbox 360 feature
Yeah, it's how I gameshare with friends. My PS4 is the "primary" for my account, I give the login to my m8 and when he logs in to my account on his ps4, as long as he's connected to the internet he can play with my PS+ and my games with his account name. It's a bit of a hassle but I mean, if you REALLY hate your account name, that's a simple solution.
Ps4 and Xbox one owner here
I can change my public avatar to custom pic and also my gamertag on the Xbox. Been waiting 4 years since getting the ps4 to do that.
xbox decided one day to actually put in effort and it's working well for them
You can custom avatar on PS4
>custom public avatar on ps4
Better than no games at all
>He didn't nail his name on the first try.
If you haven't used the same handle for all gaming for at least a decade then get out my face.
If I make a new PSN ID and set my original account as the primary one on my console, does that mean that my new account will 'own' the games that I have purchased on my original account?
Will I still be able to unlock trophies and shit on my new PSN ID? And will it show that my new account has PS Plus even though it's 'borrowing' it from my original account?
It'll have access to those games, it won't be "owned" by them though, you need to have the other accoun on the ps4. You should be able to get trophies and play them as normal, you'd just need to be signed in to the internet.
That's good, thanks. Right now my "original" PSN account was created so that I can play on my PS Vita so the only games I have on it are Vita games so it's not that big of a deal that I won't "own" them on my new account, but also MGSV because it was free on PS Plus. My PS4 is currently in the mail, but hopefully everything works out just fine...
>for at least a decade
The PS3 was released in 2006. Some of us have used the same one for 10 years, and we fucked up.
>When the FUCK is Sony going to let us change our PSN names?
Whenever that happens, I hope that we can have fucking SPACES in our PSN names too.
I don't think I've ever heard of there being a game name. Where do you set that up?
I'd still like to change my psn name because I made it back in 2008 on PS3 and would like something less shit.
Trophy icons she be usable as psn avatars. That'd be a ton of free avatars right there and give some use to the damn trophies. This would devalue their "premium" avatars tho.
you can't change it just yet, but it was outlined in an update last year that you might be able to soon. They may have scrapped it at this rate though, seeing as it's taken so long to even mention it.
Try Steam
>Trophy icons she be usable as psn avatars
I'd be fine with it scrapped if they're going to let you change your psn eventually.
Is it hard to do or something? Potential to lose purchases if it fucks up? Though it's more likely just Sony being Sony.
>download psn app on phone
>change my profile pic to anything
That's not a public avatar. Only one for your close friends. Everyone else sees one of the preselected ones you've chosen from psns specific avatars set
Does this affect anyone but people who were 10 years old edgelords in the PS3 era? Oh wait...
Yeah and its better like that. I don't want people i don't know being aware of what i look like when i have a real pic of me on PSN. Do you really care about people you don't know?
Well the way it was was similar to the way steam is handled.
You have your "account" that you sign up for, the username you log in with, then your display name. That's how the code was outlined in the SDK.
" Refactored the PlayStation 4 Online Subsystem engine plugin to support PlayStation 4 SDK version 4.008.061.
Deprecated the use of “Sce Np Online Id,” replacing it with “Sce Np Account Id,” as per Sony’s recommendation. Online users are now exclusively identified by their “Sce Np Account Id.”
Simplified the handling of unique net IDs across the PS4 online subsystem.
Switched from “Np Toolkit” to “Np Toolkit2,” to support the new APIs which work with “Sce Np Account Id.”
Added asynchronous name resolution to convert between “Sce Np Online Id” and “Sce Np Account Id,” using Sony’s ID mapper web interface.
For PlayStation 4 online users, the “To String” and “Get Bytes” functions in “Unique Net Id” now return the user’s “Sce Np Account Id.”
Previously these functions returned the user’s “Sce Np Online Id.” Any custom online code or services backend will need to handle identifying users by their “Sce Np Account Id,” as according to Sony’s recommendations.
If required, the “Sce Np Online Id” for local users and friends can be obtained via the “Get Display Name” interface in “Online User.”"
Psn is still light years behind XBLG but Sony has the audacity to charge you for it
just to clarify that states account names were deprecated, but reason stands that if they were able to cross over with whatever code cleanup this may have been, it's not unreasonable to think that they could eventually re-use the assets of online ID as a display name. Seeing as it's still in the service there's no reason it couldn't be introduced as some form of secondary name handling.
I want my avatar to be something not complete shit like I can do on steam or on the Xbox.
Upgrade to Plus version.
PSN is fucking retarded. Just this week I downloaded some free DLC for Gravity Rush 2. Ends up that since I got the game during a travel to Europe, and the game's region is European, the FREE DLC can't be activated and played on my American account. Jesus Christ. I had to create an European account to circumvent this. This is not OK.
That's standard for pretty much every system though. Including steam if you get a jap region or ruskie region game. Some euro games are split even, but most aren't.
Steam doesn't allow you to buy from a different region, but you sure as hell don't need a new account when you eventually get the DLC from whatever region you had to.
Nah Xbox games aren't regent locked. I have all the consoles but I got my Xbox first. I used to buy shit from the Argentinean store because the currency was weak and games used to be piss cheap. I got meme'd into buying the division but luckily I got the gold edition for the exact same price as the standard edition when it was going for double the price in normal stores so I didn't feel to bad about it and I sometimes go on it to dick about because it's actually a pretty decent game. The constant grind gets boring though so everyone I knew who played it just gave up because you end up grinding in the exact same copy paste environments the whole game. At least with some other games like maybe destiny or rpg's you get different environments to grind in which makes it less of a bore.
I live in Europe btw.
You CAN buy from a different region, but you can't buy DLC for that region without a different account (or a vpn). As a for instance, ruskie. I got dying light rus/cis for a few bucks, great deal. The following came out, I wanted it, but oh, I can't buy it. I don't have the american version of the game, and can't buy it since it's already technically in my library. So I have to vpn up to buy the ruskie dlc. or make a new account to buy the game all over again. It's a shit situation but that's sort of the deal.
Try to buy dead rising 3 on the japanese store, then try to buy the en-eu dlc. Won't work. It's a shitty situation. I don't see why people are piling on sony when everyone's done this for 15+ years though.
Not to mention the region-based sales. Oh, there's a sale for a game that you want but it's exclusive to Europe and you live in the US? Well too fucking bad.
Okay but again, why do you care about how strangers see you instead of close friends? Makes zero sense as if this is some tinder app.
Thats sth that is everyone waiting for