I sure am glad I wasted all those hours playing video games!

>I sure am glad I wasted all those hours playing video games!
Do you honestly think this will be you?

i can't fucking wait until it is

I don't think I'm going to live that long. I'm expecting to die of a heart attack eventually.

I haven't played video games in years

>I sure am glad I wasted all those hours trying to shame people for doing things they enjoy!
Do you honestly think this will be you?

I sure am glad I never married.

i am utterly terrified of the concept of non-existence

i just want to exist forever and play video games until i hit a breaking point and hate them too much then find something else to waste my time with

If you live to see thirty you'll probably welcome death OP.

I didn't even waste time with video games, I wasted it with Sup Forums

Boy howdy I am sure ready to die

>I am glad I have spent all those hours browsing a Japanese imageboard

No because I'm definitely going to kill myself before I turn 70.



I probably won't make it to old age but it's what I enjoy so yeah. Even if I weren't a fat selfish micro-dicked jerk I've hit the point where I've totally given up on a relationship and there's nothing on this earth I hate more than children so that's out anyway. I'd rather play video games alone for the rest of my life than waste my time and effort doing things I hate with people I barely tolerate.


By that time going to have my brain placed in a vat of fluid and the videogames will be fed straight into my consciousness. It's the fucking future

I've been playing less and less video games as the years go on. Between working, the girlfriend and friends I just can't rationalize the time sink. It feels kinda good to focus your life on those around you instead of material enjoyment.

The trick is wasting all those hours playing videogames while developing your skills and a career.

>Do you honestly think this will be you?
>an old man in a bed with time to think about his regrets
of course i fucking don't. i'll be dead long before that can possibly happen

>you were born too early to have expanded life time medicine and drugs
just fuck my shit up.

>"I sure am glad I spent my youth shitposting. I know it was worth my time because I was being ironic!"

>I sure am glad I spent my entire life working and never enjoying anything


>tfw sickly and weak
>always in pain
>probably die by 40 if not earlier
>will never be a cool grandpa

How many time do you stupid faggiods need to told this.
>Time having fun isn't a waste of time
Fucking get over yourself.

Well we could cure old age but that won't stop you from dying.

>I sure am glad I wasted all those hours shitposting on Sup Forums

>A man is a success if he wakes up in the morning, goes to sleep at night, and does whatever he wants in between

-Bob Dylan

based nigger

You're not wrong. But hey, at least I'm not the obese type that can't even get out of a fucking chair and walk around.

>want to be dead
>don't want to suicide
Anyone feelin' this?

Nah, I enjoyed my escape from the mundane drivel that is reality.

>"I sure am glad I spent my youth arguing with strangers!"

>I sure am glad I wasted all those hours sperging out about other people's hobbies on the internet
Whatever floats your boat mate.

same. I think about it almost every night. Other people I talk to seem much more accepting and I just can't understand.

Well you did. Just not enough.
You should have fucking died when you had that fever in your 16's.

I won't get that old, men in my family have a tendancy to die in their mid 60's regardless of pre-existing health conditions. Its usually due to a form of liver cancer that can occur without the presence of any drugs or alcohol

>implying video games were all I've done in my life
I've been browsing here since 2008/9 and I've probably always been what Sup Forums considers a normie despite having pretty niche tastes in vidya. Sucks to suck for you I guess haha

non-existence isn't so bad, it's just like before you were born

you wouldn't have been cool no matter how old you got

Retard. I play games to be entertained and have fun. not waste time. If you think you're wasting time on your hobby maybe you should fuck off from it.

>tfw most nights lately I start thinking about dying and really fixating on the horror of not existing and start to panic
Video games are the only thing that keeps me distracted from doing it 24/7. When I die I only hope it's from something that kills me instantly and without my knowledge.

I don't see how playing video games for hours is worse than watching TV or movies. People waste hours everyday watching their entertainment. A least the game is interactive.

Every time 106 gets crosslinked before i recognize it, i close it immediately. i just can't handle it mane

There's nothing you can do. You're destined to die and never exist again for all eternity. Eternity never ends btw.


same, due to being a fat fuck, but holding my shit in for a week or two at a time fucked up my GI tract so colon cancer is the dark horse to take me out

This, or cancer.

>You had more fun playing video games than you ever would doing things that you would artificially force yourself to enjoy due to social pressure like 90% of our society does today

Yes, repeat those proverbs, sheep

this is going to sound tfw to intelligent as fuck but it's because they haven't pondered it to the point that they've given themselves an existential crisis

Not him, but I'm still scared nonetheless. I've enjoyed my life and it sucks always knowing it's gonna be for nothing in the end. Insert the villain from Blade Runner's famous quote here.
Everyone knows this, it's just sad. There's something about knowing you'll never get to do it all and that all you did was inconsequential that's a bit scary.



>Remember playing Mario All-Stars with Grandpa as a little kid
>Re-living those memories every time I play Odyssey

no regrets here OP
miss u grandpa

Jesus saves, homie.

>you were born too early to have expanded life time medicine and drugs
Not really, you just take all that shit for granted. Compared to kings and other powerful and extremely rich people of middle ages you get magnitudes better healthcare (assuming you're not in some 3rd world shithole) and much longer life expectancy even if you're a mere 'peasant' now.

I just want a woman to sit on my face before I die. I just want to sniff freshly washed woman butt

>video games
You truly are pathetic


sometimes ill just have a fucking panic attack when i think about myself being on a deathbed and becoming nothings. it's an anxiety far greater than anything i have ever experienced and it happens often.

i try to make myself not think of it and for the most part i dont anymore but it still creeps in my head sometimes.

>holding my shit in for a week or two at a time
How the fuck do you even manage that. I need to go one time per meal, there's no way I could hold it a day, much less a week.

impossible desire

might as well order boneless pizza

>I sure am glad I'm finally dying

I'll do it. Email?

What are you doing on here then, get eating

You're not expecting payment are you?

>implying sheep
>implying you have no sense of direction
Whatever loser.

Lol grow up you buncha pussies, aint shit you can do about dying so dont cry about it all the time like a dumb pussy and actually do something worth doing with your life. Maybe then when you have an "existential crisis" on your deathbed you can at least think it wasnt so god damn bad.

I did it as a kid, it permanently fucked me up. Now 2-3 days is normal for me and it's usually diarrhea-esque soft

on the bright side I'm never constipated. That shit fucking sucks

i'd rather be in a state of non-existence than see my wife be a widow, then get blacked by Tyrone after remarrying.

No, as long as you're not more than a couple hours drive I don't mind.

>tfw every time I order pizza, I have to spend 15 minutes de-boning it

>dude just get over it lmao


Only faggots are scared of existential/spiritual oblivion.

Do they put a whole chicken on top of your pizzas?

Damn. Though on the other side of the grass, having to go multiple times a day isn't nice either. It's a result of shitty food over years, I'm fucked up too.

i see you everywhere you fucking namefag

surely other people have your name and its not all you
t. brainlet

I have the same thing
Shit is fucking terrifying

Non-existence is existentially terrifying, but honestly i spend much more time terrified by the opposite. Thinking about living long enough to see the heat death of the universe. Just floating about in nothingness. Being the only thing in a place where there are light-years between protons. Knowing that its going to be like this for eternity. There are fates worse than death.

>I wish I put in as much effort towards getting married, raising a family, buying a home, and living a peaceful life as I did posting shit on the internet

t. lifelet

I still hold onto the hope that one day I'll wake up and leave video games behind for more productive hobbies.
I know it will never happen but the hope is all that keeps me going.



im more scared of the state of things ending in general

everything we know will die and we will never have a second chance

I think just the concept of Eternity is horrifying. It doesn't matter whether you're dead or alive for eternity, the idea of life or death with no end is scary.


>doing something you enjoy
>wasted time
>video games are somehow a bigger waste of time than TV, phones, board games, or books

>tfw you don't worry about dying
>you worry about your mom eventually dying

Dad died when I was 10, I think when my mom dies I'll probably kill myself. I'm not sure I can deal with her being gone forever, to never have her smile and hug me, to know she loves me unconditionally. It really hurts bros.

No, that's just how pizza comes here.


>i just want to exist forever and play video games until i hit a breaking point and hate them too much then find something else to waste my time with
wait, you still like video games? wtf are you doing here?

go play than you double nigger

>"I sure am glad i wasted all those hours watching netflix!"

>>tfw you don't worry about dying
>>you worry about your mom eventually dying
I understand this feel.
>I think when my mom dies I'll probably kill myself
Not that, though. It seems like a waste.
Absolutely this.


not really, i just play like 1-2 things a year that interest me, it'll probably be less than 5 years when i get too fed up with it all

>die by 40

I used to worry about disease and accidents leading to my death at a a young age. I couldn't possibly see myself living long enough to become an adult.

Honestly as a child, I could never imagine myself as a "cool" teenager, a mature, responsible and reliable adult or a wise and worldly old man. I used to wonder how people changed so much with age and time and kept thinking something in my head would just "click" and I would almost be a different person.

Instead I'm a weird ass that can't even converse with people anymore and just read about other people complaining about not playing games.

Oh, and if you told young me that I would start balding at age 24 I would never believe you.

I never met my grandfathers either.

just wait til you hit 25~30 without a career and family

you'll understand OP pain
