I can't be the only person who's unbelievably hyped despite hating EA, right?
I can't be the only person who's unbelievably hyped despite hating EA, right?
>hyped for EA games
the game does look to be actually good this time around but approach with caution
it's somehow worse than Battlefield 1
animations and gunplay feel off, and graphics are worse by a large margin.
Hugely disappointed after the Beta. And I wasn't expecting much.
I have it fully paid off + a couple of hundred extra bux because I sold my switch the week before mario came out so i didn't even really lose anything on this gamble
>playing games for the graphics
gameplay in this new Battlefront 2 has the depth of a mobile game.
your a faggit
>short, afterthought campaign
>casual as hell multiplayer shooter
After the battlefront reboot disappointed me, I am not even thinking about the sequel
I would take a BF II HD rerelease over this shit anyday
>because I sold my switch the week before mario came out
because i hadn't touched it since finishing zelda in april and i didn't wanna keep it for one more measly game my dude
Wow that sure sounds a lot like Battlefront II from 2005!!!!
I just think selling a console, that is only a few months old is retarded. More games are coming out for it but whatever.
yeah i'm an adult and i already have a ps4, i don't have the time or energy for 2 consoles, sorry you're so upset about it
I'm never buying another EA game after BF1
Iden betrays the Empire and joins the resistance.
lmao, dude I'm not upset. It's just a little retarded to sell the console right before the reason anyone got it comes out in a week. Calm down, no need to get so butthurt
In comparison to battlefront, which had the depth of a puddle
Well done shill, well done, HOWEVER
>vehicles have no rails
>vehicles have more than one seat
>once earned special classes are spawmable if a limit isn't reached, and thus not subjected by BP bullshit
>lore breaking is kept at minimum, and even then it has some sense
>no huge maps of vast emptiness
>no lootboxes
I could go on an on but this is enough for my argument
>linear maps
>on rail vehicles
>40 players
>progression tied to lootboxes
>no galactic conquest
>muh strong imperial protagonist
>unbalanced as fuck
>cross era heroes
dude please relax there's no need to scream at me? wtf
Watch the gameplay vids from ign. This shit looks like the most boring shooter ever made
I thought it was gonna be shit, but I was pleasantly suprised from the beta. I'm probably picking it up at launch, but I'm kind of skeptical about it.
Yea I love perks and increases in power locked behind a lot of system
You're not, im cautiously excited, mostly for the space battles, shit was cash in the beta just needed more maps and ships. Hope they also improve the ui cant see far off fighters for shit when the huge reticle is blocking everything.
>tfw tired gamer
I played the beta, it's shit.
Played the beta and while it wasnt anything groundbreaking and was kind of unfinished in many ways, it was actually a pretty solid Battlefield clone. Could name many shooters more boring than it
>not just letting it sit there and buying every first party game that won't be on PS4
You'll probably end up buying another switch next year
yeah, probably, what's it to ya? i'm an adult
>vehicles have no rails
Only LAAT gunner, MTT, and AT-AT are on rails in EA’s BF2
>vehicles have more than one seat
Only mattered with the Snowspeeder which was exclusive to one map, Skiff which Pandemic didn’t bring back from BF1 and the LAAT which had two seats removed in BF2
>once earned special classes are spawmable if a limit isn't reached, and thus not subjected by BP bullshit
True, but you unlocked them within a minute of each match anyways and the only good special unit was the Droidekas
>lore breaking is kept at minimum, and even then it has some sense
Such as clone marines taking the commando unit instead of arc troopers, who were relegated to heavy infantry even in the first game? Or Magna Guards not using their staff? Or clone pilots becoming engineers? Or Darktroopers shrinking in size? Or any of the multiple other Star Wars “lore” breaking instances in the original games because gameplay mattered over autists bitching about the EU?
>no huge maps of vast emptiness
Consoles couldn’t handle Battlefield-tier maps nor support the playercount, so maps were quite small and full of cokepoints
>no lootboxes
>solid Battlefield clone
That's what the OG Battlefronts were. I wish Nu-fronts were that.
Meant for Also I forgot the AT-TE having multiple seats that mattered.
I wish I could think of more than one. BioShock infinite is the only shooter worse than battlefront 2 I have ever played
what is the cheapest this game will be within the next 18 months?
I'm thinking the 'game of the year' editions will be $40 but i don't know anything about buying AAA games
There are plenty of people with bad taste just like yourself
Netcode is shit. Tickrate feels like 30 or less.
Graphics are hit and miss. Sometimes you see a pretty area but then walk around a corner and low-poly objects with shoddy textures are plastered all over the place.
Classes are badly balanced. There's no reason to not be assault and most heroes do not work very well compared to strong ones with too much mobility.
Guns are badly designed and there is a go-to weapon for every class with no reason to touch anything else.
Abilities are all over the place - some are too strong and useful in any situation, some are useless and never help you much.
The matchmaking experience is awful and the lousy squad system with its awkward spawn mechanics is a mess.
The business model is still disgusting. Loot boxes should never contain gameplay relevant elements. Incidentially there's a lack of visual customization on soldiers and heroes.
The only good thing are the space battles - for about 2 hours at which point you've seen all and done everything and it gets boring due to the extreme simplicity.
>not heavy or recon
Recon was insanely busted in the beta
have you played the space battles with a joystick?
i bet that would be fun
that was my favorite part from the beta
Why? Battlefield 1 is the best FpS on the market right now.
Fuck off, overwatch tickrate is like 15 and you guys love to shill this game on Sup Forums.
A fool and his money are easily parted
>Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars
I just want it to end.
First time I've been excited for a DICE game, but my god those graphics, that setting, the lore, the prequel multiplayer, the awesome singleplayer, fucking space combat everything I can ask for.
I am /hype/d!
you can play the trial for 10 hours , play first 4 levels of singleplayer
i personally didnt enjoy singleplayer at all, maybe im just expecting more than generic kill missions and very flat level design/ encounter design
feels like FPS games have regressed into very generic things, i remember killzone shadowfall blowing me away with some unique encounters and level design
Hello RLM
They added one because it was a major complaint for Battlefront 2015. The first game didn’t really have one though, just playing the maps in chronological order. Second one was still barebones objectives with limited tickets and Temuera Morrison narrating (the only good part). 3 was supposed to have an entirely unrelated “what if” campaign about force-sensitive clones and an Obi-Wan who turned to the dark side, and I heard they salvaged the clone story bits for one of the PSP Battlefronts.
The series was never really known for its campaigns.
>Only LAAT gunner, MTT, and AT-AT are on rails in EA’s BF2
As if they weren't already enough. LAAT being a shitty ride is what made me quit for good, felt like an insult.
>Only mattered with the Snowspeeder which was exclusive to one map, Skiff which Pandemic didn’t bring back from BF1 and the LAAT which had two seats removed in BF2
Forgot the AAT which coincidentally is in both games and EA disregards the gunner as an extra person. Also the T2-B lookalike (if we stick to canon) and the sabertank/IFTX plus that rebel tank that shoots a barrage of missiles.
That is not counting the vehicles of the new canon that could be very much benefited by the addition of extra seats.
>True, but you unlocked them within a minute of each match anyways and the only good special unit was the Droidekas
That's part of my point as you don't get to grind half of the match to spawn as a special class and you don't have to deal with bullshit like people actually blocking the objectives just so they could get enough BP, and to be honest I never liked playing with Droidekas as I am too bad with them
>lore breaking
Is an aesthetic decision or a gameplay issue such as those you mentioned for BF as jarring as seeing fucking Rey fighting alongside clone troopers wielding First Order weaponry and wookies on Naboo? Because I'd rather have Maul as a CIS hero in Coruscant over this unless we are able to go batshit no-canon and pit anachronic factions outside of the campaign scenarios.BTW ARC troopers are Spec Ops, no matter what fucking Filoni tells you
>Consoles couldn’t handle Battlefield-tier maps nor support the playercount, so maps were quite small and full of cokepoints
Assuming console online only supported 24v24, you do realise that nowadays, with two generations between the games, just making a map like Naboo with a maximum of 24 players is pretty retarded and a waste of potential right?
you are going to be consistently one shotted by people with no cds and infinite hp
Actually what is the reason PC doesn’t at least get 64-player matches? They did it for Battlefield 4 even though consoles couldn’t handle it?