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Fucking based

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So do these games let me kick Nazi ass?

>daily scheduled Sup Forumsbaiting thread
Great job fellow magapede.


>he thinks there is a difference between communists and nazis other than uniforms

>paying for communist cosmetic content

The fucking irony.
Also, kill yourself OP, shit bait.

Imagine the backlash they'd get for doing a Nazi equivalent.

Apparently commies are exempt from their own crimes because race/(((they))) weren't the proponents.

As a person that liked both the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany I don't see the problem. I hope you're not one of those wanna be Sup Forums people that thinks the Soviet communists were the same as nowdays wanna be commies leftist cancer faggots

>Be communist
>Starve to death
>Be nazi
>Get multiple 10/10 German babes to try and make Aryan babies with

There's totally a difference


you wouldn't get laid even if the State-issued ugly (((aryan))) woman was ordered to have sex with you.

shouldnt it be free?

no, because it was made by gready pigs with the intend to capitalize on kids who listen to the USSR anthem to feel edgy.

And Russians who simply see it as a cool national symbol.

>tfw can't capitalize on nazi LARPers
Fucking jews


Fucking jewish anti-white bolsheviks!!! Just look at what they did to Lithuania's birth rates .

that pretty much every european country, even the ones that didn't touch communism

That's what the eternal swede is doing.

I want to fuck this commie

same, i don't know why they made him/her look so cute

>be nazi
>freeze to death
>be communist
>take berlin and get multiple 10/10 german babes to make babies with

>be communist
>be 1945
>still get multiple 10/10 German babes

major cuckage

>be nazi
>lose the war and make turn yourself into a joke

>be communist
>launch the first satellite into space

how many of you actually know the game this is from?

>imagine if a game suddenly did a "Nazi/Fascist Bundle"


>that deformed aryan ear

>be nazi or soviet commie
>...oh right, not currently possible because their empires died out due to repercussive actions

my guess its siege since it has thing like tachanka and it looks pretty similar in design

USSR was overthrown by Gorbachev and later rigged to capitalist yeltsin in 96 elections.

>Horthe tshoe theory iz reel!

>fascism and communism are the same thing

>be Russia
>go overseas
>every cunt you meet thinks being Russian = communism and anti intellectual broken english
>they also think they're original and funny when they do this


Americans are so stupid

red baron pack from bf1

>be Russia

>german empire
>loses control not only all conquered territory but a large chunk of home territory due to losing a war really badly
>have it inserted into their constitution that they can never increase their territory by any means

>Russian empire
>lose direct control of former conquered territories due to internal strife but keep many of the newly created states under their influence only really losing a few western subjects completely
>go to war with Ukraine to reacquire lost territory when the Ukraine attempts to break their influence

sure thing commie

Anyone else really like Kapkan now? I always felt his SMG was really solid, and him getting 5 unseeable traps is pretty goddamn great. I love having the objective covered in them and having the enemy be forced to rush in due to the round ending.

Why would I want to play as a loser?

Who brave comrade fighting for the motherland here?

Sup Forumstards are like flat earthers

You can prove them wrong but time and time again they'll ignore it, while simultaneously asking for more proof.

Such is life.

The traps don't do anything though. This game is all about instagib headshots so anything that does less than 100 damage might as well not exist.

>Be communist
>starve to death
>it's ok though because we sent a monkey and a dog into space while capitalists were landing on the moon

Based comrade!

Why do retards continue to think Communism will work when it has fallen apart so many times?

Murricans sent monkey. Soviets sent man.

>not real communism

Revolution was a mistake

Americans are retard

Yesterday was the 100th anniversary of the revolution in russia

>what is second world economy

28k for 4 hats?

People get lit past half health constantly if they get into one or two firefights. Granted headshots are incredibly common even at the mid level so a lot of early game trap trips are kinda pointless.

I just wish they gave him an acog, but as is I'm pretty sure Ubi will only give acogs to 1 speed anchors.

communism is inherently fascist you fucking moron

Because real communism has never existed. They don't realize that it has never existed because it's impossible.

People see how fucked up capitalism can be, like the Tiffany & Co. $1,000 tin can for storing pencils, and they think "Surely there must be another way!"
And they conveniently ignore all the negative aspects of Communism.

Or they're so desperate that they turn to whatever.

>Kapkan's traps don't one-shot anymore
It's shit, mate.


Yeah, and capitalism is inherently communism.
t. you

*was impossible with the current level of technological advance

>Sure the rights of the people are basically non-existent just like a Fascist state but hey, you starve to death way faster under Communism so it's different

Fucking what
When did this happen
Fucking why

>enemy is rush happy
>place trap on an non-baracaded door away from the objective
>anticipate the enemy quickly running through said door to get to cover
>secure a kill

Shit did feel great, but honestly his old traps were just straight dogshit.

OP you need to add a trigger warning for our Sup Forums friends, stop being so problematic

My brand of totalitarianism hasn't been tried before and will work I swear.

Last balance patch. He's now a 2 speed, he gets 5 traps, they do about half damage (40 to heavy armor, 60 to light) and they don't have a visible lazer anymore.

>they made amerigoblins cute

>Fascism is the same thing as Communism.
-Benito Mussolini

That is hilarious.

That's what they say.
>We couldn't have real communism without industrialization
>industrialization happens, communism doesn't
>we couldn't have real communism without the internet
>the internet happens, communism doesn't
>we can't have real communism without robots

Stop making this thread

"it'll be possible 5 lifetimes from now when the only intelligent life on earth is a couple million Jews and their android slaves" is, for all intents and purposes, impossible.

what are you, some centrist cuck?

the amount of assravage this stupid cosmetic has caused is nothing short of hilarious

>first world nation, good living standards
>strongest economy in europe

>near third world shithole
>economy is a joke

Damn, not being able to wage offensive wars in 2017 sure is a big loss

Imagine the outrage if they made a Nazi Germany bundle.


They could've told they were building capitalism instead, and you would be sperging like a retard about how bad capitalism is just because someone used it as a pretence to build another totalitarian state.

>an ideology based on nationalism is the same thing as an ideology based on anti-nationalism

>soviet union after stalin was literally nazi germany
amerimutts, everyone

To be fair in this case Tachanka was fighting for Russia when it was still the Soviet Union, so it actually makes sense that he might still have cosmetic like that. For Nazi Germany that's impossible in a game that takes place in modern day.

>No skill Kapkan mains getting butthurt

American education

No I'm sperging out about communism not working because it doesn't not because the countries that tried it were authoritarian. Monarchies were very totalitarian and worked for thousands of years.

What kind of shitters did you play with that fell for the old traps?


>dying to a red lazer Kapkan trap

Are you blind?

>MFW Watching every "PUNCH EVERY NAZI" faggot getting butthurt over "Victims of Communism" becoming a National Day in the US

>victims of communism becoming a national day

>Sup Forums attempts to into politics


>Sup Forums isnt the same as tumbl-
oh.. shit.. nvm

It's not like there was a period in Russia's history when it was """liberated""" from tyrants with direct help from """friends""" across the ocean...
I'm not saying that if SU remained intact things would be a lot different, but what happened in 80-90s with Russia is the reason of it's current state.


You feel strongly about something? Those guys feel strongly about things too! SAME SHOW


ah the irony

why would you feel strongly about things

lmao faggot

commies are retarded.