Sup Forums recommends game

>Sup Forums recommends game
>it's shit

Other urls found in this thread:

Prove it, motherfucker

>Fallout NV


>thread about video games in our childhoods
>It's always filled with people talking about sucking their friends' dicks

>Sup Forums recommends game
>it's good

>Killer is Dead
>The Witcher

Sonic Mania
Zelda Majora's Mask
Splatterhouse 2
Thief 2
System Shock 2
Euro Truck Sim 2

The only board on this website where people don't have abysmal taste is Sup Forums. You'll get terrible recommendations everywhere else.


Don't you mean
>Sup Forums recommends game
>decide it's shit after watching 4 minutes of gameplay on YouTube

It was so empty and boring, the characters generally felt uninteresting. I don't see how anyone could like it.

Anyone have the full image? i forgot to save it last time it was posted.

>capeshit board
>not abysmal taste

Dont know
Dont Know
Dont Know
Dont Know
Dont care


The Witcher star wars and rezzy 4 are shit the rest are good games

Thanks senpai.

That's because you fuckwits equate good to flawless and mindblowing.

>Sup Forums
All I got were memes for recs. It's like that board is s4s 2.0.

Half decade on Sup Forums huh.

>Killer is Dead
It's not even a suda51 game
>The Witcher

Dragons Dogma
One of the worst games I've ever finished
>b..but muh lolis and u climb on monsters
fuck off

>fuck off
Great argument friend

>The only board on this website where people don't have abysmal taste is Sup Forums
That's a great big fat lie right there.

im not arguing with anyone friend

Could it be possible that you might have shit taste?

You're hypothetically telling someone who hypotethically said something to hypothetically fuck off. You are hypothetically arguing

>stranger cucks

>Sup Forums recommends game
>ignore it and shitpost all night instead

damn I feel for this kid, he's going to lead a tough life.

>this game is shit because I didn't like it

hypothetically you're a fag

>bowl nostril
>carb nostril

*breathes in*

Video games, Movies, and Music are subjective. I do not like Resident Evil 4 or anything after it, but that does not make it shit nor does it make it not shit.

add that on to being on a terrible engine, having a budget of six dollars, feeling clunky, and looking like an early alpha for an xbox classic title, and you've got probably one of the worst cult classics in video game history

Seriously. Someone living their entire life in misery due to something beyond their control.

*breaths out*

brainlets detected
i bet you liked FO4

*ejaculates and cum lands in mouth*

Binary Domain

gothic two

shit taste confirmed, it is easily GOTY

>Sup Forums recommends a game
>it's really fucking good


Name literally ONE (1) example



M&B is shite though

STALKER, Planescape: Torment, and the greatest game of all, Gothic 2.

>this is what Sup Forums posters actually believe

> Generic third person shooter
> Can't even get cover mechanics right (you can only take cover behind specific things which the game is very picky about)
> Dull weapons
> Only notable feature is the voice command system which is generally kind of iffy

>Sup Forums unironically shits all over a game
>it's one of you most liked games

That is an unfortunate nose

What game?

Dream Team is absolute trash.

No, sweetie, it isn't. My most played game on Steam.

>dull weapons
>generic TPS
>voice command
only faggots use that feature
I agree

So baby Winston live in Brazil?


Skyrim. I get that it wasn't much like the other ES games, but I still genuinely get enjoyment out of it.

>Sup Forums
>/tee fucking vee/
lol no


>implying your biological makeup is "beyond your control"

> Game takes place in the future
> All the characters use modern day weapons
> Except robots which just use guns that look like tubes with a grip glued to them

Really cool design theere

Ayo, hol up.

>all the robots use the same guns you use

>implying he isn't 50 years old

Yeah Overwatch is a good example

Tropical freeze

my fucking nigger

I have at least 500 hours in that god damn game
at this point I can point out flaws and poor game design decisions, but I had a lot of fucking fun
I cant say it's a bad game

I disagree with your opinion user, however I respect your right to have that opinion.

I think you meant to say Sup Forums.


>Sup Forums recommends you a game
>it's some teen superpowers fapbait chinese moeshit tripe

David wise still has that fucking magic

>implying it isnt

>reddit central
>good recommendations
wanna know how I can tell you're from Sup Forums?

I just don't get why Sup Forums hates it so much.
I could understand if they used the same argument they did for Fallout 4, that it's a good game, just not a Fallout game, but instead of getting mad Skyrim throws away the old formula, they just screech about bugs and how "dull" it is so they can feel contrarian.
Sup Forums has a habit of shitting on games as soon as they become more popular.

gameplay is the single solitary draw for dragon's dogma, and its fans recognize this. how do you finish a game if you don't like its gameplay?

99.69% of games are going to be shit anyway, just play different shit everyday until you find something u like

t. graphicsfag

>implying your biological makeup isn't you
>implying your body didn't will itself into being fucking ugly according to its nature

>implying your body is your ego

>Sup Forums recommends you a game

most games that aren't mainstream are shit

I mean, technically you're going to be right, given that there is a hoard of "betas", pixelshit indie games, and games shat out in flash by a kid still learning programming.
That doesn't mean Sup Forums is recommending any of those games.

>implying your ego is supernatural

>implying your body is

everyone in brazil looks like him

>Sup Forums gitfs you a shit game
>it's one of your steam friends

>implying that nature isn’t super

>implying you're wrong

maybe your body isn't, manlet

I know brah. Asking V for recs is totes gay. I use reddit for that kinda stuff man.

I bet you died to Cazadors in Goodsprings and went back to Overwatch.

>implying youre not an idiot