What games are really overrated?

What games are really overrated?

iggy's wrecking balls
sick of seeing dozens of threads shilling that game every day


just fill it with nintendo games

really? never heard of this game before

Ocarina of time
Half life 2
mmm naming 10 is kinda hard...
Vagrant story?

Nice bait.

This is a terrible idea for a thread tbqh

Final Fantasy and every other popular anime game
Gears if war
Telltale visual novels
The Witcher

I don't understand user, why would a list of overrated games would be filled with games from the best development studio in the world? That's not very logical after all!

Dark Souls
Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 3

morrowind and skyrim
call of duty
assassin's creed

Overwatch, PUBG, Rainbow 6 Siege, CS:GO. They are just not good!

ITT: I don't like it, therefore it is overrated

Stopped reading at morrowind. Its aged rough but at time it was a breakthrough.

we need anti-shilling threads

most nintendo titles

metal gear solid



at this point it is heavily overrated by the fanboys, it's not that great

It is on Sup Forums

Gone home
Life is strange
Uncharted serie
The last of us
the witness

Chess and Cards Against Humanity.

Look at the top 10 most played games on twitch

there you go

>the witness

If anything it's severely underrated.

Halo CE

witcher 3
the combat gets stale after a while and despite the amount of story content most of the quest objectives are just holding witcher senses and going from point A to point B

Metroid Prime
Diablo 3
Final Fantasy 6

Yeah, it's probably one of the best RPGs anyway. They all have shitty combat. It would would really hard to make something really amazing in every aspect. It still could flop and leave you in huge debts.

Gone Home
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Super Mario Odyssey
Grand theft auto 4
Almost every Final Fantasy Game
Bioshock Infinite

How? It was praised by every fucking reviewer. It's, sadly, exactly as Yatzee pointrd out; a game similar to something youd find on the back of a cereal box just done 10000 times



Because everyone thinks it's a game similar to something you'd find on the back of a cereal box just done 10000 times.
>literally falling back on your fav eceleb

I never played the Last of Us, how was it it?

Start a thread about games you like instead of being a whiny faggot.

I mean:

Any Fallout game
Vanilla/WotLK WoW
Any popular GTA game
Any Tony Hawk game

I hate these fans so much...

Dark Souls (the entire franchise)
The last of us
League of legends

Dark Souls isn't overrated though.

It's a great game, but it has achieved some status of The best gave ever made. Is this deserved?

I would say it's a strong contender. What would be your answer? The best game ever made doesn't have to be the perfect game.

Starcraft brood war
World of Warcraft (2004)
Dark Souls
League of Legends
Final Fantasy 7

The title of The best game ever made in my opinion? That is a tough one, but Dark Souls 1 would be one of the strongest contenders. Of course some people might hate it, but it is the only game in my life I played over and over.

All good and gets the proportionate praise they deserve

Explain this shenanigans.

(You)r opinion is wrong

Every single MP shooter that lacks any sort of progression system.

The Last of US
Metal Gear Solid series
Shadow of the Colossus
Dark Souls
Gran Turismo
God of War
Final Fatasy series
Sonic 2D games

Bioshock Infishit. Was a complete step backwards gameplay wise. A nice world but Elizabitch was annoying and I hate having AI companions, the gunplay was kind of silly and easy, tonics were basically useless, and you could only carry two boring guns

Persona 3
Persona 4
Persona 5

Half Life
Dark Souls
League of Losers


>lucifer is cognate with yam


Says the faggot pc gamer who has 400 hours in skyrim and witcher 3. Two terrible games made solely for autistic inbreds

I meant the DS-is-overrated-but-it's-my-fav-game shenanigans, dongle mongol.

see, it's threads like these that allow you to sport normies who play games beacuse they were hyped

souls games were never overrated, they were actually obscure games that not many people played, but some youtubers made the game renowned for being "hard" and kiddies like yourselves jumped in the bandwagon because you wanted to be another kid that beat the dark souls franchise. Now that the hype is over you think its overrated when it isnt. The games are really good, it just wasnt your typical normie cup of tea.

Dark Souls
Super Mario Galaxy
Half-Life 2
Battlefront II Classic
The Last of Us
Majora’s Mask

Oh, it wasn't my post... I just understand why some people call it overrated

Oh and the entire Witcher series.

Well yeah, if they thought it was a bad or mediocre game. But my point is that it's not a bad or mediocre game.

Any Mario and Zelda

Don't miss the other GTA games.

4 was fine, SA was fine, VC might be a bit overrated, the rest literally don’t matter

No, they're worshipped as the gods of [poster's childhood]. They're overrated as fuck.

I played it the first day it came out on ps3 you mongoloid

Divinity Original Sin 2


Here, take (You)r (You).

Madden is literally the only answer

Trying to gauge Sup Forums's consensus is too hard so just going by there metacritic scores I think these games are my top 10 most overrated.

Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Super Mario Odyssey
The Last of Us
Fallout 3
Metal Gear Solid 4
Metal Gear Solid V

>Skyward Sword
>not Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask or a LttP

Those games are good, whereas Skyward Sword is irredeemable shit.

EYE Divine Cybermancy
Postal 2
Banjo Kazooie
LoZ Wind Waker
LoZ Twilight Princess
Final Fantasy VII (and many other entries of the same franchise)
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag
Far Cry Blood Dragon
Fable TLC

>Skyward Sword is irredeemable shit
What a little pleb we've caught.

I think I've nailed it, but I'm open to suggestions.

>No Nintendo games

Goldeneye is right there bro. I was thinking of putting Odyssey though.

Odyssey is fine, I'd throw BOTW on there.

I had fun with Fallout 3. I never played several of the other games, so I can't say. Half Life 2 was alright, but those driving sections weren't that exciting.

All of these :^)

I don't think you understand what overrated means,

witcher in all spaces

The 99% of games released after 2010 are mediocre, so it's easy to pick several.

Reminder that Hype culture is pure cancer, and should be purged. There is no such thing as "overrated", you either like it or don't like it.

You understand that if a game is great, it can't be overrated, right?

>I had fun
>HL2 was alright
Doesn't quite scream "great" to me.

Demon's Souls
Dark Souls 1
Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 3
Final Fantasy 7
The Last of Us
Assassin Creed 2

Alright, I don't even know why there is so much love for Half Life 2. I guess because the other games in the genre are really bad.

Best recommendation thread on Sup Forums

Any of the Dark Soul's games
Any of the Zelda games past Link to the Past
Any of the Devil May Cry Games
Any of the Assassin Creed Games
Any of the Uncharted games

but tf2s biggest compliment is about hats senpai

Overrated by who? Casuals and normies or Sup Forums? Because its not the same