Is Horde the SJW faction? Let's take a look at the facts

Is Horde the SJW faction? Let's take a look at the facts.

>lead by a woman who didn't earn her position
>glorify ugliness, decay, barbarism
>races consist of dindu orcs, literal zombies, drugged out tribal trolls, pacifist cows, elven crack junkies, jews, and fat asians
>invade everything the alliance holds sacred and ruins it
>most of the women look like men
Is there any point in playing Horde if you're not a fag, tranny, nu-male, or turbo-dyke?

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Actually yes. Believe or not but Horde has all the nu-males in there. I have been playing forever as Horde and there was nu-males every where. When i changed to Alliance there was only meme kids, russians and poles, nerds and girls playing there. Hell i love it every moment when i switched in to alliance i would rather listen to some meme kids and russians than nu-males and SJW.

Would you consider Blood Elves SJW?
Mana degeneracy aside.

You might as well be sucking dicks, faggot.

Horde are full of fake news barbarism apologists
>A-Aliance stated it were just defending ourselves we good boys n gals n xirs and shis
Tauren and Trolls are the only redeming races of the horde and they are basically slaves to their own loyalty

>Is there any point in playing Horde if you're not a fag, tranny, nu-male, or turbo-dyke?
I really like trolls, i don't care about how you are retarded and project unrelated things to an mmo.

>horde numales scream DINNIDU NUFFIN in every offensive instance of Horde against Alliance when Alliance was busy saving Azeroth

>rl numales scream DINNIDU NUFFIN in every offensive instance of niggers against cops when cops were busy saving America

Makes you think...

Undead girls are the fucking best!

Not really considering they hate other races and practice eugenics.

I hope this thread is ironic shitposting


So do SJW
>hate the white race
>practice eugenics by breeding with negros

I thought as much.

Selama ashal'anore

>lead by a woman who didn't earn her position

How the fuck is that? You can say her getting the position doesn't make sense, but to say that she didn't "earn" it is fucking stupid, she's consistently been a major faction leader and is also a WC3 legacy character. The reason she shouldn't get it is because she's basically evil, not "muh women hurr durr".




Look, fuck Sylvanas. I'll give you that. I'm an Arthas man through and through anyway.

That said,

>Brutal conquerors who rape and pillage


>Pale sacks of shit who need muh law and refinement

The SJW faction is the Alliance. The playerbase for Horde might pander to the SJW's for fucking retarded reasons, but I joined the Horde to murder.

Dude, She's been selfishly fucking over the horde for years.

>Actually yes. Believe or not but Horde has all the nu-males in there. I have been playing forever as Horde and there was nu-males every where. When i changed to Alliance there was only meme kids, russians and poles, nerds and girls playing there.

>implying those are any better.

>I joined the horde to murder

Where did it all go so wrong brother?

How the fuck did she earn it by being a faction leader and WC3 legacy character when EVERYTHING she's done during and since then has been purely self serving until Blizzard decided to make her act like a completely different person in Legion so they could make her warchief?

She treats her Kalimdor allies as useful tools and straight up bullies Lorthemar into doing what she wants under the threat of withdrawing all forsaken assistance from the ghostlands etc if he doesn't follow orders.

shes a woman. it's impossible for her to have earned her position

Blizzard keeps trying to turn the faction with orcs and zombies into misunderstood savages instead of embracing their roles as bad guys.
I'm tired of everything having to be morally grey. If I play as an undead warlock I want to be evil.

What is nu-male?

waah girls wont fuck me so ill call it eugenics

Horde is the normie faction. Real men pick the Alliance.

Not the guy you asked, but basically this. Thrall was the downfall, really. I had hoped that instead of a 'big bad', the Scourge would've been playable in WoW. There's no misrepresenting Arthas' intentions.

Is he /OurKing/ ?

Like i stated i would rather play with Russians and meme kids than nu-males.

because if horde kiddies realize they aren't the good guys they'll get triggered and quit

I don't like the noblebright bullshit that the alliance pulls, and the fact they wont sack up and go full Garithos.

That said the Horde are indeed a bunch of dindus who wont fully embrace their might makes right philosophy because blizzard says so.

It's also a given that this xpac will start over contrived bullshit and end over some equally gay bullshit.

What is nu-male?


Look in the mirror, bugman.


>New expansion cinematic
>UC under siege
>It not turning into WRATHGATE 2.0

Putress was the warchief we needed.

Then they need to go back to the goody two-shoes Alliance and let the rest of us cultured individuals enjoy playing the objectively wrong faction.


Remember that brief period when the horde had a proper orcish leader? Such a shame that the only thing that could beat him were the machinations of shitty writers.

waaaah projection

>Every normie I know is in the alliance
>all the SJW girls have pink haired gnomes or female dwarves
>Alliance has a literal furry race
>Every female Draenei I have ever had any interaction with is a man pretending his character also has a dick.
>"Everyone is equal and we must band together to push out the horde invaders!" Alliance vs "We respect strength and only strength and we will fight back against the people genociding us." Horde

I get you wanna have an excuse for your latent homosexuality and furry desires so you project all your hate towards the horde. But if anything both are equally SJW character wise that's just blizzards MO now. Also Sylvanus has her roll because she's strong no one is going to challenge her because it means dieing and serving her anyway with your corpse instead of your life that's literally been one of her lines since her creation as a character. I would rather be on hot banshee queens side than the 20 something twink who sucks lightforged cock in between getting yiffed by his 60 something year old doggy lover.

Speak for yourself, bugman. I fuck my woman 5 times a week minimum. The trick with women is they don't want your fucking respect.

You gotta feel for Garrosh. He realized that the horde had massive resource and economic issue, as well the general stagnation and lack of pride in modern orc society.

He also understood that any effort to address these issues would inevitably lead him into open conflict with the alliance. That if he was to fix anything it would have to be done in an efficient and brutal manner.

But nah fuck you Orc Hitler said Blizz.

In my experience this is false, but I don't join shit guilds.

>Alliance ruled by a crybaby twink who gets KNOTTED daily
>We're the nu-males
OK, furfag

why the fuck did they sign up for horde in the first place then? because cute belfs?

seriously, the faction originally consisted of orcs (violent, aggressive conquerors and invaders), trolls (bloodthirsty jungle savages who practice cannibalism and blood sacrifice to appease their evil gods), forsaken (literal zombies who have been working on genocidal bio weapons right from the first tirisfal quests in vanilla) and tauren (the only somewhat 'good' race that is basically only part of the faction because the orcs were the only thing preventing them from getting genocided by the centaur)

nothing about this is 'good' or even ambiguous. just three straight up evil races along with a bunch of weak cows who tag along for protection

>rape and pillage
>not SJW

>law and refinement
>not being the antithesis of everything the SJW stand for

lmao dude

>dumb slut couldn't even keep her own city under control in wrath

>Rape and Pillage
>Being SJW
>When Sweden is so ashamed of their viking ancestry they insist they have no culture and that their entire past was so shameful they need to invite in Nigeria

Keep trying worgen.

Garrosh's Kor'kron/Iron Horde
>troops equipped with borderline modern and sci fi weaponry like fully automatic firearms, mechs, industrial factories, and battle tanks thanks to the pinnacle of Goblin technology and ingenuity easily rivaling that of the Alliance
>firepower and military might that could have easily crushed every other faction had it not been for the intervention of the player characters
>proud Orcish warriors that didn't need no fel magic or other warlockery

Post Garrosh nu-Horde
>knocked back to Warcraft 1 levels of technology
>everyone fighting with sticks, clubs, and axes while fighting half naked or in flimsy leather armor
>no siege weaponry aside from some catapults, all of the high-tech Goblin war machines are inexplicably gone
>in the cinematic Horde defenselessly runs into Alliance gunfire with no way to counterattack outside of a few dark rangers armed with bows

Thanks a million Thrall.

New Horde are the communist faction actually
>Red colours like Soviet Union
>Everyone is equal in some way
>Wins wars through WAAAAGHS, if your people die just replace them with others, a soldier's life is worth nothing
>Tries to convert everyone to the communism even through death. You don't wanna join? We will kill you, resurrect you and make you part of the system
>No food

go lick your moldy corpse pussy greenskin

for the whoooooore

WoW players are the SJW faction.

>leader passionate and sad when his own people die
>actual cunt who would just as soon kill her own soldiers and raise them as undead aborations so she can control then better to propogate het own life.
Tough fucking choice, user. Tough fucking choice.

No ones pretending that Putress or Varimathras wouldn't be a better warchief, just that Syvlanas is better than Anduin.

Not entirely sure I agree with the sentiment though, Sylvanas became shit when she twilighted Nathanos and then forgot the plague existed when it became unfair to gas the alliance.

Undercity should be the most unassailable position on the planet.

By that logic it would but in my experience on rp servers its mostly all8ance who attract sjws. Something about the autism of futa draenei attracts retards who try so hard not to be considered gay they hate all male players to the point of parroting tumblr. Its a truly fascinating thing to watch to be honest.

garrosh really had a hard life
>thrall fucks off and makes him warchief even though he doesnt want the job because he doesnt think he fits the position
>other leaders sabotage him right from the get go
>magatha's treachery results in the tauren hating him forever
>voljin thinks he's a moron
>sylvanas ignores his orders completely and does her own thing with the valkyr and new plague
>the twilight hammer stages a false flag assault on druids which is blamed on the horde and worsens relations with the alliance
>on top of all of this, suddenly the cataclysm happens

garrosh tried his best, but absolutely everything kept throwing stones in his way and undermining him, meanwhile thrall was busy getting married and knocking up his wife in nagrand

These are the futa-draenei ERPers trying to defend their shit faction
>G-go lick corpse pussy
You don't have to ask me twice
>Anduin crying like a bitch even though he knew he could mass-res the entire time
You guys are fucking faggots

>Not understanding that SJW mentality is all about a desperate call for dominance and strong leadership
>Not understanding that it's all a giant shit test
>Not understanding that violent rape and pillage is the endgame of the feminist and sjw agenda

kek are you even trying

I fucking loved Garrosh being Warchief. If they needed a 'misunderstood grey' character that suited their need to be hacky writers, Garrosh was fucking perfect for everyone. But, much like with the Lich King, they blew their wad entirely too early and lost the logical leader who would've taken us to fight the Alliance on their own doorsteps.

>use the plague
>suddenly the rest of the horde turns against the retards for being lich king 2.0

>willingly licking pussy
>willingly licking pussy infested with worms and maggots
you are a fucking beta male

Literally this, Sylvanus is just okay but being just okay is literally a million miles ahead of the terrible Character baby boipucci Anduin is.

Nice argument, bucko. Why don't you go clean your room and think about how much of a pathetic loser you are for wanting to eat rotten pussy because the real shit recoils faster than a Jew who was been outed as a Jew.

>Varimathras as warchief
Yeah, what could possibly go wrong with a dreadlord in charge?

What's beta is getting spit-roasted by Worgen in Goldshire, you yiff-loving fuck

>Alliance twinks defending their faggot king vs horde numales defending their crazy SJW queen
The absolute state of retail WoW

Got any proof he's gay or is this more horde fake news?

>Harpy Lady will never shit in my mouth
Just kill me in my sleep already...


But those fat asians are on Alliance too.

Anduin isn't a faggot anymore though, it was just a phase

alliance is and always has been the whigger faction, designed for subhumans with none of the virtues of civilization and no capacity for thought more complex than "western aesthetics is gud"
by most people's standards, people who try to accomplish things and develop industry are the good guys, especially compared to "people" who sit around jerking off about the light or the moon or we wuz titans and shit before chimping out because they're triggered by the horde being successful

>"the boy king serves at the master's table. three lies will he offer you"

So saying that he is straight is the first lie, ha, easy.
Second lie would be that he likes draenei women, he is actually thristy for some dragon cock.
And third lie would be then?

>I would rather have a commander who cries and shrieks in combat when I die than the one that focuses on winning the battle!

Not only that Anduin is a fucking idiot and is literally responsible for all his people getting fucked up in that battle. Sylvanus sees her people are fucking terrible at holding castle walls because it's not what they do. So she sees a rallying point in blowing up the siege tower also demoralizing her enemy. She then rally's her forces and leads them to the field with Saurfang where she knows the horde is much stronger. What does Anduin do having years upon years of knowledge having seen the horde devastate armies in open fielded combat do? Oh hey I'll tell my army to break ranks and clash with the much stronger Horde while autisticly screeching and swinging my sword even though my Worgen lover told me to do the exact opposite less than a minute ago. Oh hey why are all my people dead? Better cry and pray to the light to reset my fuck ups.

Anduin is the best ally faction leader. Eat Light mongrel. I mean honorable enemy.

So what's that prove? Two males can't be friends? Show me the vid or book that shEets Anduin is into men and fucked Wrathion.

Pro-tip: You can't. Because you're a Horde faggot desperately projecting your inadequacies on your opponent.

>lead by a woman who didn't earn her position
Sylvanas is literally the only competent leader of the horde

lol take a chill pill

stop trying to politicize fantasy fiction you autistic fuck

>use the plague
>Which you've been doing for the past 10 years and as recently as the start of Legion when you weren't even at war with the alliance
>Not entirely justifiable when your only home territory is being besieged and the loss of it spells the practical extinction of your race since you can't reproduce and have no other major settlements

Even IF the horde threw a shitfit, which seem ludicrous considering the plague was in use pre-war with the alliance and the rest of the horde was deluded enough to think they could stand against a unified alliance as a splintered group, especially the blood elves, it would STILL be preferable to being wiped off the map.

If this was Thunderbluff I could understand, Tauren can just go live with the Orcs like the Trolls do - but I can't really see any of the other horde races being too happy with the forsaken living in their back yard.

The Forsaken have been working on the plague for 10 years and are STILL using it and working on it in Legion, what the fuck for if it's not used now of all times? If they were so afraid of using it, despite it's frequent use in-game, then they'd have stopped developing it. It's just stupid, cowardly writing on blizzards end.

He's a paladin.

Suck a green dick, faggot.

I'm an adult with a functioning social life, thanks. I can get all kinds of pussy, including maggot-infested if I ask nicely at the morgue. But I appreciate your concern.
Sorry your King can't stop taking fantasy creature dick. You probably think about that a lot while you're squatting on that 14 inch Dragon Dildo, huh?

Abduin is gay because you said so.

Humans are Sup Forums going by your description.

>chosen as leader
>accepted as leader by the Horde
>didn't earn it
Wew, I mean I guess Thrall or Garrosh or Vol'jin didn't earn it either then huh

Anduin is gay because he's literally the fruitiest fucking character in all of WoW lore. But I'm sure you'll continue to snowball Genn's cum out of his ass like always

Vol'jin didn't earn it. He did nothing but have an important daddy. Thrall at least freed the fucking orcs. The Horde isn't a hereditary monarchy.

Was Garrosh the George W. of the WoW setting?

He's not a roided out savage, he must be gay.

>Turns out people actually liked Garrosh despite trying to make him a warmongering villain and making him go chaotic stupid to force him into a boss
>Sylvanas is absolutely ruthless
>Greymane is influential to Anduin and is a warmonger towards the forsaken
>Blizzard makes Sylvanas warchief

Almost seems like they realized faction leaders that actually hate each other write better conflict stories

Vol'Jin helped the orcs get to Kalimdor, helped in all the war efforts, and was part founder of Ogrimmar

My point was that each of them were appointed as leaders by the rest of the Horde
There's no "earning it"

>favourite pass time is gassing alliance civilians
I dunno, they seem pretty based to me

By that logic a peon would be wsrchief.

Actually there is. It involves putting on a loincloth and stomping the current Warchief into the dirt. It's too bad Blizzard conveniently ignores the actual government structure of the Horde.

Relax, bud. It's 2017. There's nothing wrong with it.