Watchu playing today anons?

Watchu playing today anons?

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The browse Sup Forums all day game

Evil Within 2

.hack//gu mainly.

I want Kanna to rape me

the i fell asleep on my keyboard and now it's dark and i hate autumn/winter game

anime should be banned from this board

Shadow of Rome
Assassin's Creed 2

Autumn/winter is top tier user

brave frontier

I want to SHAG Kanna!

Darkest Dungeons for now, gonna play R6:Siege later with frands

Send help.

How quickly the tide turns

pokemon ultra moon, having a blast so far

autism simulator

Watching Homestory cup right now, might play Sonic Mania later. Waiting on Nioh (physical copy, fuck digital) and Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate.

Somebody stop me.

DaS 3 and Dragon's Dogma later

Nioh. S'good.

not sure, help me decide. got a decent backlog at the moment, been slowly working on all of these:
Persona 3 Portable
Valkyria Chronicles
Crash N'Sane Trilogy
LoZ: Twilight Princess

no it's not
it's cold and dark outside and trees look ugly without leaves

FFXIV if the servers would fucking let me

Plant vs Zombies
check out the sick money farm that I copied from a wiki

>Valkyria Chronicles

I played some Tsukihime and I'm gonna level my dwarf warrior on WoW later.

BotW on CEMU
Xenogears disc 1
Grandia III disc 1
A few matches of Overwatch

It's been comfy

Dungeon levelling a warock in WOW, but playing Isaac between queues.

i actually havent touched that in weeks, i'll give it a go later. just got up to the part where i get a 2nd tank on my squad

I'm trying to force myself to play TORtanic but I'm really not finding anything of value

Why can't there be a GOOD Star Wars MMO

Battlerite, Stalker:CoC, Arma 3 and thinking about resubbing to WoW but I'm not sure if it is worth the little money I have left.

Same here.

A little bit of The Longest Journey.
Stalker: Clear Sky (vanilla, first playthrough)
Couple games of Overwatch
Started a new farm in Stardew Valley, but I expect to drop it for now.
Probably gonna play Paper Mario TTYD later, I need to finish it.

If you plan on playing a lot of WoW, you can pay your monthly sub with gold. to find out how much it costs on whatever region

>I've been here too long
You said it, bud. I've been on this site for 11 years..

Granblue Fantasy, Dirty Bomb and HotS

>Xenogears disc 1
It's about to become not comfy when you hit disc 2. What a travesty it becomes.

The only thing I've had to play for the past 4-5 months is UNI[st] still really bad but having fun all the same.

I'm going to finish reading Muv Luv Alternative. And then I'll probably play Ultra Moon.

was playing some barotrauma

i must put my face in kannas crotch

>11 years..

I've only been here for 7. Even though I'm a 2010 newfag, I've still pissed away thousands of hours here.

About to get my last P4: DAN trophy for platinum and then do my 3rd playthrough of P4 Golden and finish up any trophies left


>can't even get comfy and fish because the servers are trash right now

ITT pedos

I'm browsing Igg-games checking what games my computer can actually run.

Already downloaded
- Hand of Fate 2
- Space pirates and zombies 2
- Simulacra

Terraria with some friends
Too bad all they want to do is rush bosses while i just want to go full autismo with my buildings

>240k gold for token
Yeah, I don't think I'll ever reach that amount of gold without spending all of my 30 days on gold grinding only.


you guys all play the same basic bitch video games

Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate for switch

Work, but then it's a 3-day weekend. Hoping to kick it off with pic related tonight.


dota 2 while trying not to blow my brains out


Are there any games where I can completely overpower/ bully female spellcasters?

Why? Been playing Cuphead mostly, OP.

Devil Survivor, I started a new save and the game just introduced an enemy generator. Wew.
I got a 3DS and tried out the demo for Miitopia, it's fun but when I went to buy it on Tuesday they didn't have it, so I have to wait for the order to come in. Replaying the demo is not an option, I don't wanna outgrind the game before I even have it and I already got Hex Maniac as a mage at rank 7 with my chef. I also ordered Monster Hunter Stories.
I should really finish my Chaos playthrough of Strange Journey, on my mobile phone. I'll buy Redux once it comes.

My Black Maria is staying on my Chaos team.

Do it for her.

Picked up Witcher 3 again so most likely that.

Skyrim modded?

She seems nice

dogman's dragma

Etrian Odyssey V.
It feels bad being 100% finished with Mario Odyssey, I really loved that game

The day she quit the industry is the day JAV died.

where did you get this video of me casting spells?

I started playing Devil Survivor: Overclocked. Seems cool so far, I just wish it had dual audio.

I can't stop switching between CS:S and osu!
I have so many games I need to finish

My friends want to play modern games with good graphics but they don't have the bandwidth to download them and they don't want to pay for them either.
I fucking hate them, at the end we just play lol.

RPG Maker VX Ace

which episode of Power Rangers is this from?

Just made it through Odyssey's ending, going to 100% over the next few days and start dedicating all of my time to FE:W until Xeno 2 is out.

can't he just rape her? He's the hero afterall

Make some new friends because they sound garbage

are you me

I wanna play with Kanna's butt

Now i'm playing R&C deadlocked. thinking of picking next nier tomato, chrono trigger, deus ex or hollow knight. Fucking backlog.

You don't rape Midna though. She'd probably rape you first.

pleb here. Give me a code please.

Kanna is not for sexual, my nigga.


Anyone else think she looks like a witch?

Nioh though I am itching for a Mario game. Don't have a switch and my wiiu is put up for a while so I might just emulate World or something when I get home. Currently stuck with a lame match 3 game on my phone.

God eater burst.

Fuck Vajra and his stupid spark skull bullshit, I should just move on since I'm never using his retarded gun anyways.

I'm working my way through Uncharted 4. The gameplay is pretty braindead but I love the setting and characters in those games a lot so I'm having a blast

I'm getting close to the Ys VIII platinum too so I may play a bit of that.

Capcom vs SNK 2, I really didn't like MvC Infinite, and one of the biggest problems I had was assists. My friend said to try out CVS2, never played it before and it's exactly what I wanted, honestly.

Currently playing PayDay 2 with my mate, maybe some EDF later on today

caved and bought shadow of war today, in the mood for a mindless time sink

Battlefield Bad Company 2

Nothing yet, I've pirated CoD WW2 for some reason

try to stop me faggot

You can easily get that much a month purely through order hall gold missions if you have just a few alts at level cap. Can pay your sub every month just managing things from your phone twice a day once it's all set up.


Dark Souls, Rocket League, might try to continue Doki Doki Lit Club but I have little interest in it. I really need to get back to Hollow Knight and I might reinstall For Honor.

Stop your own faggot, you lazy bitch.

Just beat a Hat in Time.

Now what?


Now beat Sir Hatsworth.
