
>last save: 5 minutes ago
>immediately lose all interest in the game and never play it again

>last save: 5 hours ago

>last save: 5 months later

>last save: 5 seconds ago

>don't die
>lose interest anyway and never play it again

>input cheats
>lose will to play

All i wanted to do was cut the grinding

>log off
>mmo does a 6 months rollback the next week

>lose interest after the middle of the game
>way to far to just give up
>rush till the end

name 11 games that do this

last save: 3 hours ago
Oh well, not too ba-
it's a fucking Disgaea game

Nope. Goodbye forever. Not grinding that shit again.

Wanna know how I know you're a NEET?

because most of us faggots are?

NEET here, can confirm

Wakfu did a 6 months rollback a few years ago. it killed my interest in that game.

>Not saving after every stage

>play old game
>forget that Autosaving / checkpoints didn't exist
>reloads me back to the start when I die

You have to be over 18 to post here
Autosaves werent always in games

>start game
>lose will to play

So you lose interest quickly.

>last save is a moment before dying

Games that are designed to be played by reloading from your last save are fucking garbage. It completely kills the excitement of death. Who cares if you die, just reload? You must as well just use save states to skip the tedium of having to get back to where you were. Roguelikes are the only games worth playing nowadays imo.

nice opinion piece, buzzfeed.

>only 5 minutes
Nigger I've had times where's I've lost hours of progress to some stupid bullshit and still pushed through to the end

>last save: 5 minutes ago

not really a deterrent. what pisses me off is when i'm playing a bethesda game like fallout and i fuck around outside for an hour, explore a ton of the map and then die with an old save because i didn't enter any building for a long time to trigger an autosave

list 3.6 games without autosave.

>game crashes and stops working
>last save (corrupted): 11 hours total play time
>bought another copy of the game and started new save the next day

what game

metal gear solid 2