Spiderman PS4

>release 2 trailers
>show 20min gameplay
>webm is the only bit of swinging we've seen
>its mediocre

What do they need to do to not fuck it up?

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>beenox made several spiderman games and this was their final attempt at swinging


>spiderman 2 came out 13 years ago
>have consoles with double the power of the ps2
>somehow unable to do simple physics

Web of shadows is almost forgivable in that it at least tried very hard to trick you i guess. That and the rest of the game was at least fun

they are not even done with the game guy and they already said they are making it way better and even made the map bigger for swinging

Oh no... Dr. Connor's class...


>Immersive button mashing
Another great PS4 title.

Looks pretty good honestly, needs to be sped up a bit though. The Amazing Spider-Man felt pretty good to play also.

It's really weird because you could probably design a really nice system for spider man swinging by implementing some kind of L2 R2 system for left and right arm web shots and then make it so when you shoot a swinging web it always comes out at a 45 degree angle out and up. It would probably take a bit of work and I doubt a major studio is prepared to actually make unique controls so oh well. I hope an indie game tries it. I know there's that one attack on titan game which has similar mechanics which is kind of fun but it's not very refined.

A game with simple swinging mode and an advance swinging mode like you describe would be great. Timing of swings, using the right arm to take the right turn. Instead we'll get push in direction you want to go and we'll just do a web animation to any building in the meantime. A shame

they had a Q&A about the game

Shut the FUCK up you fucking gamers. We're trying to appeal to a wider audience, not just you filthy basement dwellers. If you want such a button based game that's not heavily cinematic which everyone can enjoy, than fuck off to batman you cunts

>They care more about it looking good than it playing good


>devs have played previous games
>loved them

I want to believe. Im so scared to be hyped but this is torture

>been working on sense of speed
>adding a lot more animations
>more flare in movements

If the web swinging is momentum based and dynamic, it will become a huge hit.

If the swinging is shit I'm not buying the game. It's that simple.

From this webm, @27 seconds specifically, you can see it pulls a Web of Shadows where it gets close to a building but not right onto it. I don't see why that needs to be a thing in 2017. Spider-Man 2 didn't do that shit back on ps2. His movement here is also rather slow so unless this is before any speed upgrades, that's extremely disappointing. Also looks like there's a bunch of scripted stuff, like dodging through the sign. Considering it's a chase sequence I'll forgive it.

They better not fuck it up. Slightly annoyed by the web not sticking directly to the building in that one instance I pointed out, but I guess that could be because it was a web zip and it got sort of close. I'd forgive that too if the mechanics of swinging, the feel, the physics, and eventually speed all made it feel on par or better than Spider-Man 2s. Give me that and I'll buy the game. Well I do want a more classic Spidey suit so give that me too goddammit.

Am I the only one who is annoyed he runs on buildings? I mean it's faster than his crawl, but crawl looks so much better.

>tfw no wall crawl stealth missions at night through a big sky scraper

Criminally underused stealth character

That'd only be a negative to me if crawling was poorly done. When he's zooming by and wants to keep his speed going running makes more sense than stopping to crawl.

Shit now I'm concerned about the crawling. I don't think any Spidey game has gotten it and the crawling mechanics camera to function just right.

Its near impossible when you reach a corner in the wall and can change directions 8 times in a single movement. The ps1 camera was ok i guess

I guess so but even just crawling on a wall without going over a corner no Spidey game has done it that well. Should it really be any harder than walking/crouching? The camera angle changes but should it really be so hard to do well?

if youre a dev with a huge team and an insane budget that hasnt been able to perfect webswinging so far what chance do you have of doing the wall crawling right

Yeah I know. Really hope this game doesn't shit the bed. If it has great swinging, playable Anti-Venom, and fun wall crawling, I'll be happy. Mainly want the perfect swinging though.

>tfw bought the pro version of the ps4 because i love spiderman so much

Dont fail me insomniac, just recreate the best parts of previous spiderman games and itll be a solid 8/10

yeah, i miss crawling too. it was slow, but gave height more value. has spidey ever done a wall run in the comics? i dont remember it ever in the 90s cartoon. i think it happened briefly in the raimi movies, but the spidey 2 game really nailed it. the spidey 3 game had an interesting mechanic where his arms and legs would realistically bend around corners, and since walls werent flat in that game, around windowsills too. it bugged out alot, especially climbing poles, but id like to see it get improved upon. the amazing games had a wall hold mechanic sorta like pic related that would allow you to look where youre going and plan a swing. this would go nice if it also allowed to to pic the exact spot to anchor your web from. im getting ahead of myself. swinging will just be lax and the game will get a 9 out of 10 regardless
i also just wanna relive the angry revenge crawling he did in the human spider suit after uncle ben died

Swinging of Spidey 2, play as Venom from Ultimate for Spidey teamup action, amount of unlockable costumes from ps1 era as well as Bruce Campbell tutorial VA. Give it to me dammit.

I like how it looks honestly. Could afford to be a little faster, but the physics are solid and webs are sticking to actual geometry instead of the skybox.

>unlockable costumes from ps1

You think you'll be typing EEL_NATS to unlock stuff? Kek, get ready for preorder suits, DLC suit packs and exclusive sony forum member suits

Well the web zip does the Web of Shadows thing where it doesn't quite attach to anything. Dunno if it's the same for swinging. Hopefully this sequence is before any swing speed upgrades.

I don't expect a code, no. I would like a ton of unlockable suits though that don't require extra money. I don't expect it, but I'd like it.

>Hopefully this sequence is before any swing speed upgrades.

Even if it were it looks like theyll do rubber banding type shit where for a cool cinematic chase you cant go fast. How else will we do those cool zips through breaking billboards? Prepare to be gimped during cinematic scenes but fine gameplay elswhere, thats what im expecting

Thwy are just being faithful to the movies

The game better have alt costumes cause the default one looks like shit.

the movie is out now guy go get some good shit

Did most people like Homecoming? I thought it was great but am curious how it was received. Well not by average movie goers, but by fans of Spidey.

is it scripted so you can't catch up or fall too far behind?

Good web swinging
Fun combat
Interesting side missions (not just races)
Good use of the rouges gallery
Cool alt customes

In that order