Friendly reminder that this is the best Yugioh game and you can't dispute it.

Other urls found in this thread:


How does Sup Forums feel about Yuma Tsukumo?

is that the one that takes hours for the cpu to take their turn?


*Draws a card*

Boring shit

How's 2010? Btw.

someone tell me the for real best yugioh game.


Watching through Zexal now:
I never knew he loses Astral, and it's affecting him, it's getting interesting.

Tag Force Special

*plays a card*

>orica of Magi Magi Magician Gal is less sexy than the real thing

>Only half of this image is censored

It's beyond terrible


Why is she so perfect?

How can she be perfect when she isn't Aki.

You know perfectly goddamn well we can and will, faggot. Now tell us who you waifu'd in Tag Force.

alexisfags and akizafags should get along

He's shit for taking the garbage loli over based Anna.

Remember that time Kaiba told Mokuba he's in charge now and basically killed himself in front of his little brother just to enter the afterlife and play a card game with the pharaoh.

What the fuck Kaiba

lolis need to be gassed and replaced with thicc characters

Yeah I just watched the movie last night. It was great but I got sick of the cube monsters halfway through honestly, and they were only in one duel by that point. Too bad Yugi will never know what Kaiba's facedown was and the implications that would have had.
I'm sure the pharaoh didn't let Kaiba die during or after their duel, though. He sent him back. He can do anything after all.

I remember how I cheated the final boss because I drew Exodia, won, and the next duel I had to redraw Exodia

Stop making these threads. The marathon is over. go back to tg

Stardust accelerator is better

>Too bad Yugi will never know what Kaiba's facedown was and the implications that would have had.

So did kaiba win that duel or did yugi?

I remember kaibas lifepoints going down but stopping at 100

people keep making her look like kaiba

Upvoted, my fellow redditor. I am about to make a Nintendo Wojack thread, so make sure to show up there!

Technically it was a draw by outside intervention/mechanical malfunction, but Kaiba's facedown was Polymerization. He had it in his hand and never used it.

If you could have your own spirit partner, which monster would you pick?

pic related for me

Gearfried/silent magician lv8

Gearfried. He's cool



What TAG FORCE is gonna give me the best of dating sim?

Whichever one has the characters you want to date I assume

Seems legit.

>best gambler
>best wingman
>best spirit partner
Easy choice. We'd be a hit in the seediest of gambling dens and whorehouses.

I mean if theres one of the 6 games in special that stands out as far as plot / relationship with your partner

can you guys help me out? I'm not sure what this card does, can someone please explain it to me?

We'd grow together.

Its gets you a free +1 and a game/match loss because it isn't legal to play.

Select your character


Bob McGuire 'cause I ain't no fuckin' GAYle

Left to right
>Wins with shit like Final Countdown
>Direct damage using spells while filling up the field with creeps
>Destroys your monsters using effects
Only one of these guys is actually good


The holy trinity of YGO girls. Although Aoi has been pretty cute so far.

poor rata

>Dat OST
So good


>Kaiba hires Golgo 13 to murder Yugi in a maze

God I miss when Yu Gi Oh was somehow even more insane than it is today.


Only one true option

Read the manga. Literally everything that Kaiba does tops it.


Shadow Realm Card Games while drifting a car around a mountain


This...this can't be real.



Reminder if you guys don't talk about the games this thread will be deleted. That or just take this to tg where you belong.


Kiss my ass.

Which show is this from?

but more importantly, can you FUCK your spirit partner?

youtube.com/watch?v=91Sf5G2Ei14 Best theme in the game. Prove me wrong.

Evendentally 6 is the one where the waifus become thirstiest, but it's the only one out of the 7 to not get story mode translated.



I have several questions

Yes. Yugi's spirit partner is DMG who's thirsty as fuck for him and Kaiba's spirit partner is a dragon version of a waifu he had in a past life

All plebians kneel before the leader of the greatest deck


Couldn't you fuse this shit with something?

That Original YGO feeling.

DL has some great tracks, Joey's also the Chazz theme is stylish as fuck.

YGO is vidya, take it as you want.

implying thats wrong?


Reminder that you should kill yourself

I'm behind as fuuuck. Which is great. I can marathon it.


2010 was a lot of fun and had great music. i have no clue if 2011 is any better tho. i hear its slightly buggier......from ign.



Nice. Are these tournament legal?

Worth it to see the look on the judges face

2010 is better for sure.

Arc-V's characters were all wasted. The legacy characters were a bad idea. That and letting Ono direct in general.

not sure why but this was my favorite card as a kid and still is. same with master of oz

Dark Dust Spirit. I remember the old days when I make my opponents BM by tribute summoning DDS.

Fuck everything. Give me a post-DM series. Yugi's monsters are the shit. DSOD just makes me want more of the original cast.

Are Noble Knights even relevant? I shouldn't talk shit anyways, because I still own aHieratic deck and Lightsworn deck.

Really any of the Ghostrick monsters. They're all pretty cute and the artwork on their spells and traps generally makes it look like they'd be fun to be around

No longer the worst MC and Zexal wasn't even that bad. Just a more hip version of the original DM but is shit until around episode 35.
S2 is good. Arc-V will never get dethroned by another series with how bad it was.

They sank almost instantly. Sad really.

I could not get through one season of that shit. The most braindead protagonist to date. Doesn't know the most basic rules of the game, and apparently he later gains the magical power of LITERALLY CHEATING by creating cards out of thin air.

Shun was a treasure.

it gets even better and shit hits the fan in S2

Alright, Sup Forums name your favorite YGO opening, Doesn't matter if it's ENG or JP.
I'll start first: Hyperdrive

unironically Zexal's 1st opening
second place goes to GX's second opening


my bad I meant 3rd not 2nd
