
I have not had this much fun with a Souls game since DS1.

What did Sup Forums think?

Toasterfags not welcome.

Other urls found in this thread:

Should have stayed PS4 exclusive. They've soured it now.

Pretty much. It was an awesome game before but now it's yet another chinese Souls copy.

What do you mean? The more people who play a game you enjoyed the higher chance for a sequel or that other devs will make more games like it.

Why'd you have to start with the console-war shit?

I don't understand you people. How does having more systems to play a game on detract from the game's quality?

Because retards believe success is a finite resource.

PCbros ruined it. It's as simple as that.

What, exactly, changed in the game for you playing on a PS4 that made you change your opinion because it came to PC?

because now pc fags will put in their two cents on what they think the game should be like and ruin the second one. then when the second one is trash they will complain and review bomb it and watch another series go under.

the pc gaming community is cancerous. for proof, just look at the time of games that a most popular right now.

Is GMG gonna get more keys or am I fucked

am i considered a toaster fag?

This is expert level baiting right here. Not gonna lie, it got me.

low tier

buy/pirate to try

Is the online worth paying for or should I just get the cracked version?


If only PC's taste could be this patrician:
South Park: The Fractured But Whole
Middle-earth: Shadow of War
Assassin's Creed Origins
Gran Turismo Sport
NBA 2K18
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition
Madden NFL 18
Grand Theft Auto V
WWE 2K18
Destiny 2
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
The Last of Us Remastered
Mortal Kombat XL
Ghost Recon: Wildlands
The Evil Within 2
Rocket League
Dead Island Definitive Edition
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
Minecraft: PS4 Edition

Nothing says quality taste like 5 fucking sports games on that list.

You could probably run it at 30 as PS4-tier (medium) without a hitch. 4k, ultra quality, max fps isn't happening though.

You're fucked. They only got those keys with nvidia graphics cards and the game's no longer being given out with those.

shallow Souls-alike in a ancient nippon setting -- no innovation whatsoever and combat feels meh

being force to play as a Geralt-san generic is the nail that puts this game even below the shitty DS2 coffin

Already did pirate, its running 60fps on low. i dont care about graphics

It's good, I just beat the lighting lion thing and have done all the available sub missions. I really like the combat and the mission map style isn't as annoying as I thought it would be when I first saw it. I actually like having levels separate like this and not trying to force a cohesive world. Also fighting the blood stains is a really cool concept and executed well I think.

Damn, man. They were throwing sucker punches but you just walked up and stuck a knife in their ribs. You didn't have to fucking kill them.

>win10, by NSA

>souls game

are you fucking serious?

It's better for everyone if the war ends early.

lets PC's list.

>This shit tier online

I pop on for jolly co-op and I'm getting killed by the first boss trying to carry my partner because I get lag BALLed a bunch of times while they hide. Didn't have problems like this on wifi Demons Souls even.

I loved the first play through partly because I didn't know sloth trivializes everything

After that it turned into diablo lite which is not my style (same with dragons crown oddly) but first run was great

Oddly enough let it die is the souls clone that grabbed me most simply by getting new tiers of armor and weapons which involves a lot of grinding but I enjoy the payoff more, and they add more tiers every few months

The bloodstain are online people who died like in dark souls? im playing the pirate version, so i assume they are just npcs from the game

Well lucky you. You didn't.
Nioh is not souls.
It's Onimusha.

Okay -

Why not just run it at 30 and on high? That way you get the decent visuals AND consistent frames...(?)

>inb4 >60fps is unplayable meme



oh my god, you really are retarded.

Co op doesn't work for me or am I too ahead in the game?
I'm ok with it but if i'd wanted single player i'd pirate it

I thought it was a genuinely fun game on my PS4 and I'd love to run it on a higher resolution with better FPS on PC.

> "


the pc master race, ladies and gentlemen.


I'd like Yasuke as protag for a Nioh 2.


I genuinely don't understand how 720p is acceptable in 2017.

Let it Die would have been perfect if not for the mushroom cheese and obscene damage/health buffing on enemies as you climb. That game has top tier combat.

Complimenting your own posts this obviously

You need to go to a shrine and do it from there, I believe... both players may need to be at that point in the game, though (*not having beat the mission, just AT that point)

you also need those "Ochoko" thingies to do it

>the most popular game on steam is a game built around a single game mode.

you're embarrassing us goy.

>thread is ruined by post 1

I payed it on PS4 when you could do more fun shit. Enjoy your watered down no fun allowed PCfats.

I know but i never find anyone.Not even searching. I'm "online" too.

Is this implication here that Steam does not reflect the most bought PC games? Or are you a multi-stroke survivor?


Sakon is aids, just a walking health/hyper armor sponge.


Ominusha was never as good as Nioh.

but is very much more reminiscent of it than Soul's passing mechanics

Correct. It was better.

i know its been said 80000 times but i don't get the souls comparison at all other than the games are both hard. it plays literally nothing like a souls game




onimusha 1 was one of the first ps2 games i got and i seriously probably beat it like 10 times

Regaining experience on death and lost on second death.
Literally the only thing.
Everything else about the game is taking from other Ninja team games and such.

And I beat Nio on the PS4 9 (I literally restated it the second I beat it) times and have already beaten it 3 times on my Pro and am currently working on my first playthrough on PC.

See how little this matters as an argument?

i actually forgot about that desu

i wasn't arguing just telling a nice story about a video game i like

Pretty fun, but the sub missions are pointless filler. Also, the port is trash. It runs 60 FPS in the outdoor areas, but drops frames significantly in the underground/cave sections even while looking at a fucking wall.

more original than this souls wannabe

also if you've actually beaten nioh 12 times thats kinda weird man

Played two hours so far. I've gotten the "wow, this is just like dark souls" - realization every 15 minutes or so, but apart from that it feels like playing Demons' Souls for the first time again. As in that it sure reminds me a lot of the Souls games but at the same time it feels like its own thing and something I haven't played before.

One question though, do I miss anything important by not playing online?

Is there a cheat engine table for skins yet

can i at least get a stable 30fps on low?

mouse and keyboard fags get fucked lol

just edit your glory

You'd get stable 30 on the lowest settings in -most- areas.

waifu skins



>the UI's essentially a copy-paste
>the "learn your enemies moves to win" strategy is still in place
>combat is more about avoiding hits than it is about tanking them
>dying is downright expected
>attacks and movements feel weighted based on equipment choices
>single-character adventure focused on kitting yourself out according to your playstyle

Yes. It's not set in a dark-brown castle, and yes it's got more than 3 friendly NPCs in the entire game. But it still has more in common with Dark Souls than people are willing to admit.

Face it, FROME aren't the only ones who are """allowed""" to make this genre.

The graphics looks pretty lame. How can I make it better?

most areas is good enough for me. guess ill grab it now.

Have you put it all on max from the launcher and the in-game menu? Try downscaling from 4k. That's what I do and it looks awesome.

I have a 1080Ti though so hope you're heavily armed if you intend a good FPS on top of that.

gill yourselb

>What did Sup Forums think?
7/10 at best. Never bothered to finish it.

Jesus that's putting a lot of money into your computer.

I work for an architect company and we often use incredibly bleeding-edge GPUs for visualizations and other 3D modelling.

In an industry as driven by the pitch as architecture, we can't have FPS drops during our demos.

>when someone reposts your webms


>never bothered

You mean "never able", casuak fuck

I love this game but no one ever talks about it.

My one and only platinum

They literally ripped ideas straight from souls, even according to the devs. If you're too retarded to notice it's not our problem.

>literally spinning for almost half a minute
holy shit

It's too bad, because I too really enjoy it and was thrilled when it came out on PC.

I really wanted to see how this game would look and run when it was rendered perfectly.

But on the other hand I knew what this would turn into. Endless denial by console-kiddies against endless "thanks for beta testing xD" from PCfats.

I sometimes wish consolewar-loyalists on this board weren't such cunts. Destroys any chance to talk about actual games.

It gets even more broken than that, you could stack over 100% ki reduction (critical) for infinite spins but they patched

New player here:

I picked swords and spears as my weapons, but now I'm using odachi. Is this a good idea or should I restart? Is Odachi even a good weapon? And for my build do I just keep dumping stats into modifiers for odachis (strength, heart, stamina)?

Also what do I do with all the equipment drops? Do I sell them or dismantle them?

It's okay in terms of difficulty, it's just very boring later in game.


what does fluidity do?

I can't tell if shit like and is ironic shitposting or console war shit has ruined this board beyond saving.

>Is this a good idea or should I restart?
starting weapon choices mean virtually nothing

it's a single stat point for the weapon's primary scaling stat and that's it

most people bring all of their base stats to softcaps at around 10, making starting weapon stats not matter at all

pretty much every weapon in the game is good except for tonfa

odachi has the best living weapon moveset in the game

retarded yakuza loyalist who thinks fucking videogames should only belong to once company and be held hostage on shitty systems

Tonfa is good in a way.
It is entirely Defense based,

Don't bait me

it lets you do spear stance change from any stance, which is a little spin you do with the spear at the end of a combo

spear stance chance is normally something that only works in high stance

the webm shows that you can completely bypass the weapon art and do it from any stance anyway if you change to high stance while you're in the middle of your combo because it won't proc a ki pulse, and then do the ki pulse to trigger it because you're in the proper stance for it now

At least on London level. My only gripe is from drop to 55 sometimes for absolutely no reason.