So this is the power of video game journalism, huh? Not bad

>So this is the power of video game journalism, huh? Not bad.

>You live on an age where the guys who gave their lives at the beaches of Normandy would have been called bigoted nazis.

>You live in an age where you have access to enough information to realize that the bad guys won and they sacrificed countless good men to make sure there would be no resistance to them turning their grandchildren into trannies.

WW2 will go down in history as the event that killed Western civilization. It doesn't matter how they bastardize it, it's legacy is already written.

>You live in an age where entire cultures and societies can experience massive shifts in thought over 70-80 years.

Wow, any other fascinating insights, Mr. Teenager?

>Le Nazis were Le good guys

Found the tranny

>Ugh, it is the current year
Newsflash, not all changes are good and thus not all of them should be welcome

>at least two genders

That happened before, it's called the Fall of the Roman Empire

Your post has really gotten to me.

>you live in an age where NEETs sit on a videogame discussion board and cry about World War II being "the good old days" because there are liberals who write irrelevant blogposts they don't agree with
Do you faggots ever take a step back and really look at yourselves

>Cry about World War II being the good old days
You're a real insufferable cunt if that's what you got from that post.

>at least two genders

Touched a nerve, huh?

>at least two genders

>>you live in an age where NEETs sit on a videogame discussion board and cry about World War II being "the good old days" because there are liberals who write irrelevant blogposts they don't agree with
my god fucking this, hilarious to see Sup Forums glorify the 50's like it was exactly like the sitcoms

I live in a country where I can be sentenced to prison for saying "I don't like Jews" on facebook.

Remind me again how this doesn't effect me.

It's actually a fairly bangable girl.
They just buy into all this genderqueer bullshit to virtue signal.
I know heaps of lefty chicks that act like that, but actually haaaate trannies for real.
A mate of mine used to pretend he'd dated a few trannies when we talked to chicks and it was an instant turn off for them.

>You live on an age where the guys who gave their lives at the beaches of Normandy would have been called bigoted nazis.
they always have been called nazis you fucking retard

They're all certain they would have a big nice house, a good job, a good car, and a doting housewife just by magic simply because it's the 50s. If you're a worthless faggot who has achieved nothing in this timeline then chances are you'd be a worthless faggot in every other timeline.

>Sup Forums - Video Games

>The Allies had no casualties

I'd like the Sup Forums kids to really be sent back to the 40s or 50s so they can see how many people enjoy their "ironic" nazism. Imagine trying to explain "it's just a meme!" when you're getting your shit kicked in by everyone.

>the germans had no casualties

Remember the simpler times, when you were a kid and video 'games' where just games rather than an excuse for people to virtue signal?

Objective data shows that the US was better when it was the 1950s, and it was also racially homogenous. But you don't care about that, because you're a leftist, so when the US gets more non-white, and more third world, and the Brazilification and South Africaization of the US continue, you're gonna say "hur why did this happen" because you don't see the obvious. Dumbass.

If you can't think of historical events on a level deeper than
>Good guy
>Bad guy
Then don't comment on them

Whoever wrote this needs to kill itself.

>Implying he was talking about the germans

embarrassing, just stop.

>Waaah games aren't just catering to straight white men gaming is dead
White people aren't the center of the Universe.

>at least two genders
Why not “both genders”?

>I live in an age where the guys uphill on the beaches of Normandy are considered heroes by Americans.

Don't act so high and mighty.

the war and holocaust helped against overpopulation and postponed it and its problems a bit

germans were the good guys

Does agender count as a gender or is it just the lack of a gender?


Yes they are, get your third row soldiers out of here.

he is 100% right you mentally deranged libshit lefty commie shitskin dick sucking fuck.

he was clearly talking about the people who died at normandy and germans also died there

You weren't even alive when that age began, my underageb&.


>at least two genders
>at least two genders
>at least two genders

>I'd like the Sup Forums kids to really be sent back to the 40s or 50s so they can see how many people enjoy their "ironic" nazism.

Well, the strongest neo-nazi movement happened during the 60s, and the US was a hell lot more tolerant of them, George Lincoln Rockwell spoke in many universities, so we'll fit right in. Furthermore, many will not need to be national socialist because they will be satifised with the immigration policy restricting non-Europeans into the Us, and blacks not being allowed into power, and anthropology still being based about race because there is no mass race denial movement going on.

If anything, its the commies whose ass will be getting kicked.

Not him but.. Yeah, you really should.

Better by what measure, exactly?

literally replying to a post that says
>bad guys won