Why in fuck do we all put hundreds and hundreds of hours into Elder Scrolls games when in reality there is nothing particularly good mechanically about them and the writing, quests and overall gameplay is in reality pretty fucking bland?
Like I think we all admit that Skyrim is an incredibly shallow game, but I assume most here have hundreds of hours put into Skyrim, modding Skyrim etc
Why in fuck do we all put hundreds and hundreds of hours into Elder Scrolls games when in reality there is nothing...
Speak for yourself faggot
are you going to make a point?
I'm about 30 hours in to a heavily modded Skyrim SE playthrough.
I played Skyrim back when it was released but only got about 20 odd hours in because I was moving country at the time with my ex girlfriend and my life was actually busy.
I'm really enjoying it so far. It's modded off its tits and the experience is great.
There are still some balance issues despite the drastically improved combat, perks and spells that mods bring to the table but there is still something incredibly fun about just running out in to the vast world and doing what you what when you want to.
Skyrim is a good game that has become a great game modded properly.
Because no one really makes games like TES.
>I assume most here have hundreds of hours put into Skyrim, modding Skyrim etc
Probably because most of the people who played it here were in 8th-10th grade. It's a decent game minimum
It's like a shitposting on Sup Forums.
im guessing YOU were in 8th and 10th and live in a giant bubble of no self awareness
I think a lot of those hours are spent running across barren landscapes, or crafting daggers, or creeping through a dungeon. I mean, how much is really accomplished in a few hours?
nigga wut
Because there's no other RPG on the market that captures that same Diablo loot cycle from a first-person view.
Yeah i thought it was decent at launch too. I got 120 hours on my first playthrough. The flaws didn't bother me until i was about half way through the playthrough.
>but I assume most here have hundreds of hours put into Skyrim, modding Skyrim etc
I have like 2 hours in the game and most of it was me trying to figure out a framerate issue I was having
>put hundreds and hundreds of hours into Elder Scrolls games
No fucking way, unless you're an autismo with literally no other games. Even modding it really isn't worth it.
Dragon's Dogma btfo of it completely. Your only excuse is if you were a completely clueless kid playing your first game, or a mustard who had to wait for the retards to bother to port it.
If Dragon's Dogma was on the PC back then, Skyrim would have no way of competing with it.
imagine being this delusional
You're right that hey would also need a literal circus announcing the game like Skyrim had to actively compete with it on a large scale, but the point still stands that it is a poor game and Dragon's Dogma would have offered an alternative to all those people who say "sure it is shitty, but Skyrim is the only game that offers what it does :)"
Because the lore is good
I still like it, but when you find out almost everything there is to know about it, it just loses it's appeal to keep you hooked.
Not like they'll ever show us any of the cool shit they mentioned and will probably bring even more completely retarded bullshit like the levitation act.
They will probably have to expand certain restrictions as every game releases but i still think it's a cool fantasy universe no matter what they change. As long as they don't do to next TES what they did to Fallout 4 it's going to be fine.
because Todd has a monopoly on Single Player, Open World, Sandbox RPG. TES and Fallout are the only ones of it's kind.
There's something weirdly comforting about them. I mean, I've played Skyrim to death, over multiple platforms, but it's always a good fall-back for if I just want to mindlessly do something for a couple of hours.
Hell, a few weeks ago, I started a save file with an Alternate start mod, built a house near Whiterun and plied my trade as a hunter. I'd never actively seek combat, carried only a longbow and a short sword, wore lightweight armour and would hunt wildlife for their pelts and meat, then I'd sell them in Whiterun.
Sure, it's kinda autistic, but I enjoyed it.
>lore is good
>it's literally just someone's dream
Yeah, i agree about that part being quite cliché but if you account for all the crazy metaphysical shit going on, it doesn't really matter that it's all a dream.
Most people's first open world RPG is an Elder Scrolls game. They are so enamored with the huge scale and freedom allowed by the player that they don't notice how fundamentally shit everything else in them is. Even Morrowind.
>some obscure Japanese game VS the new game from the creators of Fallout 3
For cute Argonian males.
I've been meaning to do something like this, you know, roleplaying a bit, but every single time I end up doing something outside of my roleplaying, like actively seeking dragon walls when I'm not supposed to be the dragonborn or using a sword and shield when I'm supposed to be a thief
Maybe I just need something to restrict me like the fast travel restriction or disabling dragon walls. Maybe bumping up the difficulty to master to encourage myself to sneak around enemies rather than try to engage or even stealth kill them.