How the fuck were you supposed to know

How the fuck were you supposed to know

To be fair you need a very high IQ to understand Mario Odyssey.

there are coins on the ground around it

How could you miss it?

shouldve turned on game journalist mode

Fuck, I knew that leaf was important


>Game journalist mode

Vinesauce figured it out. I like to think I would have too, but I never found one of the coinpurse enemies.


I figured it out myself and the satisfaction was orgasmic

This isn't real, is it?

I hate to admit it, but I had to use this during the start of the Lost Kingdom. I didn't get how the stairs worked (I kept butt-slamming the lowered parts, which didn't work, so I thought I had to use some other power to trigger them), and kept trying to do shit at the poison swamp with the Wigglers. It didn't help that you can easily get up to the first ledge without the stairs, but not the second.

lol brainlet

>TFW Got up all 3 stairs through ground dive abuse but then spent about 5 minutes trying to figure out how to jack off the fucking vulture

"Game Journalist Mode" is a joke, but it's a real feature in the game. Some of the postgame stuff does offer a decent challenge, but there's a whole lot of "Baby Mode" options in the game. You can have arrows on the ground, have your big brother play as the hat and do everything for you hide, and even just buy all the stars you need to unlock the last set of levels.

ah, you're very dumb

Easily the hardest moon in the game to find. I would have never found it without looking it up.

There's literally coins on the ground right there, and that plant sticks out like a sore thumb compared to the rest of the scenery. Put 2 and 2 together.

In my defense, I was really tired at that point and just wanted to see New Donk and was getting annoyed at all the cockblocking.

My issue was that I just didn't expect it to take that many coins, wasn't it like 400?

I didn't know how the stairs worked so I just jumped up to where cappy was at. Using wall jumps and dives to get to where I needed to be. Felt really great until I saw someone ground pound the stairs the next day.

>6hp by default