Why do people play this?
Why do people play this?
Other urls found in this thread:
because your mom is gay
because it's fucking shit and I'm waiting for battle for azeroth an actual decent looking expac to come out.
Because I work a graveyard desk job and my days fly the fuck by when I play it
BFA looks worse than Legion, the only good thing bout it is the stat squish.
My friends are blizzdrones.
When Blizzard popularize some unpopular game genre by copying a game and just making it more braindead, they fucking love it.
They are fucking junkies, when they play games other than Blizz garbage, they lose interest after 1 hour. But they can play games for Blizzard for fucking decades. it's insane.
I took a long break shortly after Argus came out, picked it up again the other day on my Warlock and burned through all the content in it already.
So basically looks like I'm hiatusing again until LFR Antorus is fully out in January.
WoW is no longer wow
And Why i m looking forwards to Vanilla and why i can't get in now's WoW
>Versality and all those new made up stats are gone, You actually have RPG stats and gear is much more interesting
>You have Block value and Block isn't only 30% Always whether its a boss or level 1 wolf attack
>no Mana cap on max level
>Warriors were actually hard to kill, not like paper today. And there was difference between having plate armor or cloth
>Classes feel unique,
>not every class has a heal and a stun.
>No 3 spells on your action bar
>No level scaling, so that way you feel like you are actually progressing and getting stronger
>Old talents
>Good Buff system not 6/6
>Actual RPG feel
But I think Vanilla is a bit overratted. TBC and WOTLK were where its at. TBC was excellent since it added spell power,arenas and more talent trees were viable. WOTLK was Prime and best. And despite hate i enjoyed Cata, it was last expansion WoW still had some WoW in it.
Blizzdrones play it because it's a single player game in disguise as an MMO, they like to be able buy heirlooms or instant level up packs to skip the entire game and just do the terrible watered down endgame content.
WoW was at its best in vanilla and TBC, Wotlk was the beginning of the end and everything after was just shit - but Blizzdrones are still obsessed with it of course.
It's fun. For me at least
My boyfriend offered me a free Legion sub, should i go for it?
Is fun
just legendaries suck
its fun and well designed
there are some issues with it, leggos, titanforging and zones are too cramped, but overall very decent expansion and BfA looks to take the criticism to some extent and fix it while also improving the good parts of legion
and why does whole of Sup Forums consist of shitty bait threads like these
it gets old really quickly
clips dot witch dot tv/DeliciousDepressedCrabFeelsBadMan
aside from a few mythic fights, this is the best game for high end raiding although the prevalence of WA is forcing blizz to design cancerous RNG boss mechanics. Don't pvp so no idea how that is.
What's that item supposed to be?
its the only MMO with fluid gameplay and raids
Sometimes I feel the strong call of the siren, telling me to start over with another orc warrior or dragon ball mage.
It's getting harder and harder to resist nowadays.
start of this expansion, every spec gets a weapon they use throughout it's entirety but now you have to farm 3 "jewels" with a talent trait in them that you put into your weapon. so instead of farming 1/2 weapons every tier, you now farm for fucking 3.
Just wait for Classic.
>warrior without heroic leap
the only game that caters to people who like complex teamwork/organization in a group setting
Very few mmos feel as smooth, polished and intuitive
It's as shallow as a wading pool at this point, but it plays well
Go back to youtube faggot
I think legendaries took legion from being second to third best expansion to second worst.
Can't wait to see what blizzard will fuck up next.
Stance Dance though
>smooth, polished and intuitive
Is that a codeword for "impossible to die at"?
It's really fun and has tons of content.
Yeah that's probably what is going to happen.
Me playing a few weeks on classic and then hopping on retail.
Fucking vanillafags if I get a relapse it's all your fault.
It's a good game.
The only people hating it actually believe artifact power is a grind.
No, I mean the combat is smooth, abilities are reactive and the ui makes sense
>get 10 legendaries
>do way less dps than I should because I still don't have the legendaries I need
>spec gets dumpstered and I have to start all over
>way less
Maybe at the start of the expansion. The difference in throughput between best and worst legendaries is not very severe currently.
But I will concede that the legendary system was not perfect.
I'm lonely and even if it's shit it's still the best MMO.
That's a really long time away.
still the best mmo
tho i don't see the point in it anymore if you're not raiding.
because I need a timesink game to grind mindlessly and listen to podcasts and I like the mechanics
That's more of an annoying limitation thanks to the rage decay.
Back then on my rogue I never had to deal with shit like that, always sikk dps, always unkillable.
I have friends that play it and it's fun.
I love watching vids in the other window and just chilling out, it's the perfect game to play on slow nights
>an actual decent looking expansion
You can't be fucking serious
>It's the pile of shit that stinks the least
Jesus fucking christ is this what MMO players will put up with at this point?
Just, heap the fucking manure onto my plate. It stinks less than the other piles of shit. Take my fucking money, monthly. I'll even pay for peanuts on the side. Delicious, delicious SHIT.
because I enjoy it
the ideas in BfA could have saved the game years ago though. think about it, instead of steering everyone linearly towards Raids and having to make LFR, even though raids are only really suited to 5% of the players, FUCKING ENDLESS FAKE PVP AND PROCEDURAL GENERATED SCENARIO CONTENT! This is all casuals have ever wanted or needed. just to mindlessly queue up and go and hit some buttons and nothing to matter or have any consequence, and then they get their epic participation badges and feel great about it. this is perfect, now you can remove LFR entirely, safe in the knowledge there is endless other things for non-raiders to do!
So basically make LFR content just don't call it LFR.
I'm actually having fun with the game now because I decided to check out a roleplaying server and it's like a completely different game.
is it fun?
Yes. The random interactions with players are actually fun as fuck.
It is pretty weird at first though, having to stay in character. I got used to that fast though.
This is one of those few games I can confidently say its users are having fake fun. As if they convinced themselves they're having fun, but you can tell otherwise in the sunken eyes embedded in their blank face. They don't don't have fun, they have a habit fed by the chance at getting new loot, while waiting for new content to continue their mundane cycle they feel obligated to.
I used to RP too and want to do it again when I come back.
I head that the server sharding fucks with RP realms and phases people randomly, is this true?
what server? I might want to go back and try that at some point. I'm sick of the usual enless treadmill shit. I'd love to just have some comfy fun. No ERP though fuck that faggotry. are they obnoxious and common?
Sup Forums users in a nutshell
If you're US, there's only two options for RP servers.
Moon Guard for Alliance
Wyrmrest Accord for Horde
Or Emerald Dream if you want to PvP while RPing
I actually haven't noticed any issues with phasing in a while, though I do play on a connected cross-realm server. I remember phasing being really, really bad on Defias Brotherhood, but Argent Dawn is cool. I think it's because Argent Dawn itself is filled with players all the time, so phasing just never happens.
Argent Dawn on EU is really the only realistic RP server. ERP is way overblown by everyone and only ever happens in Goldshire - just stay away from it if it's not your thing. Still fun to check it out once though, it's just funny to look at.
>Argent Dawn itself is filled with players all the time
Good, I was worried server might have died in the years I was away.
Tbh the new zone leveling is really needed in nu wow. You could get away with the old system due to the few times you had and how long it took to get to max level in vanilla but now you just rush through it not even swing like 80% of the content. I can see new people getting into wow now
I swear to God, WoW has the most shitters who have to spout how bad the game is. I understand this is Sup Forums and that's just what happens, but every fucking thread you have to bash not just the game but the enjoyment other people have. I know the game is easier and more casualized, but you can fuck right off about telling me what I'm actually enjoying.
At first I was happy about classic servers being announced, thinking now even vanillafags can have fun again, but no, it just brought out all the elitist asses. Yeah, old wow was fun and you had a lot of good memories, but that doesn't mean people nowadays are having "fake" or "diluted" fun, it's just a different fucking game, and if it doesn't suit you, then move on instead of ruining it for everyone else
Literally any tactical shooter or sim like ARMA, Project Reality, Operation Flashpoint, SWAT, Rainbow Six, etc. Wow and FFXIV ae extremely dumbed down team experiences that boil down to flowchart+inverse simon says
Wow is an addiction. When you play you're never satisfied because the game is shit and it feeds you dopamine with bullshit progress from busy work. MMOs are virtual chores without the tangible rewards.
If it's an addiction, then how come people burn out on it all the time. When's the last time you've heard of a crack head just waking up one morning and saying "you know what? I don't feel like crack anymore"
You're not having fun. You've convinced yourself you're having fun.
Because it's more akin to a sugar addiction. A lot of people can stop when they get too sick, but some faggots will (slowly) die from it
>log in
>do a bunch of world quests
>log out
Didn't last a week
What are world quests?
Cause it's the biggest mmo in the world, one that all the others copy.
You literally have nothing to base that on, you don't know how I play or why.
Besides, there's no such thing as fake fun, if it feels fun to me, then it is fun, doesn't matter how I came upon that feeling, the important part is I have it.
artificial fun
nu dailies
>log in
>raid with my world 35th guild
>log out
>log in
>raid on my alt in my world 35th guild
>When Blizzard popularize some unpopular game genre by copying a game and just making it more braindead, they fucking love it.
Which unpopular game genre?
They made Hots - MOBA game, it's been popularized by Dota and LoL.
Overwatch - shooter, always a popular genre.
>want to have my demon hunter, mage, and warrior on moon guard
>really don't want to give blizzard $75 for wanting to be on a not dead server
player has changed. I don't even know who could enjoy this shit but they exist
woman players should be banned
Legion is trash. I resub when BoA comes out and play zandalar trolls.
>tfw I'll never find cute awkward autist girl and become friends with her again
Every time
Because it's the best MMO on the market. Other games don't even begin to compete.
>And Why i m looking forwards to Vanilla and why i can't get in now's WoW
>Good Buff system not 6/6
>Good buff system
>Paladins job is to spam buffs non stop to the 40man raid because those last too short and by the time everyone is buffed some people buff already ran off
probably shouldn't respond to people that look like they just passed fourth grade with sentence structure like "Why i m"
>PVP based expansion
>So basically years of nothing
No. It looks like absolute shit and I won't buy it. I was already on the fence with Legion and immediately regretted it.
it's pretty fun with friends, but I could see why you wouldn't know that
I am just leveling up a bunch of classes to 110 so that I can raid quick after the new expansion comes out.
Yeah but sexy golden goat girls and void elves.
I don’t know. I was never going to play this game again once the panda one was announced. I never say never because they do correct mistakes.
They got rid of the frost-fire bolt catastrophe and stuff and went back to fireball/frostbolt. I figured once they got rid of the raid journal I’d be back because that was the final time I quit. I skipped Ulduar and came back for ToC and ICC was the only other time I quit.
I cannot imagine ever playing Warcraft again without them Reggie Bush heismanning the entire panda one and new classes.
I don't think the expansion model works for MMOs in the long term. No one plays WoW: the Game anymore, they play WoW: the Expansion 6 which is a massively-scaled down version of WoW the Game. Blizzard has tried to remedy this in many ways since MoP and while their heart is often in the right place I don't think it's been enough to offset the inherent problems in expansion creep.
>Versality and all those new made up stats are gone,
What the Fuck does that Stat do?
What is Sup Forumss opinion on male draenei players? asking for a friend
>Hate the class
>Still chose to play the class
>Bitch until blizzard changes the class to meet your particular fanfic of what the class should be.
Sounds about right. Classes should be unique. Not all the same.
legendaries, massive ap grind, no reason to group with other people other then high-endish raids. buttom spamming also eliminates time to chay with others.
I'm goimg to buy Legion today after I get home from work. What should I roll to be a good PvP healer? I usually play resto druid, but I am thinking about a monk or a pally. Are monks good healers?
lol cuck. play dps like a real man
>Are monks good healers?
not right now, no
druid, shaman, or priest or your best bets. paladin is decent too
Thanks for ignoring the point
im not playing it, but im waiting for that expansion so I can finally level a few alts past northrend