Tell me the last game you played and what you thought of it before I have to deal with you

Tell me the last game you played and what you thought of it before I have to deal with you

Europa Universalis IV
It's pretty shit, I'm gonna download CK2 right now.

This ain't my prescription, doc

OP is not a real doctor, stay away from the street stuff user

The Surge
I like it quite a bit. The level design is amazing. There are only like 5 bonfires in the entire game and tons of shortcuts.

Pilotwings Resort on 3ds

It was an okay time waster. Exploring the island was neat. Pretty short though

great quests and story progression. the environments are a joy to wonder in, and the spellmaking/enchanting/alchemy systems are autisticly fun to mess with.

Nioh, nice comfy coop, beating down yokai with the odachi

I don't play video games.

pretty good. Whore Magala is definitely a casual filter in both sp and mp

CS GO i am one with the cancer and the cancer is with me


Thorn is fun as fuck

>Tyrian 2000
I fucking love it. Great gameplay, great music, good writing.

Mario Odyssey

Moons are fucking everywhere.

Mario Odyssey

It's a 10/10 in the sense that it's execution is flawless but it hasn't really impressed me the way jankier games like Nier: A or Gravity Rush have this year.

neither does Sup Forums

>dark souls 3
This game is fucking awful if you're trying to get into the ringed city dlc at level 30
>Bayonetta 1
Simply amazing.

Mount and Blade

Fuck the Swadians

Just beat Doki Doki Lit Club

Not sure whether to be relieved or disappointed Yuri did what she did when I said yes.

maro odyssey

gud geame :^))

emulating Timesplitters Future Perfect.

Emulation went okay, cant seem to fix some graphical bugs

game is great, truly a gem

just took a nostalgia Trip down NG games
EBF4-it was a Great game Doc
Im still sad about Crush the castle

FF XV. Kinda bland, it's nothing special. I like all the little things it does to try and sell you on the world but it doesn't make up for the problems with the gameplay and story. Music's very forgettable, glad it let's me listen to older OSTs in the car

Sims 3
I just wish it wasn't so difficult to put stairs in the basement

Its Dark Souls except everything kills you in two hits.

Jesus, doc... put the gun down. It's okay man calm down.

Well, I just finished playing some Corpse Party Blood Drive. On paper it SHOULD be better than its successors but it being a Unity game on Vita hampers it severely. Performance is rather shoddy with the framerate dropping every time you turn on your flashlight, and the loading screen. Oh God, the loading screens. Even pausing the game and navigating the menus prompts a load screen, it's ridiculous. Lastly, since everything is in 3D now it takes longer to show animations than before AND the game relies more heavily on visuals than its writing most of the time, resulting in generally tamer bad ends. A real shame, too - this is definitely a more game-like entry than its predecessors and some of the wrong ends do live up to the series standard. Unity fucked this thing hard, though.

vampire the masquerade bloodlines
it was fun i guess

Wolfenstein The Old Blood
Started awfully with longass "stealth" level, but other than that it's clearly superior to TNO, because it's non-stop gameplay, instead of "muh storytelling" "huh feelings" "muh cinematics" constantly getting in way of fun.
How's The New Colossus?

Fallout new Vegas
Doing a unarmed run and it's fun as fuck. I'll probably never go back to guns.

Divinity: Original Sin 2. I convinced a spider lady to deep-throat me, and now I'm apparently smarter. Overall, it's an entertaining game, and I enjoy listening to the narrator drabble on.

>I convinced a spider lady to deep-throat me
Tell me more

Thanks doc


Actually just bought it to support the studio and for the soundtrack. I don't like run and gun games so i wasn't even planing on playing it, but I ended up playing and what I got to play was ok, kind of boring gameplay-wise, didn't die as often as i thought I would, The art and animations are god-tier.

Played DMC4SE, enjoyed the cuhrayzee. Didn't like Trish/Lady that much though. Lady is too ez while Trish feels too bland. Loved Vergil though and replayed classic again,got reminded how much i suck and very rarely rise above S. Now i feel like replaying Bayo2

I don't actually play vidya, I just shit post on Sup Forums. Please don't shoot!

Fate GO
Gacha a shit