What game is stronger lore-wise?
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If Bahamut destroyed the world then how is there even a game left to play?
>Bahamut destroys half a continent
>Louisoix immediately kills him and fixes it, even makes some places better
There isn't. SE made it an unplayable shitfest on purpose.
>Warcraft lore
Thats literally the lore from the 1.0 to 2.0 transition
Elezen dad teleports the cittizens of 1.0 to the world of 2.0 while Bahamut is destroying the world.
It even played out in the 1.0 game universe with a full on war with the Garleans before there was giant meteors everywhere and the game went down.
>Elezen dad teleports the cittizens of 1.0 to the world of 2.0 while Bahamut is destroying the world.
No, he sends a few people into a rift for a few years. Then he kills Bahamut and shoves all the aether back into the planet to heal the damage. It's still the same world.
It's playable if you enjoy learning dance routines and watching really shitty cut scenes.
>What game is stronger lore-wise?
FFXIV, and you can thank best race.
>even makes some places better
I'm genuinely curious because I've forgotten, but which places? Feels like the majority of places were more fucked over than made better.
Funny too though, if you consider the damage of prior calamities its a hell of a lot less severe than a worldwide flood or an entire civilization going extinct.
>I'm genuinely curious because I've forgotten, but which places? Feels like the majority of places were more fucked over than made better.
Thanalan mostly. It has a lot more greenery now, and it even pours down rain daily in Drybone.
Maybe he meant visually? Like the Burning Wall.
>invisible cock
Suppose that was majorly due to the water sources moving around near the end of 1.0, what with the lakes or whatever drying up in western Than and shifting. Too bad the rest of Thanlan/Ul'dah got fucked over by just about every other antagonistic source BESIDES the Calamity.
figures the fucking cat man would have to fantasize dicks everywhere he goes
XIV still has somewhat of a coherent story.
WoW has no coherent plot and is more or less just a backdrop for people to farm new shit.
Pont and case: Sylvanas is Warchief and Tauren are still cool with this.
>ib4 muh opressed alliance of convinience
No go get fucked, Horde babbies.
i don't know about ffxiv
It fucked over Coerthas pretty bad though.
RIP in peace
what's the story behind the sleeping dragon in western coerthas?
is there anything about it
>What appears to be an island floating amidst the icy waters of Ashpool is said to have once been a living, breathing dragon─magicked into slumber by the Holy See until ash enveloped its body and its limbs turned nigh unto stone.
There's a FATE where the spell is wearing off or something and the wildlife is being drawn by exposed rotting dragon flesh too.
Loved that expanse of copypasted terrain patterns. Beautiful.
huh that's cool
one thing i like about xiv is that there's lore and small stories everywhere you go, in fates, npc chattering and sidequests, most of them are really mundane but it's nice
Coerthas got fucked pretty hard compared to everywhere else. Never ending nuclear winter. Also didn't the Shroud get fucked over as well?
What other places did Bahamut ruin? Limsa & Ul'dah seem fine.
You can also argue that World of Warcraft heroes fought an extensive campaign and saved the world from destruction while everyone in Final Fantasy XIV ran like pussies instead of trying to protect their planet.
FF 14 seems like it has a million cool little things to do, but none of it has any real connection to anything that matters.
Also any game that has monks but no option to be barefoot can go eat an eggplant.
Mor Dhona got fucked too
>tfw no transition from 3.0 to 4.0 where Alexander becomes fully active and its reactor core drains the world of its aether, killing all life in the process
you can go barefoot with the nude mod. new foot textures they just updated are breddy gud
Limsa was flooded initially but over time waters receded and people began rebuilding.
Mor Dhona was already fucked. It got fucking obliterated and turned into a wasteland 15 years ago when Midgardsormr kamikaze'd the Agrius.
Did you even see the opening cinematic? Soooo many people died, and so did that grand mangus dude. His shattered staff that saved the warrior of light is in the hall of fucc boiis.
You can buy "The Emperor's New" gear set in one of the Mor Dhona vendors or on the MB and glamour your feet to make you look barefoot.
Is this real life?
Is it gonna get be banned?
>and so did that grand mangus dude
He actually turned into Phoenix and killed Bahamut.
And then had his soul claimed by Bahamut and was forced to resurrect him,
resulting in you having to fight him as the penultimate battle in Coil.
Every country got fucked, the game takes place five years after the calamity and people are still rebuilding.
There's no way for them to detect it, and they'd have to ban the entire RP community which would make them lose out on hundreds of thousands in fantasia sales.
>mfw that cinematic
I don't even play FF14 but it was amazing.
Barefoot or default no shoes, with those goofy fuckin off white sandal things?
Yoshi has a don't ask don't tell policy on addons
You're not supposed to use parsers either but no one cares so long as you're not bullying some innocent stream thot because she's too busy showing feet on cam to do more than 300 DPS as RDM
Wrath & Cata is when the story went full retard & started to be dumbed down for normies, no one except wrathbabby's denies this
Neltharion was a great character in the books, a fucking scheming genius while being a tad bit insane due to the Old Gods, i mean he raped his Sister for days, really sick shit
Of course Nu-Blizzard didn't want to scare the kiddies & normies who started playing post Wrath, so Neltharion became Deathwing: The Gigantic Retard
>installing a fuckin nude mod just so my monk can be barefoot
Im ok with this.
Depends. FF14 goes overboard on nostalgia imagery, but at least its stories are decent to alright. WoW's been in the slump with original stories ever since WotLK essentially severed ties to WC3.
I know OP's picture is basically bait and a gross oversimplification, but since that moment both games did a fairly consistent 180 - WoW has been trying to amp up threats and "epicness" of events on every single step while XIV meddles around with PVP that's "friendly competition", raids that happen in alternative dimension, faraway lands, or your imagination and overall story that downplays the stakes to hide that fact that conflict in XIV is insanely lopsided.
Also, refugees.
Daily reminder that the Holy See did absolutely nothing wrong
Remove dragon
Remove Ascian
That shipful of "refugees" was a boatload of spies and assassins kys, praise uldah
>shitty cutscenes
>XIV still has somewhat of a coherent story.
Garleans could glass the entire Eorzea multiple times over but don't do so just so our little teenage rebellion could succeed, writers just gloss over absolute Garlean technological supremacy instead opting to focus on a DBZ villain with spinning katanas and problems of fucking refugees
Yeah well what I meant was beings from FFXIV vs WoW, not the lore entirely.
Gaius was in charge of Ala Mhigo and the Eorzean conquest for 20 years. He didn't want to glass the continent because he likes subterfuge to force more peaceful resolutions. He was also scared shitless of primals.
Then Nael happened and xir shitty Dalamud plan didn't work.
Then the War of Succession began and Garlemald was busy with their civil war while Gaius had his last shot.
Lorewise it hasn't even been a year since the story started and Gaius died. Now that the Empire has their artificial Echo, they have no reason to be scared of primals and they can start moving in.
>Depends. FF14 goes overboard on nostalgia imagery
WoW is nothing but nostalgia imagery and remixes of Warcraft music, usage of every single Warcraft character and mission under the sun...
For fuck's sake, the log-in screen to Cataclysm was Deathwing wrecking Stormwind as a direct reference to him wrecking Stormwind in WC2.
The only game not filled to the brim with nostalgia references was MoP and ever since then, they have been making "Return to form" expansions. Once again milking the old games for all their worth as that's the only thing people give the slightest shit about.
I still don't understand how they're so much better at cutscenes and setting the mood than anything western MMORPGs have ever attempted. Is it just different approaches?
Well, yeah. It's the same setting in WoW. That's the point. FF14 is simply using familiar shit that's part of FF franchise at large because that's what FF has always done without any rhyme or reason.
It's literally just using the same techniques they use in their SP titles. For some reason western MMO devs have this belief that you have to put absolute minimum effort into them.
Vanilla & TBC kept the WC3 characters in the background mostly, people bitched endlessly about how Illidan was barely in the game at all
It wasn't until Wrath they went
>Ooo member Arthas?
>implying that isn't exactly what they tried with bahamut
It's one cherry picked cutscene out of a hundred of shitty ones that was made to basically bait people into buying the next expansion. You see things like that once every hundred hours.
>WoW is nothing but nostalgia imagery and remixes of Warcraft music
Ah yes I remember when playing Warcraft 2 I visited a shattered planted infested by green and purple while choral orchestra played.
Wait, no, that didn't happen at all.
WoW lore is a bit retard in places, but it has left its RTS origins long ago.
Legion alone had so many retcons to what Broken Shore looks like it's basically a completely different location from TFT.
If anything, it's nostalgia for TBC, and I don't see what's wrong in game staying consistent with itself.
Because direct storytelling. They WANT you to look at the cutscene. In a western MMORPG this would be happening while players would be free to move around as it unfolded in the background or something. It also applies to soundtracks.
>For some reason western MMO devs have this belief that you have to put absolute minimum effort into them.
No, they just weren't trying to make MMOs into single player games until recently. FF14 is a single player game. Nothing says "MMO" as much as cutscenes about anybody but player characters amirite? That cancer got to WoW too.
Name a better expanse of copypasted terrain patterns.
FFXIV was designed to be a single player game with multiplayer content. Other MMOs are less player centric, although Blizzard has largely shifted to a more player centric cinematic approach in recent expansions. The problem is that it is way too late for most players to give a shit about these characters that only lorefags do because they have been interested in them since before WoW.
I can't. No other developers have been that dumb and lazy.
Surely you aren't playing MMOs for the lore, right? Right?
At worst its a single player game with MMO elements. Considering there is a multitude of missions requiring you to complete dungeons/trials that you can not possibly solo and require more than 4 people.
If destiny can consider itself an MMORPG, then certainly FFXIV can.
In Cata I leveled from 1 to max doing only quests. No dungeons. So, you tell me.
Wow had a story? Everyone tell me to skip it
>install huge areola mod
>that glitch
Back to normal nipples
I hope they rework 2.1
Well, you don't really need to interact with people to complete most instances. You just queue and go, and 95% of the time nobody's even gonna be saying a word. They could be bots (and XIV even invented actual fucking dungeon bots, unbelievable). That's barely multiplayer and certainly isn't massive. These games started to cater too much to the crowd that always complains that they "don't have enough time to team up with other people" even though if they don't, they really should be playing something else.
ffxiv is losing players insanely fast, it's pretty sad really. last i checked it's around 200k and is running in more regions than wow lmao
>someone who has never completed any sort of hard/extreme trial when it was current
Story mode dungeons aren't supposed to be hard user.
>shitters cry that shinryu story mode is too hard
>yoshi finally tells them to nut the fuck up because he remembers losing hours off his save in FFV because he opened the chest without knowing
That's what most of the player see. Only 5% even touch hard content at all.
>weeb games
It's higher than that, bots ruin statistic,
Just because that is the most obvious level of content doesn't mean that the rest doesn't exist though.
What's even the point of playing FFIX? They aimed the game for the WoW audience but WoW players won't migrate to it regardless. Should've been its own thing more.
>last i checked
curious to hear your source considering player numbers are rarely ever put out
Sadly it'll continue to go down no thanks to Yoshi P only introducing 1 or 2 dungeons every major patch. Plus some Extreme trials and Savage content, but that really only lasts a couple of weeks.
I think that's the major problem. Introducing content that flies by too fast then you have to wait 3-4 months for a major patch when you've done just about everything else. I wish SE would introduce content so hard that it would take months to complete, like some of the WoW raids. The hardest thing FFXIV has had was introduced in the recent patch and only lasted like 2 weeks, already cleared by 4 groups.
Also the PvP fucking sucks.
>complaining about pvp in a final fantasy game
It's literally the afterthoughts of afterthoughts. It was such in FFXI, and it still is. Final Fantasy games will always be first and foremost, about cooperation.
Generally speaking there's more in-dungeon communication in XIV than in WoW. WoW, you're lucky if you get a 'ty' at the end of the dungeon, and that's about all you'll get. XIV at least has everyone saying hi at the start, explaining mechanics if need be, usually some small talk, it isn't completely dead and robotic.
>What's even the point of playing FFIX?
Garnet's ass and the fact that its probably the best FF besides V.
I don't think making NES-tier filler difficulty content is the answer, difficulty is not in of itself an indicator of quality. There's a lot of side stuff you can do that keeps people interested, but more actual battle content would absolutely be nice, yes. Or just add more fucking houses so people can get lost in the wonderful world of interior decorating.
It's not really the amount of content so much as the endgame loop itself. XIV is insanely scared of getting out of the box. What if you couldn't get good gear from wage expert dungeons but hard to earn it by running harder dungeons with scaling difficulty? What if FATEs were relevant at the cap and gave those rewards instead? What if there were stats and materia that mattered more than "% to crit"? What if there was an actual endgame zone where people actually played instead of everything being relegated to instances? What if 24-man raids didn't release with instantly outdated rewards? What if relic quest was relevant and rewarded achievements with extra skins or faster progression? What if the game wasn't scared of making players do something?
We will never know.
At least Eureka seems like they're gonna try alternative character advancements, so that might be cool, but can already hear the bitching from over here.
Wow raids or I should say modern wow raids only take a month to clear not because of player skill but due to gear locks like Mythic Kil'jaden
>What if 24-man raids didn't release with instantly outdated rewards
I still miss FFXI
IIRC housing is supposed to be expanded in 4.2. Yoshi said something about helping a lot of players that don't have houses be easier to attain.
They say that every time. Don't believe his lies.
>Gaius is never coming back
so what you're saying here is don't think outside of the box, but instead just take from another box and copy it into your own box.
>implying Elidibus isn't wearing his skin
Welcome to the game industry. It's not going to change annnnnytime soon.
>What if 24-man raids didn't release with instantly outdated rewards?
Because if you don't put in the work you don't deserve the gear. It's fucking terrible that any fucking faggot can get a free upgrade piece for their armor I had to spends weeks on getting due to gear distribution in early raiding. The common man should not get any relevant gear period. They should only get gear equal to the current raid tier when they introduce a new raid tier
They copied the carboard might as well copy the box.
But hey if they come up with something even better, I'm game.
We need diadem 3
XI had a better story.
How would you guys feel if FFXIV put mount drops in the 24-man raids?
>The common man should not get any relevant gear period
I don't think I've ever seen a faggier post
God Emergency Missions was such a stupid idea.
So it drops one weapon for 24 people. Fine. That's cool.
But there's chances you'll never actually get in because the spawn is... completely random.
Nothing you do influences it. You can be in there for six hours farming retarded FATEs and NEVER see their fancy new content because it refused to make itself available.
What kind of shit is that? It's like the only thing Japanese can come up with is gacha.
But alright. So what's the logic behind baiting people into Diadem with 280 weapons but refusing to give raiders who clear Ultimate i355? Fucking Christ fire Yoshida already.
I already can't win orchestrian rolls in 24 mans