post whatever YOU think fits the bill. No rules.
Other urls found in this thread:
One of the most immersive HUDs in any game I've played.
I do adore the Dead Space HUD. I'm not really that much into the games but goddamn that HUD is awesome.
This game is a fucking meme. It is not good and I'm tired of reading that it is. The game is not scary, is not horror, is nothing. It's tense because it's poorly made and he Alien AI is dynamic in a BAD way. Spending twenty minutes in the same locker because the fucking thing won't go away is not """immersive""" or """realistic""" it's a waste of fucking time. And that's all the game ends up being. 50/50 time spent actually enjoying the game, and the other 50 being tedium that shouldn't even happen let alone as much as it does, LET ALONE for 10 hours in a 20 hour game.
Then you've got the fucking """"""""combat"""""""" which just serves as a purpose to put other enemies in the game, but those enemies aren't fun to fight, interact with, or run away from.
The game is only good aesthetically, but it's stretched out way too long to even enjoy that.
Outlast 2 was better than this shit and that game is literally "know exactly what you're doing or die" ad neuseum
Mirror's Edge 1
>Spending twenty minutes in the same lock-
Here's your fucking problem right here. The game is punishing you for being a pussy. You cannot just sit in a locker an wait for the creature to climb back into the vent. It would allow you to cheese the entire game.
Fuck off IGN.
I also want to say Crysis 1 and Crysis Warhead
You should kill yourself for even saying Outlast 2 is half decent.
Plus its your fault for not moving you fucking pussy.
Anyone else get really hard when the alien catches you?
(on delta difficulty aka enemies speak korean etc no crosshair)
It's entirely your fault for sitting in a corner for 20 minutes when you could've thrown literally any throwable item (even a flare) to distract ayylien
Doom 3 was very immersive. Unreal too. But for their times, now they're just shit.
The classics:
System Shock 1/2
Deus Ex / Deus Ex Human Revolution/Mankind Divided
Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines
Ars Fatalis
Dishonored 1/2
The Void
Penumbra Black Overture/Black Plague
Alien Isolation
I case could be made both for and against all of these fitting the requirements of the genre.
Most of you seem to be unaware that "immersive sim" is an actual genre label, because those games don't really fit the bill. "Immersive sims" are not really defined by how immersive the game is, but rather by first person perspective in combination the amount of environmental interaction/problem-solving and it's variety the player deals with.
You are a complete idiot and you did not really understand how to play the game. Thanks for letting us all know of your stupidity and making us feel better about ourselves in comparison. Pro-tip: the alien leaves unless you keep making stupid shit to attract him again, like hanging around after closing/leaving the locker (it makes noise), pulling out the motion tracker (same thing) etc.
He does come back to recheck the locker and hangs in general vicinity of those things if he suspects that is where you might be hiding. But he always leaves windows for you to leave and find a different hiding spot. There is never a reason to stuck to one of those things for more than couple of minutes. Also, lockers are quite literally the worst hiding spots in the game, due to the noise they make when entering/exiting. Next time check if you got the mechanics right before bitching about the game.
Well, I was trying to make a joke.
>move out of the locker
>instantly die
Not fucking suck at the game. Jesus. You even have it spelled out for you. Run away or find a non-locker hiding place because the alien will hear the noise the locker makes when you exit it. Also, don't check your motion sensor shortly before and after leaving the locker. As soon as you exist, either make a dash for next safe location, or hide somewhere nearby that does not make a noise while the alien comes back checking the noise.
What's the best immersive sim that has come out during the past decade, and why is it ____Prey_____?
Honorable mention goes to Dishonored 1&2
>Most of you seem to be unaware that "immersive sim" is an actual genre label
OP here, I was aware. That's why I tried to make it clear that this is a different type of thread where you can post completely subjective/unspecified ideals (i.e starting from very basic stuff like first person and maybe some game-specific mechanics that largely contribute to said immersion)
for example, mirrors edge is just a first person platformer. Fairly linear, but the movement has weight to it and the way you execute those moves feels natural enough to be more simulation-like and less videogamey (especially with kbm), and the baked in lighting can be really eye popping. So in this thread, it's not really limited to Warren Spectors idea of the immersive sim, even though that's welcome as well. I'm just curious about games with very immersive qualities that are so well done that they feel more like simulations rather than traditional games. Like, the most superficial example I can think of is just the graphics aspect of Crysis 1. Sure, the game has other 'immersive aspects' going for it, but the graphics themselves are done in a way where they tried to make it resemble real digital video footage, with next to no color correction or any stylization. I think they dropped this idea with Warhead, which is a little a darker overall and somehow not quite as impressive even if the difference is barely noticeable. Anyway, I realize that's just graphics talk, but the intention behind it to me is interesting.
I know, I tried my best to ruin it by considering mgs 2 unironically.
reminder that System Shock 1 is the one true immersive sim, and anything not made by Looking Glass Studios is a garbage imitation of the formula
While the general boundaries of the immersive sim genre are fairly vague (even vaguer than your average, already-vague genre definitions), I still don't think it's a good idea to use the therm completely without consideration it's function or intention.
What you talk about is "immersion". Word that happens to be part of the "Immersive sim" label, but really, much like the whole "role playing" in RPG's - it's not literal, just a customary and completely arbitrary chosen term.
I have nothing about debate about immersive games, but calling games that aren't centered on the aspect of simulated environment "immersive sims" is just a misuse of the term, even when the term is vague from the get-go. Seems counter productive to me - it would be more efficient to just talk about "Immersion".
But all that aside, if you want to play an EXTREMELY immersive game, one of the most immersive ones I've ever played: Go Pathologic.
By this logic Doom 1 is the only true FPS, and everything not made by Id is garbage immitation of the formula.
Wow. I really forgot how fucking retarded people around here are. Jesus.
>By this logic Doom 1 is the only true FPS, and everything not made by Id is garbage immitation of the formula
i see nothing wrong with this
B-but I really enjoyed PREY by Arcane Studios and published by Bethesda
Arkane games have been nothing but watered down LGS knockoffs.
it may sound weird but mass effect 1 for me was really nerve-racking at times. those derelict ships you found that had that Noveria creepy ambient music, and the robot zombies jumping at you from corners...
>Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines
anyone who considers this an immersive sim is a brainlet, who's only familiar with immersive sims on a very superficial level.
Actually, it's pretty much a perfect example of the genre, with only slightly heavier emphasis on RPG elements (much like Dishonored has higher emphasis on stealth). Formally it fits the bill. Especially if you do not take an offense with Arx Fatalis, which puts even heavier emphasis on the RPG elements.
I get that, honestly. I probably agree too. I'll have to check out pathologic eventually, it gets brought up often in these topics.
Wait for the alien to walk into the next room, get out of the locker and head into another room in the other direction.