>enemies can cast hypnosis on you
Enemies can cast hypnosis on you
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw you're getting older and older
>less and less time to get a boyfriend
I haven't had one in years and I don't really expect to again.
>enemies fuck up their reloads occasionally
Because you're so negative about yourself. You should cheer up.
There's not too much to be positive about.
What movie is this?
is being gay actually bad?
>gay shit
Because you're so negative. It's like rolling in dirt because you're dirty. Stop rolling in dirt, say that you're going to be clean one day and start scrubbing.
Wind River
Big breasted girls are the best for hypnotizing.
Big breasted girls hypnotized for paizuri is elder good tier
Nah it's great
>Big breasted girls hypnotized for paizuri is elder good tier
Name literally one time this has ever happened. Please.
>not upside down deepthroating
Already jacked off today or something?
>That feel when you haven't masturbated to anything other than sissy/BBC stuff in weeks
I used to be straight
do you wish to be the sissy or the BBC doing the fucking?
chinzuri bop
More often than not I want to be the sissy, though I wouldn't mind fucking a sissy myself once in awhile.
Hey there user
don't worry. they're still fantasies.
I don't think you're gay until you actually get the gay aids
Hey there!
I'm not sure if you would save these kinds of images if you were straight, user
Repost it nigger
Not only do you disappoint your fathers by being gay, but then you disappoint your ancestors by liking interracial. What a bunch of fucking fuck ups.
I said I used to be straight, I've very recently accepted I'm a total fag.
Why is this posted everytime in a thread like these?
this is a good thread
So any plans to get fucked?
Because I like boys.
Play Saimin Yuugi son
Of course I would love to, but realistically it's way too risky to find someone clean, quick and deceit. I'll just stick to sissy hypo videos
I'm interested
>transformers game thread deleted by jannies
>This stays up for 30 minutes
Huh? You mean in me? Are you black?
> tfw Sup Forums activates boner way more than /d/ Sup Forums /gif/ or /aco/
I can't wait to put you in my fag bag.
How's that boydiddling going, Kevin?
>Are you black?
gross, no
Someone give the sauce NOW
Does really hypnosis work?
Post it user
>enemies can seduce you
No ESL-kun, it doesn't.
did the janitors delete these images specifically but leave the thread up anyway?
what the fuck
If only you were here before the split into /vg/. Sup Forums unironically gave me my fetishes
They do that.
Jannies can't delete threads you fucking newfag.
Sometimes it's better to contain all the fags in one thread rather than let then disperse and ruin multiple threads
Why would it be bad?
Strange how gay threads last so long isn't it. Makes you wonder what the hot pockets think of this
There are always multiple waifu dump threads that are not deleted
sauce on OP
>start dressing like a twink (tight, light colored clothing, converse shoes, sweaters, etc)
>start shaving body including arms, and putting lotion all over my body
>start wearing chapstick every day and reapplying it throughout the day
>start magically losing weight somehow, currently at 126 lbs
>shave face every other day so it looks nice clean and soft
>condition hair every day and shampoo it 3 times a week so it's softer and smells like strawberries
>people start giving me looks whenever i go out very often
Now that I'm here, how do I go in for the strike and get a bf?
>Fighting this sadistic lizard loving freak in Divinity 2
>he charms my lizard
>Immediately imagine her sucking his dick right then and there
can you be more specific
I found a lot of shit with that name
You should date me
Yep, shit.
Is this the sissy white bois thread?
Those at least pretend to be video game related. The fags in this thread are literally not even mentioning video games in their posts
does that thing have a bepis
Are you a big handsome hairy manly guy that lives in the Midwestern US?
Everything except midwest
>Hypnotizing a straight guy into becoming the faggiest queen there is
>Forcing him to unwittingly lead a double life and service you in full drag every night
>Once you grow tired of him, forcing his drag persona to become his main personality and watching as his life crumbles as he outs himself and becomes a complete and utter slut at the gay bars
Nothing better
>tfw cute twinks put so much effort into their appearance they won't accept anyone who aren't a catch themselves
>tfw not a catch
Fuck you guys for turning me gay.
>if I shave I become a twink
It's just so much work
post pics
only if you're an icky boy instead of a pure girl
>enemies come back to life midway through the game unless you burn their corpses
>limited amount of fuel
Im all those things. But Im just now caring today.
I hate scarcity, never a fun mechanic to me
Wtf, stop posting images of my wife
Just not caring, fuck typing is hard.
You lie.
I'm telling the truth. The art style is unmistakable. I just don't remember which one.
I just tabbed through all the results for that i could find. None of them had hypno/MC tags, and just from skimming I didn't spot that panel.
see How can you live in every area except the midwest at once?
Maintaining it is easier than the initial shave. Take like 2 or 3 hours to do it well, then keep doing like twice a week or so. Figure out if you like razors or shaving powder more, and do stuff to prevent razor bumps. I haven't figure out how to prevent them 100% of the time.
Sorry but I cannot, I don't want people that would recognize me to see indecent pics of me.
Just not caring about what exactly?
Oh right, he goes by two names. the one I thought of is where he has his doujins with scat.
Being a catch isn't even enough. Most twinks aren't going to be the kind that had to really work hard for it, and they're going to be swarming with attention from dozens of IRL friends and hundreds of online friends/admirers. Trying to work your way into their life is near impossible because they already have so much, and every interaction will mean less because they constantly are having their ego stroked by people they know better/longer. They'll always feel like they have a lot of options, even unrealistic ones.
t. bitter fag who spent a year of diet/gym becoming otter mode masculine
Yeah. So what's the other name?
Boys, talking, things I'd normally be into. Today just sucks.
All i want for xmas is a big burly bf to play vidya with and do lewd stuff.
Hakudaku MesuHomo White Day
>liking twinks
It's time to grow up and become barachads
>tfw no 6'+ bf to make me feel like a girl next to him
>Hibikifags are mentally ill
How painfully expected.